Forever Young | Coffee


It follows Jongdae and a glimpse of the lives of EXO several years along the road. One winter afternoon, as he enjoys a break during his military service. 

Growing less younger is not that easy, but it might not be that too complicated either ;)




Inspired by the lyrics to Marlisa's Forever Young! Give it a listen before reading, or the play it in the background! 

Also inspired by recent events in my life, particularly today. 


Where and when does glitter and dreams of our youth end? 

Some thoughts over the thought of a cup of coffee, one chilly and rainy afternoon.


A quick one-shot I got in my mind that I had to write right away.  


I've edited it finally! Only minor revisions, though. Feedback and comments are loved so please leave some! Thank you!

Another story out after a millenia! Again, open-ended. Probably because a lot in my life are right now :))


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Chapter 1: This was a beautiful oneshot. I honestly wish this was a full length story but its definitely inspired me to write a small story of my own.
Chapter 1: I like that phrase 'Coffee is still coffee... even though, in time it will turn cold.' I was suddenly reminded of a certain analogy that I came across in a cafe a long time ago. That life is just like drinking coffee. To drink a cup of coffee, you only need two actions- to hold the cup up and to put it down. There are many things in life that could be simplified, that they too, could be as easy as drinking coffee... you either hold it up or you put it down.

Cafes are a great place for stories and random thoughts ^^ thank you for this beautiful scene of Jongdae facing the unknown future. The younger one is always more positive about the future, isn't it? If only we could retain that naive hopefulness as we grow up...