Tuna Sandwich and Big Big Jacket

Can I marry Mr.Kang?

Gary thought he knew a lot about animals, especially since he liked watching documentaries on television. Turns out, he knew nothing. As the children ran around exhibts, gawing at the different animals, many asked questions that left him puzzled, slightly exasperated and definitely tired.



“Why are flamingoes pink instead of blue? Can fishes dream? Why do polar bears only exist on one end of the globe?” Questions. Questions. Questions everywhere.



After many painful mind-wrecking sessions, they finally decided to lunch at the nearby hut. Gary sat the children down and had them bring out their lunchboxes. The children showed off their colourful bentos to their clasmates, some containing rice figures akin to favourite japanese anime characters, some containing mouth-watering dishes. In that flood of voices, there was one quiet girl carefully taking out a sandwich from a plastic container. The sandwich looked ordinary, plain and did not look as flavourful as the bentos. Yet, it was special and Gary could tell it was made with lots of love.



Gary sat beside Mi-eun, who gently peeled off the protective layer holding her sandwich together, and asked, “Mi-eun, who made this delicious looking sandwich for you?”



Mi-eun quickly stretched out her hand, offering the sandwich to Gary. She grinned, her lips pulling into the cheekiest smile ever and a little tooth poking out from the right corner. “Mummy made it for me!”



Gary placed the offered sandwich into her small hands. “Then Mi-eun must enjoy all of it! What’s inside this sandwich?”



“Tuna! It’s a really special tuna because mummy made sure its half-boiled! There’s egg mixed with mayo and crackers too,” Mi-eun proudly described the three-layered sandwich. She knew it was a sandwich only her mummy can make, one-of-a-kind, specially for her only.



Gary smiled, though his smile hid the tinge of sadness he felt. When he saw the sandwich, he knew what was inside. He only wanted to confirm it. Because the last he saw a sandwich with such ingredients was when… Gary tries to distract himself, deciding to concentrate on the children in front of him. He thought there would be no way someone could make half-boiled tuna sandwich with egg mayo and crackers. Maybe he was wrong. Maybe others have already learnt the secret recipe.



“Kang-seonsaengnim! You sure you don’t wanna try this?” Mi-eun asked, somehow managing to see through the smile Gary put up. She innocently pulled apart the sandwich, trying to see if there was any strange things insde.



“It’s alright Mi-eunnie! Enjoy your lunch, I’ll be walking around here okay?” Gary stood up, deciding not to dwell on those thoughts, fearing it’d lead him back to her.



Walking amongst the children, who were mostly half his height, did help him feel better. Their laughter was contagious. The children were chatting animatedly, with one of them telling ridiculous stories about how his daddy promised to buy him a lion if he was obedient for a whole year. See, that was why he wanted to be a teacher. No matter how cheeky these little monkeys were, there were still little bundles of joy. Hearing them will always make him feel better.



He knew that they had had their fill when many boys started crowding around Mi-eun, asking her how she liked the animals and listening to her share interesting stories about animals. Yes, Mi-eun is a boy-magnet. Just like the women he used to love, they both have this charm that makes one want to get closer to them.



They quickly cleaned up the hut after lunch, finished the tour and started heading back to kindergarten. When they got onto the tour bus, the cool air-con blew a breeze that caressed their cheeks, providing them with respite from the sweltering heat. It was cool and cozy in the bus, and many of the hyperactive kids had fallen asleep. Some hugged their bags to sleep, while others were drooping off the bus seats.



Mi-eun was definitely exhausted too, her head cocking to one side as she drifted off to dreamland. When she slept, her tongue sticked out in a slight ‘merong’, which was a familiar sight for Gary. But well, many people could have this habit. Despite the many bumps in journey, the children were sound asleep.



It is a cute sight, the adorable little trouble makers finally dead to the world that is.



By the time they’ve arrived back to the kindergarten, many children were greeted by their parents at the entrance. Gary quickly gathered them in the room, marking their attendance before dismissing them. The children excitedly jumped into the waiting arms of their parents, giving them kisses on the cheeks and recounting the zoo experience.



Most chilren had left with their parents and only a few were left waiting in the room. Gary decided to allows them to nap while they waited. The hurriedly ran to get the mattress, using their bag as a makeshift pillow. Gary sat at his desk, discussing admin matters with the teacher-in-charge as quietly as possible.



Only after the teacher-in-charge left could Gary finally take a deep breath, letting all the stress out. Being a new home room teacher was difficult, but Gary doesn’t regret signing up for it.



He was tired, being wrecked by the amount of work he has to do, as well as his heart. There is this unexplainable looming feeling. It made him feel slightly uneasy, it felt as though his heart was going to give up on him. Perhaps it was because he was constantly reminded of the girl he still loves. Fate is cruel, he hopes he did not just jinx it by remembering her.



Gary leaned back in his chair on his work desk, slowly sipping the tea he made for himself as he waited for the remaining parents to pick up their children. One by one they came and fetched their grouchy kids, until there was just Mi-eun left.



He peered from his computer and saw the little angel snoring away. He smiled to himself, silently acknowledging how much he has grown to love her in just such a short time span. It was then, did he realise she was slightly quivering from the cold. Gary took off the jacket that clung onto his chair, tiptoeing as he made his way to sleeping beauty. He gently placed the jacket over the little girl, watching her coil inside and dig into the cover he just provided. The little girl, Mi-eun, was like the perfect child. He was excited to meet her parents, wanting to tell them how obedient and lovely their child was.



He took a mouthful of tea as he began writing his lesson plans for the next day. Little did he know, the very peaceful evening he is having would soon be disrupted by someone he knew very well.


Oh by the way, if anyone is wondering about the chapter titles, it's actually in accordance to Mi-eun's diary entries (which will be part of the final chapter I think)... Please give me feedback~ I left a cliffhanger cos I am evil:P

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Fansmcindo #1
I always wait for update the next chapture
Ann020 #2
Chapter 3: It's okay we will waiting you .
Ann020 #3
Update soon please
NUR_nabila #4
Chapter 2: Update soon i donno why but i think mi eun is gary's daughter ...
Pipoo9 #5
Update soon please.
Totorororo #6
Chapter 2: Maybe the girl is gary's daughter :p
Ann020 #7
Chapter 2: Thanks for update please don't take long time to update.
YoonHoo #8
Chapter 1: Interesting already fall in love with this new ff!! Can't wait for the new update. Ahh I'm curious what happen to Gary n jihyo
Ann020 #9
Chapter 1: Thanks for update ... Can't wait to the next chapter.