Songs 2 Make Out to

Songs to Make Out to

taehyung is running out of turtlenecks. hoseok likes kissing his neck way too much and likes giving love bites just as much. taehyung is really not complaining, though, except maybe that it's becoming harder to explain why he comes home so late on some days, and why he suddenly loves turtlenecks and scarves so much. 'it's winter' doesn't seem to count anymore, his mother is growing more suspicious by the week.
hoseok has his hand up his shirt and taehyung's skin tingles, his muscles tense up. the room is quiet except for their kisses and hoseok's whimper every time taehyung gets to kiss his neck.
he's sensitive and it's kinda cute.



one week. it's been one week since he's last kissed taehyung and hoseok is growing impatient, needy and also kinda sad. it's not that he hasn't been seeing taehyung lately, he sees him everyday in school, but it's hard to snatch even a hug inbetween stress and exhaustion. school just hasn't been fun for anyone lately.

maybe taehyung leans into him during short breaks in the library, when everyone is too exhausted to ask questions or even care, and the most hoseok could get was a kiss to his hair, shortly before the next lesson started. a library or a school is just not a place to find the mood or privacy for anything other for. it used to be when they were less serious about their relationship, when there were less feelings involved. and it that they can't be seen. it really does, but hoseok respects taehyung's wish not to come out yet. 

(he isn't out either, but he doesn't really care if people see him kissing a boy.)

they didn't even have the time to meet up after school, not even with making up excuses like 'i'll help you with your homework,' because they live too far away from each other and they're too old and too responsible for weekday sleepovers. they're stressed, they come home, they do homework, eat, fall asleep.

so it's been two weeks since hoseok's last touched taehyung, touched his skin, kissed his thighs, gave him hickeys and his body is aching every time he sees taehyung. but then he aches because taehyung doesn't look like taehyung anymore, the smile doesn't slip off his face anymore because it wasn't there to begin with and he could see that taehyung had barely slept again and stayed up all night to study a little more, to perfect his homework and what not. the bags under his eyes tell hoseok about all the stress he tries to cover up behind a gentle touch and a whispered 'don't worry'.

hoseok wishes he could go up to him, scoop him into his arms, his back and ask him, what's wrong angel?

(because taehyung loves being called that)

but he can't, because there's always people watching them and it's scary, it's always a little scary to think of people they know watching them. it's a small school, they know everyone and everyone knows them. especially hoseok. it's moments like these, that he wishes he was invisible.

it's thursday night and hoseok is still up, texting taehyung, a pad with barely readable notes next to him.

they'll meet up tomorrow. that's good. tomorrow night he won't be here alone, he will be here with taehyung, kissing him, kissing his neck, feeling his skin under his palm and hear taehyung whimper because his tummy is so sensitive. it's cute, taehyung is so cute. tomorrow he can give taehyung hickeys until he writhes on the bed, until hoseok can crawl down and kiss his way down his belly, can kiss along the waistband of his boxers, kiss his thighs.

hoseok responds to taehyung's heart and moon emoji with a heart and a 'good night angel', because taehyung loves being called that.



school is annoying. it's especially annoying when it's not getting you anywhere new and you're just revising for the part of the class that is behind. which is to hoseok's misfortune the majority. he tries to kill his boredom by daydreaming, scribbling down a lot of 'T's and he even tries doodling, but it won't really work out for him. he thinks of the way taehyung had smiled at him, two weeks ago, in the dark of the room, barely visible but so bright hoseok thought he could never be happier. he thinks of how taehyung had buried his face in his chest and how he hummed when hoseok started rubbing his back. he misses it and he's all giddy just from thinking he can have that again tonight. just a few more hours until he can be with taehyung. until he can make taehyung feel good again. because god, hoseok is so whipped for his smile.

it's cute how taehyung wears a turtleneck today, grinning at hoseok so wide his heart feels like it's melting. taehyung always wears turtlenecks, but usually on mondays, to hide the hickeys hoseok gives him. it's cute how taehyung acts embarrassed, but hoseok knows by the way he blushes that he secretely likes it a lot. taehyung is cute and when the bell rings at the end of the lesson, hoseok is the first to leave the classroom.

he waits for taehyung in front of his building and slings an arm around his shoulder when he walks out. they make small talk, exchange smiles and touches so small nobody can see them.

'are you okay?' are the first words taehyung really says. hoseok turns around in the car before even starting the engine.

'sure,' he replies, still a bit dumbfounded, 'are you?'

taehyung doesn't respond, he just quietly stares at his knees. he probably doesn't want to tell hoseok he's not because he doesn't want to worry him. but he doesn't want to lie either. hoseok sighs because that's just so taehyung and he can be so idiotic sometimes.

'i have pizza at home,' hoseok says instead, he doesn't want to make taehyung any more uncomfortable.

'yay,' taehyung says, it's quiet and tired but he sounds actually happy and hoseok is glad. and if the parking lot weren't this full now, he'd lean over to kiss him.

his parents aren't home, they never are on friday nights lately, and maybe they know, but hoseok doesn't care. the first thing he does when he locks the door behind them again is loop his arms around taehyung's waist and pull him in, pressing gentle kisses on his lips until taehyung relaxes and  smiles. he sighs and rests his head on hoseok's shoulder, who gently sways them, like they're dancing to no music.

'you don't have to tell me,' hoseok says, a hand carding through taehyung's hair, because that always calms him down.

'it's really alright if you don't.'

taehyung nods and deflates against him, he's so so tired and hoseok feels sorry for him. he remembers how hard the first months of junior year were for him.

'it's stupid,' taehyung says finally. his breath tickles his skin.

'tell me anyway. If you want.'

taehyung sighs again and hoseok tightens his arms around his waist.

'i'm stressed because of school,' he mutters.

'that's not stupid, tae.'

'and i don't want you to get tired of me not having time to meet you during the week, i'm sorry for—'

hoseok silences him by putting a finger on his mouth and giving him a stern gaze.

'i could never get tired of you,' he says, 'of this,' he presses his lips against taehyung's again.

'i'm always there for you, i'm just a phone call away.'

taehyung nods again and tugs at hoseok's shirt.

'i'm hungry,' he mutters.

something twists inside hoseok, maybe it's love, maybe it's just taehyung being adorable.


the pizza leaves them giggly and with grease-slicked mouths, watching ice age 2.

'we should,' hoseok grins when the film is over, 'we should wash up maybe, i'm not kissing you smelling of garlic.'

taehyung semi moved in weeks ago. he has some boxers and a pair of jeans at hoseok's as well as a toothbrush. it's just been simpler like that, and neither really talk about that. as if it's some big step in their relationship.

(it isn't. it's just convenient, because taehyung is over all the time anyway)

hoseok washes up after taehyung, he brushes his teeth, washes his face, combs his hair (he washed it just this morning) and makes sure he looks good. an effortless handsome is what he's going for, taehyung gets so awfully smug when he catches hoseok trying to be good for him.

'hey,' hoseok opens the door slowly and makes silly grimaces. taehyung bursts into a wide grin and silent laughter. he looks beautiful when he smiles and hoseok is in awe.

‘hey,’ taehyung smiles and reaches out for hoseok, ‘come down here,’ he smiles and he doesn’t need to tell him twice.


taehyung wakes him up when the hands on his clock show 03:13am. his eyes are puffy and red and his bottom lip is swollen, like he’d been crying for a while now. he doesn’t say anything, he doesn’t say a word but hoseok knows.

‘angel,’ he whispers and reaches out to hold taehyung close to his body. He buries his hand in his hair and rubs circles against his scalp. taehyung lets out a choked sob and bites into the fabric of hoseok’s sweatshirt.

‘i know, baby,’ he says, ‘i know.’

taehyung scoots closer and wraps his thighs (they are littered with marks) around his waist. hoseok takes his hand and starts pressing kisses against every centimetre of skin he can find. he kisses the back of taehyung’s hand, kisses every knuckle and tip of every finger, ever line of its palm until taehyung giggles.

‘i’ve got you,’ hoseok says and smiles up at him, ‘i’ve got you baby, don’t worry.’

Taehyung nods and leans forwards until their foreheads bump against another.

‘i love you,’ taehyung says, ‘I wish I could tell everyone just how much.’

hoseok brushes a strand of hair out of taehyung’s face.

‘i know,’ he just says, ‘and i love you, too’



thank you for reading :3

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Chapter 2: If you listen carefully, you can hear me gushing/crying/fangirling over how perfect this is. The pairing is so sweet and so pure with their love that I just melt at every word the story goes to. Thank you so much for this wonderful masterpiece -- you have blessed the world. *goes back to crying*