
Together 'Till The End
I was woken up by the bright sun in my face. I groaned and pulled the covers off of my body.
I got off the bed and went to the window. I quickly closed the blinds because the sun was beginning to blind me. I let out a sigh and  sat on the side of the bed. Every morning I wake up more and more tired. 
While sitting on the bed with my eyes closed, the smell of waffles began to fill my nose. Then I smelt eggs and bacon. 
I jumped off of the bed. I just woke up so I obviously didn't cook anything. 
I swear if Alani was trying to make breakfast again. I don't know what I'm going to do with that girl.
I quickly made my way out of the room and into the kitchen. 
"Alani! I told you not to-" I reached the kitchen and I didn't see Alani in the kitchen. Instead, I looked at the back that was facing me. 
"Oh, you're up earlier than I thought you would be." Mark turned around and smiled at me. 
"What are you doing here?" I asked, sitting down on the chair behind the counter. 
Mark is usually never home during this time of the day. He is always up and out of the house by 5am
"I took the day off." Mark said casually while he whipped together the pancake batter.
"Really? Are you sure you can do that? I thought there was something serious going on and they needed all of you guys to be working." I leaned over on the counter.
Mark only laughed. "Don't worry about that, babe. Just go wake up Alani. I want us to have breakfast together, we haven't done that in a long time." He smiled and went back to cooking.
"Okay, okay." I said. 
I got out of the chair and walked to Alani's room. Alani was peacefully sleeping in her bed. I felt bad that I had to wake her up.
"Alani, wake up honey." I softly shook her awake. 
"Mm." Alani groaned. She was just like her mom when it came to sleeping.
"Sorry to wake you up so early but your dad is here and he's making breakfa-"
"Daddy?!" Alani popped up so quick. She pulled the covers off of herself and ran to the kitchen.
"Well that was easy." I said with a laugh.
I made Alani's bed then walked into the kitchen again. 
"Mommy! Look at all the food daddy made!" Alani said from the dining table. 
I looked at the table, it was full with food. I sat down next to Alani. 
"Can I eat now? I'm hungry!" Alani said excitedly.
"Yeah, go ahead." Mark answered Alani and sat down across from me. 
I put food on a plate for Alani then put food on a plate for myself. 
"So are you going to tell me why you took the day off? Don't get me wrong, I love when you make breakfast but it isn't really a reason to call off of work." I cut my waffle and took a bite. 
"Well I know Alani has been talking about going to the Carnival for weeks now and I don't want her to miss it again." Alani's face lit up when she heard Mark say carnival. "So I decided to take the day off and we can all go together." 
"Yay!" Alani yelled, food almost chewing out of .
Mark and I both laughed, "Finish chewing your food Alani." 
"When we get to the carnival, I want to buy a pink slushy and blue cotton candy so when I mix them together, my tongue can be purple!" Alani has been planning out our day at the carnival the whole time we've been driving. "Does that sound fun mommy?"
"Yeah honey, that sounds so fun." I turned around in my seat and smiled at her. 
"Come on! What is with the traffic today?" Mark groaned. 
We've been in traffic for 15 minutes now. We're used to heavy traffic but it usually doesn't happen on this street. 
"Mommy, will you take me on all of the rides?" Alani's excited voice was getting louder and louder.
Mark honked on the horn of the car. Mark always seemed to be in a rush when he was driving somewhere, it wasn't exactly road rage but he was definitely impatient.
"Mark, calm down. We'll get there soon." I laughed slightly at how upset he was getting about the traffic. 
"Mommy, are you listening to me?" 
"Alani! Can you please quiet down?" Mark raised his voice, not too loud but loud enough to make Alani pout and stay quiet.
"Mark! Don't yell at her. She's just excited about going to the carnival!" I looked back at Alani then softly grabbed her hand, letting her know everything was okay. 
"I'm sorry-It's just we shouldn't be stuck right here. I'm going to see what's going on.." Mark barely finished his sentence before getting out of the car. 
"Is daddy mad at me?" Alani looked down at her hands.  
"No no, daddy is just a little stressed right now. He didn't mean it." I gave her a reassuring smile. 
I faced the front of the car again. I saw Mark talking to another man that stood outside his car. 
Since the traffic was so bad, they were both able to stand in the middle of the street to have a conversation. 
The guys seemed to be agreeing about whatever they were talking about. 
I couldn't hear what the two were saying but I could slightly read their lips. 
"This traffic jam is crazy." The man said.
"Yeah, I wonder what's doing on." Mark replied.
I took my attention away from Mark and the man to look around at the others cars in traffic. That's when I noticed that some of the cars were empty. I furrowed my eyebrows.
Maybe I just can't see the person who's driving, I thought. 
"Why don't we listen to the radio while we wait, yeah?" I asked Alani. I looked at her through the rear view mirror and saw her nod at me. 
I turned the radio on and went to our local station, only to hear the sound of static. I sighed and went to another station, same noise. 
"Are we in a bad service area?" I asked no one in particular.
I changed to another station and I finally heard a voice. It wasn't music but it was someone talking. 
"This is the emergency alert system. This is not a test. I repeat, this is not a test. I have been informed that we've had a dangerous outbreak. It is a serious and terrifying disease. This disease causes you to come back to l-" The voice was automatically cut off and replaced by static. 
"What in the world is going on?" I thought out loud. I looked over at Mark, trying to signal him to come back to the car. 
I saw him and the random man staring at something in a distance. What ever it was looked like it was running towards them. 
As the thing got closer, it formed into the shape of a man. But it didn't exactly look like a man. It's clothes were all ripped and bloody. It's skin looked very pale and you could see it's veins. 
The thing ran right to Mark and the man. Mark began to back away. 
Suddenly, the thing attacked the man. He was biting at his neck. 
Mark jumped back.
"Mark!" I yelled to him.
Mark turned around and came running back to the car. 
"Oh my god, what was that?!" I looked over at him when he got back in the car. 
Mark the car and to the sidewalk. He did a U-turn and drove onto another street. 
"Mommy!" Alani shouted from the backseat. 
"Are you okay?" I looked at him, concerned.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." Mark looked straight ahead as he zoomed through the empty streets. 
I looked through all the windows, trying to find any other people.
"Daddy! I'm scared!" Alani cried in the backseat.
Mark looked at Alani from the rear view mirror. "Don't worry baby girl, we're going to be fi-" 
"Mark! Watch out!" I shouted as I looked at the road ahead of us. Another one of those things were standing right in the middle of the street.
Mark swerved the steering wheel. The car turned too quickly and flipped over on it's side. 
I attempted to reach for Alani while the car was flipping but I failed. 
I started to get dizzy and the last thing I saw was that..... creature in the middle of the road.
Then everything went black...
I know it's only the second chapter but how is the story so far? Are you interested in reading more? Feel free to let me know, I would appreciate it. 
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Lotuspassion #1
Chapter 5: Yeah I would be nervous
Chapter 4: OmG omG whats gonna happen next?? O_O so exciting and so interesting. Kylie is so strong btw. Wow I admire that. I was really thinking that she was going to ask Mark for help but nope, she managed to rescue the three of them all by herself. Admirable!
Thanks for updating!! Fighting!!
Lotuspassion #3
Chapter 4: Really good chapter also is train to Busan good
Chapter 2: OmG this is so interesting! I'm loving it!!!
Lotuspassion #5
Add more chapters please
Lotuspassion #6
Chapter 2: OK add more chapters I want to see were this goes