My Juliette

'Our' Love Story

Play this....


Jinyoung's POV

I laid down on our bed... yes...we stay in the same house cause she's my fiance... 

But she left me... I remembered that day....

Flashback (Jinyoung's POV)

Me and Youngjin were dating for a year.... I'm so happy!
we passed a lot of obstacles and were still together, happy..
Until... I saw her coughing blood! and fainted...
I brought her to the hospital immediately...

after hours of waiting, the doctor came out.. 
"Are you her borfriend?" he asked...
" fiance actually... how's her?" I said...
"I'm sorry... but she have leukimia...she will only have weeks to live.. sorry we can't do anything... just make her few weeks live happy for her.." the doctor said and left...

I was crying and dumbfounded... I went to her room and saw her lying unconcoiusly...
" Youngjin... you can't leave me yet.." I said and cried ...

After weeks... she told me something...
" oppa...promise me something..." she said
"what is it jagi?" i asked her...
"live your life how you used to before you met me.... forget about me oppa..." she said
"do...don't say something like that.. you'll never leave me.." I said and cried.
"oppa... my time is near! we need to face the reality! oppa mianhe..' she said and cried...
" just promise me oppa... you'll live your life how you used to be! and don't forget oppa, Saranghae!" she said while holding my hand..
My tears were flowing down on my cheeks...
Then, suddenly I felt a heavy weight in my hands... her hands were.....falling down...
I looked at her... she's closing her eyes... "andwae Youngjin! andwae!!!" I yelled.. but it's too late... 
I immediately called the doctor and he did everything to make her heart to pump again... but he stopped in the end.. he just shooked his head and said that she was gone...

" Youngjin, Saranghaeyo... " I whispered... 
for the last time... I kissed her used to be warm and soft lips, that now is cold and hard lips..

Flashback ends...

I looked at our photo and held it right into my chest..

" Youngjin, saranghaeyo! And don't forget you'll always be my Juliette" I said and hugged our photo...


The End!!!


that's it for my two-shots jinyoung fanfic!!!

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ilabya12 #1
:'( had to cry~! Y^Y
omg im crying so much and the music is making me more emotional lolz haha i need to calm down hehe omg crying again hehe thanks for making this ='( hehe its so cute and sad at the same time!!!<br />
minnie_4ever #4
@ Auvie_L.joe and whitelove: I'm crying with both of you :'( hehehehe...<br />
btw, thx for subscribing ^^
Omo :'( i'm crying!!!!!!!!! ahhhhh author-ssi~!!! ^^ waaaaaa~
*sniff* *sniff*<br />
so sad~!!<br />
OMO I WANT TO CRY!!!! Update soon! :'(((((