Getting Discovered.

Love X2
Starlight Moonlight  by Secret


Ella's POV:

"Unnie~ Come here~ Isn't this so cute!" I held up a cute necklace that had a heart and a few beads on it.

"Yeah! How much is it?" Unnie asked me.

"It's 11517 Won." Aish, Unnie is going to think its too expensive. (AN: 11517 is 10 USD)

"WHAT? That's too expensive!" Of course, my lovely Unnie would think so.

"Wait!" I noticed a little sign over the cabine,"They're having a two for one sale! You can get one too, Unnie~"

"Hmm.... Sure, I'll get one too, it's worth it more that way." Unnie stated.

I got a necklace that looked like this:

While Unnie got one that looked like this:

That necklace was totally Unnie's style, simple yet pretty and feminine.

We haven't spent that much time shopping yet, but I was already thirsty.

"Hey Unnie~ Can we get something to drink?" I asked.

"Alright, fine." Unnie sighed then said. We walked into a small and cozy cafe that played soft music. We sat down and ordered drinks, Caramel Mochiatto for Unnie, and White Chocolate Mocha for me. We chose a seat by then window, and watched the people walk by. It was nearing the end of summer vacation, and Unnie and I had moved here from the US a year ago. Wen we came here a year ago, we didn't know anyone, and had to start a brand new life. Appa got a job transfer to Korea, and we moved with him. Unnie and I started school with rusty Korean and no one we knew, but by the end of the school year, we had best friends and maybe even a potential boyfriend. (AN: Potential boyfriends, aka crushes XD)

*Di-Ling* The little bell on top of the door ringed. A man in a suit walked in.

"Hello, I'm a scouting agent from Starship Entertainment. Are you to free right now? Because I would like to invite you to become trainees at our company." The guy in the suit came up to our table and said.

"WHAT? Wait what did you say?" Unnie oh Unnie, you and your slowness.

"You want us to be trainees?" I asked in shock.

"Yes. Now would you be willing?" He asked.

"Are you kidding me? Heck Yeah!" I exclamied. "You mean like we get to be idols and stuff?"

"Yes. Here is my card, please talk this over with your parents and get back to me."

With that, he just left. Unnie was still completely speechless. I was in my own little world anyways. Me and Unnie, IDOLS.            Oh my god.


Hiiii, I wonder what you guys think of this~

I had the idea of a twinxtwin romance XD

So I wrote it down~ Tell me what you think!

Comments+Subs are loved~


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BABYgiraffe #1
Chapter 2: Update soon! ♡
It's really goood.. why isn't anyone subbing.. x.x
Uwwwaaahhh!! My name's up there! I really appreciate it! Uwaaaaahhh! DAEBAK! hope you can update this alot more too~! FIGHTING!