The killer


A few days passed.Everyone accepted me.Well,Taehyung didn't but i don't care.I sleept on the floor.And it was 10:43 PM.

Goddess-Hey,i am going to explore the town.

Jimin-Now?But it's almost 11 PM.

Goddess-Nobody will see me.And nothing will happen to me.I mean here are just mortal humans who have never been in a war.I am a immortal goddess who killed too many people.

J-Hope-Who did you kill?

Goddess-I wouldn't want to talk about that.I will be back in 11:50 PM.If i am not here by then i am in trouble so try to find me.

V-Hope nobody kills you.

Goddess-Hope you burn in hell.

Suga-Have fun.

Goddess-I will.See ya.

I walked out of the house and walked the town. It was11:49.''I should get back.''After ten minutes of walking somebody was behind me.I sniffed the air.''A mortal human.Male.Three of them.They are following me.''

???-Hello there pretty.

The man grabbed my hand.

Goddess-Get away from me.

???-Why pretty?You are with us now.

The man's hand was on my waist.

Goddess-For the last time, get away from me.

You heard somebody scream ''Margaret!''I punched away the man.Killed one.The second one run away.The third one that i pushed away got the knife out.I started walking to him.He stabbed me.I didn't even blink.It hurt so much.But i did not let one sound out.I kept coming closer to him.I noticed BTS screamed my name and they were looking at me.I took the knife out of the man's hand and then he asked me.

???-Who are you?

Goddess-I am the reason you died.

I stabbed him.I stabbed him again.I cut his belly open and started to get his guts out.He died screaming after i cut his heart.BTS was really close to me.They looked at the man.I dropped the knife and then turned to BTS.They stepped away.

Goddess-I won't hurt you.If you don't hurt me first.

Suga came closer to me he saw i was bleeding.

Suga-You are bleeding.Are you okay?

Goddess-Yes i am.I can't die.I will just vomit blood for the next hallf an hour.

Jongkook-Doesen't it hurt?

He tried to touch the cut that was bleeding.I grabbed his hand.He pulled it away as fast as he could.He was scared.

Goddess-I know that you are afraid of me.And i won't lie to you.You should be.I killed many people.Some with my bare hands and some died because of me.

I started to vomit blood.

Rap Monster:Aren't you going to lose too many blood?

Goddess-Then you wouldn't be talking with me.

I started to vomit blood again.

Goddess-Does anyone have a napking or something?

Suga gave me tissues.I cleaned up the blood that was on my mouth.

J-Hope-Let's go home.

I cloudn't really walk.I cloud fell the pain my chest.I did not want them to know.They started walking and i was walking behind them.I let out a groan.They all looked at me.

Suga-Can you walk?

Goddess-I was just stabbed.

Suga-Need a hand?

Goddess-No way.

Suga-Why not?

Goddess-Long story.

Suga-You can't walk.

Goddess-And what are you going to do?

Suga-Carry you.

Goddess-Don't you dare...

He picked me up and carried me.When we got home it was really late.I got better when we got home.


This was chapter five.I hope you liked it and chapter six will be out soon.

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