Here I come~

Love X2

Ella's POV:

So. We were just given an offer to become idols. Oh My God. I hope Mom and Dad allows us to do this. Unnie and I paid for our drinks, and left the cozy and artsy cafe. We were just wandering on the streets, still in shock of everything. Unnie especially, has been silent for the past 15 minutes, which is like a miracle, because she is always nagging at me. I too, have been pretty quiet. I still can't really believe it. Us, IDOLS. I mean, sure, I have fantasized about it when I was little, what girl hasn't? Okay, maybe only me. But still, I never expected it to come true! After walking for a few more minutes, we realized that we already reached our house.

"We're back~" I said.

"Umma? Appa?" Unnie shouted, "Are you guys home?"

"Ahhh! You're back? Umma went to the grocery store, she'll be back soon." Appa poked his head outside his study and said.

"Oh, okay." Unnie said.

"Wait! Appa, come out! We have something important to tell you!" I shouted.

"What is it?" Appa opened his door and walked into the dining room.


"Wow Wow, relax. Someone asked you to become trainees?" He asked.

"Yeah! Can we do it? He said that we had to get our parents' permissions first." Unnie stated, seems like she got excited too. :P

"Um... Let me talk this over with your Umma first. Give me his card." He reached his hand out and Unnie gave it to him.

"Alright, but me and Unnie REALLY RELALY REALLY want to do this. It's every girl's dream, Appa! Please let us do it~~~~~~~" I even used aegyo.

"Is this what you want to do too, Emma?" He asked Unnie. If she says no, I am going to kill uh. Do something bad to her.

"Yes." Unnie answered confidently.

"Well then. Uh, I'll talk with your Umma when she gets home." And with that, he left the dining room and went back into his study. Awkward silence.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to wait until Umma comes back." Unnie stated.

"Yeah, I guess...."Psh, Umma. Why did you have to leave~

"I'm gonna go watch some TV... Uh... You do whatever you want." Unnie then left the dining room and walked into the family room.

Well, might as go do something useful while we wait for Umma, I thought. I also left the dinning room and headed back to my room.

"I'm back~ Jae Dong-ah~ Help me with the bags please~" Umma cried from the front door.


Hello everyone~ Althought there are no subs, I would still like to say sorry for the late update. XD

Anyways, tell me what you think about it so far~

As always, comments + subs are <3ed.

-Danaq22 :)

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BABYgiraffe #1
Chapter 2: Update soon! ♡
It's really goood.. why isn't anyone subbing.. x.x
Uwwwaaahhh!! My name's up there! I really appreciate it! Uwaaaaahhh! DAEBAK! hope you can update this alot more too~! FIGHTING!