

Goddesses P.O.V

Goddess-You need to tell my story.

Suga-Tell us the story.

Goddess-Sure.So before everything existed there was us.Eight of us.Brother,sister,me,sister,brother,unknown,brother,brother.There was us and the whistels.One day they,na,na,na,naaa,naaa.They told us how there will be one brother or one sister that will survive and he or she will create the rest of the world.We celebrated.It was wierd,we celebrated our deaths.After few days later my sister was killed.I saw who killed her.But i did not do anything.I did not tell others who killed our sister.Then my brother was stabed.Again i saw the killer.Again i did not do anything.I was just there.My sister and my brother cloudn't take it anymore so they died of sadness.This time i followed the killer.I asked her why did she kill my brothers and sisters.She said because i've shaken hands with him.I walked away.I looked scared and my brothers asked me if i was alright and i lied.I lied.

My eyes started tearing up.I took a deep sigh and moved on.

Goddess-I lied and said that everything was okay.My brother disapperd so i decided to find him.I was walking the dark woods.And there was where i found him.Laying down, bleeding.His last words were she is now known.So i knew how was he thinking abount so i tried to find the killer.And i did.She was with my brother.I challenged her but she possesed my brother so he attacked me.I killed my brother and then i attacked the killer.I cut her belly open and then i grabbed her lung and i cut them too.Then i snapped her neck and everything was over.I became the main goddess.I cloud chose of what will i be a goddess of.I cloudn't move.I was standing there.Like i was paralyzed.I was just standing there.I don't know for how long.But after a long time i finally moved on.I decided i will be a goddess of the:beginning,lies,lonlienes,love,reflection,mothers,awakness,blood and tears.If you have any questions you can ask me.

Jongkook-Why are you a goddess of love and mothers?

Goddess-I loved my brothers and sisters so much.We all loved each other.My sisters were my mothers and daughters.My brothers were my fathers and sons.I am also a goddess of mothers because of this reason and because i basicly created your ancestors.

Rap Monster-Who was before you?

Goddess-I don't know.

Suga-How did the world look like then?

Goddess-I am not sure.I don't remember anything.I just know the story.

Jin-When was the last time you were on Earth?

Goddess-World War II.I knew Adolf.

Jimin-Why did you leave?

Goddess-Because i heard them scream.I saw how they scratcehed walls and doors so they can escape.So they don't breath the gas.

J-Hope-How should we tell your story to millions of people?

Goddess-I don't know.Have any ideas?

V-Why did you chose us?

Goddess-You are famous.And people need some mysteries in their lives.





I hope that you liked this chapter and soon chapter three will be out.

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