Chapter 4

You Are So Beautiful


Eunhyuk’s POV

I was having the best dream, Donghae was kissing me, and he said he wanted to my chocolate abs. What the heck are chocolate abs anyway? ANYWAY, he was just about to do so when WAMM, cold water gets dumped all over me.

“MWO!!!!” I scream as I jump out of bed. Next to me Donghae did the exact same thing.

“MWAHAHAHA!!!!” I heard a evil laugh coming from none other than- Kyuhun.

“AISH! You evil Maknae, I will get you for this!!!” I curse at him.

“Haha, sorry Eunhyuk-Hyung, but Mommy-Teukie-Hyung said it’s time to wake up. We have to get to our photo shoot soon. Plus, you guys looked like you could use a cold shower all the and grabbing at each other you were doing in your sleep.” He said before walking out.

That evil Maknae, I will get revenge! But wait, what did he say? Something about , and grabbing? Hmmm…guess that dream was REALLY vivid.

“HOLY  S***!!!” I yelled looking at the clock. It was 8:45, we needed to leave in 15 MINUTES!!

“Come on Donghae we need to go!” I yelled pulling him out of bed.

“But Hyukie…I need to shower!” he whined

“Yeah so do I, but we don’t have time to both take one.” I realized.

“Well then, we will just take one together.” He smiled at me as he said this. No, smile was the wrong word. He SMIRKED! And it was his evil, y smirk that could make any girl’s heart beat faster and faster. Any girl, and apparently mine which was currently trying to leap out of my chest. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bathroom. He pulled my shirt up over my head, helping me undress like it was no big deal. AISH! Was this boy TRYING to kill me??? Stupid fish.


15 minutes later as we were all climbing into the van my heart STILL hadn’t slowed back down to its normal speed. That was probably, the worst, best, most awkward shower of my life!! I still couldn’t get the image of a , wet Donghae out of my mind. UGH!! If I can’t stop thinking about him I won’t ever get anything accomplished. Ok Hyuk, get a grip. It was just Donghae. I mean, he’s like your brother, that shower meant NOTHING! But then again, I did have that dream. That wonderful amazing dream where Donghae kissed me. And my abs. DAMN IT KYU! Why of all days, did you have to wake me up by pouring cold water on me? Whatever, just stop thinking about it. Alright, my heart is finally about to return to its normal beating pattern.

“What’s the matter monkey?” Donghae whispered into my ear.

Well, so much for the heart slowing down thing.

“Nothing fishy.” I said while turning to look out the window and AWAY from the guy that was making my heart go crazy. It was no use though, every inch of my body was painfully aware of his presence next to me.

“Are you sure Hyukie? You look a little pale?” He said in a teasing way while putting his hand on my knee and starting to slide it slowly up my leg. It’s official, he is doing this to me on purpose.

“Stop.” I said while swallowing hard and grabbing his hand and shoving it away before it got to high.

All he did in response was smirk at me.

Donghae’s POV

HA!! I love teasing my monkey, he is so cute when he gets flabbergasted. Which apparently, I have gotten very good at making happen. You should have seen his face when I pulled him into the bathroom to take a shower with him. He just stared at me and stood stock still, he wouldn’t even get undressed!! I had to undress him myself…not that I minded…and shove him into the shower. I thought I was gonna have to wash him too, but when I went to scrub his back he shoved my hands away and did it himself. On another note, I had the BEST dream last night. We were at our photo shoot and our fan service photos got a little too hot and I ended up kissing him…barely. Then when we got back to the dressing room I started to because he looked so needy, like he wanted to kiss me more. Next thing I know we are making out and I was about to his y chocolate abs when BAM! Kyu pulls the water trick again…classic.

Now as we sit in the van Eunhyuk is ignoring me and not responding to my touch AT ALL!! Well, I mean, he can’t really hide the fact that whenever I get close his heart starts to beat  out of his chest, but he is doing everything in his power to deny my affect on him. This gives me an idea. Today during the photo shoot I am going to get him to react to me. This is going to be fun, and it’s all for fan service so he will have to go along with it. Everything that I do to him, is nothing but a tease. I mean, we aren’t allowed to date, so most of our gets lashed out on another member. Well except for Kyuhyun. Kyuhyun plays to many games I think to even have . Oh look, we are here!! Let the games begin.

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Chapter 9: Ah that was soooo good! <3 I love it! Thanks so much for sharing with us, Eunhae is still the best!
966 streak #2
Chapter 9: I knew I could find goldies in oldies. Thank you so much for this beautiful love story!
Ice_siri #3
Chapter 9: This is very sweet....tq for sharing...♡♥♡♥
Chapter 9: Oh!! I love this so much!! Eunhae is so sweet and cute ...
SJ8386SJ #5
Chapter 9: Aww!! This is just so cute!
esmeberta #6
Chapter 9: Aww Eunhae sooo cute
Chapter 9: ooh, that stoty is really sweet~
love it *.*
Ladyghai #8
I love it! Both of them are so cute! Haha and the dream i thought it was real! You got me there! Cute fic! XD
Eunhaeluv #9
this is so CUUUTTTEEEEE x) OMG OMG OMG eunhae and their teasing hehe i bet this is so how it is in real life, JUSS saying XD hehehehe hope theres a sequel? :D either way this is perfect!