Pretty Boy

Boy Meets Devil

Author's Note: I know I didn't update very often, but please bear with me as I'm in the middle of my finals... Good thing they will be over in about a week! Hope you enjoy this chapter because...the devil is here! GASP!



Pretty Boy

Noon, Jan 21st

          When V slowly woke for the 2nd time, he quickly noticed that although his body felt stiff, as if he hadn’t moved in a long time, his brain was no longer clouded with grogginess. He stirred a little, glad that the only discomfort came from his minor headache and the fact that he seemed to have been lying in this bed for too long.

          Hold on, bed? His breath halted as past events rushed into his mind. Why am I on the bed? Did someone move me? Was it the attacker? He went to push himself into a sitting position, but his hands, more specifically his wrists, felt exceptionally heavy when he moved them.

          He looked down. He saw a pair of shiny metal cuffs.

          Panic rolled over him like a tsunami as he stared at the constraints that covered his wrists. Each cuff was attached to the sides of the bed frame with a metal chain that seemed to be made from the same type of material.

          Without thinking, he started pulling on the chains with all his might and twisting his wrists in an attempt to break free. All he managed to achieve, however, was the clinking noises that resulted from the chains being banged on the metal bed frame.

          Why? Why was he put in chains? He wondered in despair as he kept on tugging, refusing to accept the fact that both the cuffs and the chains looked perfectly sturdy and glinted menacingly when it caught the light. Soon, his wrists were in pain from the cuffs continuously digging into his skin. He paused for a mere second before he pulled again with vigor.

          “Stop it.” A bored voice ordered.

          V stopped. It wasn’t out of obedience, but due to the fact that his body has been paralyzed by fear. The voice, he recognize the voice! It was the smooth yet powerful voice that chilled him to the bones. Now that he had heard it, he was once again filled with the strong urge to either shield himself  or even better, run far away.

          With the rest of his body still frozen but his heart pounding in his chest, V tentatively turned his head towards the far left corner of the room. In his frantic act of struggling against the chains, he had failed to notice that a figure had occupied the corner. The figure has almost blended itself in the darkness, with the dark coat and black hood completely concealing the face of the figure.

          V took in a few short puffs of air as he tried to calm his violently beating heart and thaw his limbs at the same time. The figure was facing his direction, but gave no other signs that it was the source of that frightening voice.

          With trembling lips, V managed to stutter his way through his first question: “Who, who are, you?”

          The figure gave no indication that it heard anything. It simply stood there but still instilled fear in V with merely its presence.

          “Where am I? Why am I here?”

          This time, the figure shifted. V hated himself when he automatically cringed in that same instant.

          “I see you have already attempted an escape.” The figure reprimanded V, “Don’t do that. Do you know how much trouble I went through to get you?” The figure seemed to radiate irritation at having to expend any effort when abducting V.

          “What do you want from me?” Shaking off the shivers that traveled down his spine, V attempted another question.

          “You were always accompanied. It took me a while to get you alone.” The figure merely continued as if there had been no interruptions. “Don’t you get tired of being under watchful eyes?”

          V shuddered when he realized that he and the other boys have been followed by his attacker for a while before he was abducted. He sincerely hoped that no other members have been harmed because of the attacker’s sick interest in him.

          He suddenly remembered the words he heard in the alley. Jimin!

          “Where’s Jimin? What did you do to him?” He was anxious to know if Jimin was safe from suffering the same fate as he had.

          The figure finally seemed to have heard him, as it slightly tilted its head and focused its hooded face directly in V’s direction. It seemed to study V intensely for a few seconds before slowly responding.

          “Touching.” The figure commented with a dry tone that was coupled with unmasked contempt, “How touching. Too bad he’s not here.”

          Before V could relax with relief, the figure stepped out of the corner and moved further into the room. V felt heavy with trepidation as he wondered what else the attacker might do to him.

          However, the figure seemed to take no interest in V for now as it strolled gracefully to the center of the room and casually scanned the surrounding furniture, turning its back to V.

          “Why do people try to escape?” The figure paused, and V was unsure if he was expected to respond. What kind of a sick question was that? Who wouldn’t escape?

          The figure continued, “Is it the room? Do they not like it?” V felt slightly ill. He sincerely hoped that this person was mentally sound, because he did not want to imagine what things a crazy person might want to do to him.

          “She liked it though.” The figure whispered quietly. V wasn’t sure if he was meant to hear this last part, but he was reeling with thoughts at this simple statement. Who? Was a girl kidnapped too? What happened to her?

          V wasn’t give much opportunity to ponder on this as the figure seemed have grown tired of being gentle. In an instant, it changed its stance and V could almost feel the violence that rolled off of the figure. His fear spiked again as he recoiled into himself, hugging his knees to his chest with his cuffed hands.

          Abruptly, the figured pivoted around to face V, the dark hood falling off at the same time.

          V could only gasp at what he found.

          The figure was a man. A man with strikingly beautiful features. He had thick eyebrows and a tall nose. His high cheekbones, defined jawlines and symmetrical face gave him a sculptured type of look. His dark hair that stopped just above his shoulders greatly contrasted with his fair skin, creating an eerie kind of beauty that was only seen in magazines or movies. The man had no expression on his face, accenting the perception that he was indeed carved from a stone of a piece of marble.

          But what made V gasp was not the handsomeness of this man. It was the eyes. The eyes that sat deeply in his face had the color of a pitch black night. If V were to compare the rest of the man’s face with ice, then the eyes could only be described as fire. They burned with pent up emotions that seemed to have been suppressed for countless years. Hatred, contempt, anger, disgust, irritation… The emotions were mixed up in the deep black pools, and seemed to be pouring out like liquid fire, threatening to scorch V if they maintained their eye contact.

          But try as he might, the man’s gaze was so demanding that V could not look away even if he desperately wanted to. V could not tell what happened, but in the next instant, the man had suddenly zoomed in, his face filling the entire span of V’s vision. The burning eyes were all that he could see as he felt the man’s cold breath on his face. His mind stopped working as the eyes seemed to have taken a hold of his heart, squeezing it tightly and on the verge of breaking it if he dared utter a word.

          “Listen boy. I absolutely despise it when people take what’s mine. So stay here quietly and do as I say.” The man hissed into V’s face, leaving him dumbfounded as he felt the words rammed into his head from the sheer force that the man put behind the words. He could only nod as the man growled out his next sentence, “Remember, I hate it when I’m disobeyed.”

          With that, the man straightened up, finally releasing V from his controlling eyes. V desperately gulped as he tried to regain his ability to properly breathe. He had felt violated down to his core by this man’s penetrating glare, a glare so malicious and feral that only depicted the monstrous nature of the attacker. V kept his eyes down on the bed as he took in much needed oxygen.

          As if feeling that he had successfully made his point, the man’s voice resumed its former icy softness, hiding all the violence under a false sense of comfort. But the words spoken were anything nothing short from threatening.

          “And also, please don’t hurt yourself. You are of great use to me right now, and I would really hate to have to kill you earlier than I’ve planned.”

          V could only continue to breathe harshly as he tried to recover himself. The man’s cruel words now felt like nothing unexpected. He didn’t bother to look up when he heard the new threats.

          Sensing his reluctance to look up, the man’s lips twitched in amusement before he baited V with his next statement.

          “Now that you’re properly awake, shall we tell your friends? They must have been worried about you.”

          At this, V couldn’t help himself as he hastily looked up. Clutched in the man’s bony and masculine hands, was a device that he couldn’t be more familiar with.

          His phone.

          He instinctively reached out, trying to grab the phone that represented all his connections to the outer world.

          “Ah, ah. Now it wouldn’t be fun if you told them, right?” The man chidded as the phone was simply moved out of V's reach, too far away for his cuffed hands to stretch to.

          The man chuckled darkly as his slender fingers pressed the power button, turning the device on. The phone buzzed endlessly for a few moments as the notifications for missed calls and missed messages stormed in.

          V watched helplessly as the man simply discarded all the notifications with a swipe of his finger. Was that his parents? The members? The manager hyung? Perhaps the police?

          The man took a few steps backwards before lifting the phone up and focused the camera on V’s messy and frightened form.

          “Now remember, do as I say.” V tensed up. He did not want to know what actions might be expected of him.

          “I heard that you quite like to smile.” The man commented offhandedly, “Well now you’re on camera, pretty boy. Smile.”

          The phone made the clicking sound, signaling that a picture has been taken. V remained in his frozen state, fearful of the purpose of that picture. Looking satisfied with his work, the man idly tapped on the screen, the photo at his disposal to use in whichever way he desired.

          A few moments passed before the man put down his hands, having completed whatever action that V failed to see. The man dangled the phone with two of his fingers and pulled up a corner of his lips, directing his sinister grin at the frightful boy.

          “Now that they all know you are awake, I guess it’s time for the waiting game.” He paused, and seemed to immerse himself in the brilliancy of his grand plan, “But we can’t make it too easy, now can we?”

          With a flick of his wrist, the man sent the little device flying across the room before it smashed against the far wall, falling apart into numerous glass and metal pieces. V looked on horrified as his only hope of being reached by his friends and families shattered in front of his own eyes. He let out a silent scream as he stared at his broken phone, as his heart felt like it has been torn into similar pieces.

          “Enjoy your stay here. Let me know if you need anything.”

          V did not look away from the far wall when the man silently exited the room, leaving him alone to drown in his despair, misery, and anguish.


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KaidaShiroLuu #1
Chapter 5: cool but it's make my heart can't stop beating fast..poor V :(
missunicorn #3
Chapter 3: i've fallen in love with your story. yes. no doubt anymore. im scared to read the upcoming chapters and this is getting intense already oh my god. i'll wait for your next update. author-nim, hwaiting!
rumi93 #4
Chapter 3: You're too much lol, thanks though. Omg even though I've already read this, it's still as intense!! At this point its like reality is mimicking your story. I feel bad for V but I'm still looking forward to the next update!
missunicorn #5
Chapter 2: I SWEAR THIS IS LIKE THE MOST INTERESTING FIC IVE EVER READ IN CENTURIES. but oh god i can bear to think of the possibilities of things that can happen to taehyung unfff but im also curious as to why that devil suddenly appeared and what actually happened before the girl saved him that made his life changed. author-nim, i'll wait for your next update! hwaiting!!
Chapter 2: I love this! Is there will be angst happen in this story..? I hope so,,,anyway update soon!~~~
missunicorn #7
i was actually looking for something else but i saw the title and 0.1 sec flat i went to read the description and bam. this kind of story is totally my type and i havent even read the 1st chap yet but yeah. author-nim hwaiting!
rumi93 #8
This sounds super intriguing!! Keep writing more plzz!!