Chapter 2

Destiny's Timing


“Jieun?  Jieun? JIEUN?” Seulong yelled into the phone.

He had been calling her name over the phone for around 10 minutes.  There was no reply.  She hadn’t hung up either.  There was just silence.  

“How is she?”  Taecyeon asked.

Seulong just shut his phone.  “She didn’t hang up, but she didn’t say anything either.”

“Just leave her be.  You know how she can be.”

Seulong just nodded.  He shifted in the uncomfortable hospital chair and sighed heavily.  IU was the type to bottle up her feelings and not express herself to others.  He had seen it so many times when she was around Wooyoung.  It worried him.

“I’m sure she’s fine.  She always pushes through,” Taecyeon added, noticing the worry on Seulong’s face.

It was true.  

Seulong leaned back on the back of his chair and thought back to their “Nagging” recording.  

The song was pretty difficult, so there had been a lot of tension in the recording studio.  IU and him weren’t even close back then, and the atmosphere had been horrible.  Seulong had wanted to give up, but not IU.  

They had both received so many scoldings to sing the song differently.  Seulong, being so frustrated, had left the recording studio for a the night.  Even the producer had left to cool off as well.  

In the morning, when he had returned to the recording studio, he saw IU practicing by herself in the studio.  Seeing as she had the same clothes on as the night before, he noticed she had stayed the night.  

The bags under her eyes were huge, and there was a tired look on her face, but to Seulong, she had never looked prettier.  

IU was just the type of girl that never gave up.  She always took care of herself and always pushed for a better future.  The only thing that worried Seulong was that she always tried to do it alone.  

“Hey, are you still there?”

Seulong snapped out of his thoughts and noticed a hand waving in front of his face.

“What?  Did something happen?  Is Wooyoung awake?”  Seulong asked a little too frantically.  

“No, you just needed a little waking up, though,”  Taecyeon said.

Seulong frowned.

Taecyeon just waved it off and gave a heavy sigh.  The nurse had kicked them all out of Wooyoung’s hospital room because the doctor was checking up on him, but they all couldn’t bring themselves to leave the waiting room.  

It was like abandoning a brother.


IU finally moved the phone away from her ear.  

When Seulong had continuously called her name, she couldn’t bring herself to answer him.   felt blocked and hurt so much.  She felt the tears form in the corners of her eyes, but she refused to let them drop.

She hated crying more than anything.  Plus, it almost felt like she was giving up hope if she started crying now.  

If she cried now, it was like she was accepting the fact that Wooyoung might not wake up, and she didn’t want to.  

Something like this wasn’t supposed to happen to her, it was supposed to happen to people in dramas, romance novels, or epic movies - but not to her.  

They were just supposed to grow up, get married to other people, and maybe meet each other randomly in the street someday.  They would just say their greetings and go on with their own lives again.  They were both supposed to be happy, even if they weren’t with each other.

He wasn’t supposed to die.  

She wiped the tears away from her eyes before they could fall down her cheeks.  


All Wooyoung could see was darkness, and it scared him to pieces.  

He remembered the accident.  He wondered if this was what death felt like - a world of emptiness.  

He wanted to scream from frustration, but nothing came out of his mouth.  He was filled with so much emotion that couldn’t get out.  He couldn’t feel free.  

He felt so incomplete, like he was missing something.  He was missing out on so much.  He had failed s, failed his family, and failed the one girl he swore he would never give up on.

He started to run around, even though he was unable to see where he was going.  He felt numb and it scared him.  It felt like he was nothing, like he was nowhere.  He yelled out again, but he still couldn’t hear his own voice.  

Suddenly, he saw a light and ran towards it.  

He didn’t really know how to describe it’s appearance.  It looked kind of like what little kids thought stars looked like.  Before he learned about stars actually looking like suns, he had imagined them to look like shining shapes of light that you could pluck out of the sky.  

He looked at it, entranced by its beauty.

Then, it started to speak.  

“I’m giving you a chance.”

Wooyoung was confused.  What kind of chance?  To go back to being alive?

He wanted to ask “what chance?” but his voice wouldn’t come out.

“The result of this chance depends on what you do with the opportunity I am giving you.  Use it wisely.”

After those words, the light immediately went out.  

That’s when Wooyoung started feeling dizzy.  He felt a painful pounding at the back of his head, like a hammer hitting the back of his skull.  He then felt like he was spinning.  It was as if he was in the middle of a tornado.  

Then, it all stopped.  And he opened his eyes.  


All the 2PM members surrounded Wooyoung’s bed again right after the nurse had finally allowed them back in.  All the 2AM members had also joined them.  

They let the reality of the situation sink in.  

Junsu was the first one that allowed himself to cry.  The rest soon followed, realizing how serious the situation was.  Their brother could possibly be dying.  

Jokwon could no longer try to lift the mood and started to cry as well.  

Many of them left to hide their tears.  The only one left in the end was Junho.  

“Wooyoung... wake up.  You still have so much you have to do here... like 2PM.  And you didn’t even get to tell IU how you felt.  I know you were on the way to do that when you got hit.  You were almost at her house, too,” he started while trying to hold in his tears.  

It didn’t work.

The tears just automatically began to form again.  

“Damn it.  Wooyoung, you gotta wake up.  If you saw us now, you’d laugh and call us pathetic for crying.  I don’t mind if you do, so just wake up.  Please...”

He had to pause for a minute from the tears choking up his throat.

“We’re gonna be a mess without you, you idiot.  Just a few days ago, you were joking about how you were the most important member.  Fine. Are you happy now?  I admit it - you’re the best.  Now wake up!”

Junho buried his head into his hands.

“I take back all the fights we had.  I take it all back.  And do you see how much everyone cares?  They all left so we all couldn’t see, but we’re all crying for you...”


Wooyoung suddenly realized all the throbbing in his head stopped.  The spinning stopped as well.  It wasn’t even dark anymore.  

He opened his eyes.  It was blurry at first, but soon everything cleared up.  He was in a hallway.  A very clean hallway.  

It was white and baby blue.  It looked sort of like a hospital.  He looked down at his clothes, expecting to see a hospital gown.  Then, everything would make sense.  He wasn’t wearing a gown, though.  He was wearing the clothes he was wearing before the crash.

Does this mean I’m alive again?  Did I survive the crash?  But I’m not even in a hospital gown?

Wooyoung walked down the hall and looked into a few of the doors, wondering why he was there.  

He suddenly saw a name that looked especially familiar - Jang Woo Young.

He raised one of his eyebrows.  It didn’t make sense.  If he was a patient, he would’ve been in a hospital gown.  And there was no way he didn’t have any injuries from the crash.  He felt perfectly healthy.  

He peeked into the door.  

His eyes widened.  

He was on the bed.  He was on the bed.  But he was peeking through the door, too.  

The Wooyoung on the bed had bandages all over him and a tube putting oxygen into him.  He was surrounded by medical equipment.  There was even a heart pacer, like the ones he used to see in the medical movies.

He looked so pale and sick.  It was weird.  

Wooyoung looked around the room, confused.  How could he possibly be in two places at once?

He then saw Junho at the  foot of the bed and smiled.

“JUNHO! What’s going on?  Why am I in a hospital bed?  And why am I here, too?”  

Junho made no movement.  

“Hey, Junho.”  

He poked him, but it made no response to Junho.  

“Junho, this is a joke, right?  Come on, stop ignoring me.”  

He kept poking him, but Junho didn’t even twitch.  Wooyoung was starting to get in panic mode.

“Wooyoung..”  Junho started to talk.

Wooyoung beamed.  “So you can hear me.  I knew you were kidding.  You almost scared me there, buddy.”  

““...wake up.  You still have so much you have to do here... like 2PM.  And you didn’t even get to tell IU how you felt.  I know you were on the way to do that when you got hit.  You were almost at her house, too,” Junho continued.

Wooyoung gave him a weird look.  “What do you mean, wake up?  I’m right here.  I can still talk to IU.  Your joke is over.  Actually, it was a fail from the beginning.  But where in the world did you get this guy.  He looks just like me!  Like my long lost twin!”

“Damn it.  Wooyoung, you gotta wake up.  If you saw us now, you’d laugh and call us pathetic for crying.  I don’t mind if you do, so just wake up.  Please...”

Wooyoung started to get even more confused.  

“Junho!  Get to your senses!  Your joke is OVER!  Stop scaring me!”

Wooyoung walked close to Junho, trying to get Junho to see him.  That’s when he noticed the tears.  

Junho never cried.

“Junho, can’t you see me?  Junho?!”  

Wooyoung waved his hand in front of his face.  He even snapped his fingers.  Junho didn’t move.  That would never happen in real life.  Junho was the worst at staring games.  This was not normal.  

“We’re gonna be a mess without you, you idiot.  Just a few days ago, you were joking about how you were the most important member.  Fine. Are you happy now?  I admit it - you’re the best.  Now wake up!”

“Thanks for admitting it, but you can just tell me now.  And you’re not gonna be without me.  I’m right here!  Just.. damn it... look at me!”  Wooyoung was desperate now.  

Junho just buried his head in his hands.  

“I take back all the fights we had.  I take it all back.  And do you see how much everyone cares?  They all left so we all couldn’t see, but we’re all crying for you...” Junho mumbled

“I forgive you.  I take them all back, too.  But this isn’t funny, so just please say that you can see me.  I’m obviously not dead, so why are you guys crying?  I’m right here!”  Wooyoung yelled.  

Junho didn’t flinch.  

Wooyoung just plopped down on the ground.  “Can you really not see me?”
Author's note: I might not be able to update in the next few days because I have a family trip to go on.  Sorry!  But right before I leave, I decided to post this chapter to make up for the lack of updates.  I'll try to update while I'm on the trip, but I can't make any promises!  
OH.. and I really hope you enjoy the story (: Thanks for the subscriptions and the comments!
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Chapter 3: You make me so curious. Could you continue this story? Please..
portakal #2
Chapter 3: Update soon pleasee
WendyClary #3
I'm so sad. T^T the part where Junho was crying...ah, it was touching and...moved my heartstrings.
Totally touching. Romantic, angsty, and...just totally good overall.
Please update! ^0^
Omo~sounds really good! he going to die? :( I guess it would make sense, but I wouldn't like it...
wy0430 #5
update soon
update soon~! >.<
_nonsensical #7
Please do update again soon... This story's great!
whos..really like the plot^^<br />
jieun can see him...thank God!<br />
woou moment ftw><
i like your story :)<br />
anyway, can you make more conversations among the characters? i think it will be better :)<br />
and please update soon!
_nonsensical #10
Here's your chance Wooyoung! Confess!