Chapter 1

Destiny's Timing


IU looked at her phone again.  She sighed as she scrolled down through the unopened messages.  She didn’t want to read them.  

After the huge love the “Milky Couple” received from the Dream High viewers, she just felt confused.  

Wooyoung was just like Jason in every way.  The slight arrogance on the outside and the big little kid on the inside were all the same in both of them.  He was stubborn and immature, but still responsible and smart.

But IU wasn’t like Pilsuk.  She wasn’t bright and bubbly.  She was the shy one.  She wasn’t Wooyoung’s or even Jason’s type, no matter how much it hurt for her to admit it.  

She bit her lip as she played with the phone in her hand.  It hurt to ignore the messages she received from him.  Her heart always wanted to jump at the opportunity to talk to him whenever his name popped up on her cellphone screen, but she wasn’t supposed to.

She already knew how it would end.  It wasn’t as if they could properly date anyway. His fans would kill her, eat her, or maybe even burn her on a stake.  Plus, it would jeopardize both their careers.

And even if they both survived it all (which was highly unlikely), this wasn’t a korean drama.  There was no such thing as a perfect relationship, and the chances of them ending up together forever were slim to none.

She was being realistic, which was something that she had lived by ever since she was young. She had always lived by a common sense point of view.  She didn’t believe in epic love stories.  

“Sorry,”  she whispered to her phone, as if it could somehow travel to Wooyoung.  

Ding Ding Ding!

IU jumped a little.  Her phone had suddenly started to ring. She looked at the screen, a part of wishing it was Wooyoung and part of her wishing it wasn’t Wooyoung.  Seulong.

She sighed with the smallest bit of relief.



His voice didn’t seemed like it was bringing good news.  

“Oppa?  What is it?”  

“Have you seen Wooyoung?”  

“No, I haven’t. Why?”

“Junho just called me.  He left this morning out of nowhere, and they can’t find him.  He hasn’t even showed for some of his schedules.”

“I haven’t seen him.  He’s probably just out with his friends.  Or maybe he got homesick.”

IU bit her lip.  She was worried.  She hoped he was just out with his friends or at home.  

“We checked them all.  Junho said he might be with you, so that’s why I called.”

“With me?  Why?”  

“Erm.. nothing, just ‘cause you guys were close.”

IU kind of felt a pang in her chest at the word were.  It was for the better, but it still hurt.

“Oh, okay.  Well, then, if I see him, I’ll tell you,” she said quickly as she hung up.  

She let a tear fall down her cheek.  It was time to let go.  She wasn’t supposed to be getting worried.  She wasn’t suppose to wait for a call saying that they found him.  But she couldn’t help but clutch onto her phone even tighter after Seulong’s phone call.  


“She said she hasn’t heard from him,”  Seulong said.  

“Where the heck is he?”  Junho yelled out.  

“We have schedules to go to.  This is going to set a bad reputation for him,” Junsu added.  

“Not just for him, but for all of us,” Taecyeon commented.

All the members groaned.  

“And plus, what if he’s hurt?”  Nickhun said.  

Seulong just sighed and had a sad look on his face.  2PM had already been through so much, and if something had happened to Wooyoung, it would be horrible to lose another member.  It’s like losing family.  

Even Jokwon had failed to lighten the mood once they realized Wooyoung had gone.  

“Let’s try to be positive.  I’d rather he ruin his reputation then go off into an accident.”  

That’s when all the members nodded.

Suddenly, Junho’s phone rang.


Seulong just watched as Junho nodded his head while listening to the other person on the line.  It was most likely 2PM’s manager


That’s when all of the members crowded around him.  They looked like little kids fighting over a piece of candy, except this time, it was a phone.


Junho finally got his phone back.

“Hyung, where is he?” Junho asked into the phone.  

Seulong just sat on a nearby sofa instead of crowding around Junho.  Crowding him wouldn’t make getting Wooyoung back any easier.  He started playing with one of the cushions before he heard a sudden thunk of an object.

He looked up and saw the shocked expression on Junho’s face and the broken phone on the ground.


IU was still clutching her phone.  It had been a couple of hours, and she couldn’t bring herself to let the phone go.  Her knuckles were turning white, and she could feel her fingers falling asleep.  

She bit her bottom lip, a habit she did when she was nervous.  

“Why is there no news?”  She whispered to herself.

She looked through her phone, thinking about reading Wooyoung’s messages.  She was sure they would bring some sort of comfort, but she decided against it.  She then scrolled down to Seulong’s name, wondering if she should call him for any news about Wooyoung’s mysterious disappearance.  She decided against that too.  

She groaned, feeling absolutely useless and pathetic.

She then went to her photo album and smiled a small smile.  The first picture was a picture she took with Wooyoung.  It was on the day of the Dream High concert.  She clicked the next button again and again, feeling her smile grow a bit bigger each time.

Wooyoung had been her best friend on set.  She hadn’t really gotten close with any of the other actors/actresses, except maybe Kim Soohyun.  He was an outgoing guy that just got close with everybody.

She suddenly heard her phone ring.  Her eyes widened, realizing that there may be some sort of news.  

“Hello?  Seulong-oppa?”  She said a little bit faster than she had planned.

“Jieun.  I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner.”  

IU paused for a second, unable to read his voice.  “It’s okay.  Did you find him?”


She felt a rush of relief travel throughout her body.  

“Really?  Where was he?”

She awaited a response, but all she could hear was silence.  The only noise she could hear was Seulong’s heavy breathing.  It worried her.  As if she could predict what would happen, the relief she had felt was suddenly gone.

“Jieun, just don’t freak out.”  

IU just held her breath and barely made out a “sure”.  She couldn’t promise anything, but she would try.  

She heard Seulong draw in a sharp bit of breath before speaking again.

“W-Wooyoung was hit by a car.  He’s in a c-coma.  The doctor’s n-not sure if he’s going to wake up.”  
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Chapter 3: You make me so curious. Could you continue this story? Please..
portakal #2
Chapter 3: Update soon pleasee
WendyClary #3
I'm so sad. T^T the part where Junho was crying...ah, it was touching and...moved my heartstrings.
Totally touching. Romantic, angsty, and...just totally good overall.
Please update! ^0^
Omo~sounds really good! he going to die? :( I guess it would make sense, but I wouldn't like it...
wy0430 #5
update soon
update soon~! >.<
_nonsensical #7
Please do update again soon... This story's great!
whos..really like the plot^^<br />
jieun can see him...thank God!<br />
woou moment ftw><
i like your story :)<br />
anyway, can you make more conversations among the characters? i think it will be better :)<br />
and please update soon!
_nonsensical #10
Here's your chance Wooyoung! Confess!