


about the roleplay
lumos is a closed, semi-lit twitter-based HP!AU, set in present day hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry (located in the highlands of scotland).
at hogwarts, Children with magical abilities are enrolled at birth, and acceptance is confirmed by owl post at age eleven. if the child in question is a Muggle-born, a professor from the school would come and inform the child's parents.
The school's motto is Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus, which, translated from Latin, means "Never tickle a sleeping dragon".   
The students are divided into four houses: gryffindor, ravenclaw, hufflepuff, and slytherin
gryffindor is known for bravery, daring, nerve, and chivalry. the house colors are red and gold, and the house is symbolized by a lion.
ravenclaw is known for wit, creativity, and wisdom. the house is symbolized by an eagle and its house colors are blue and bronze. 
hufflepuff is known for loyalty, hard working, dedication, honesty, and tolerance. the house is symbolized by a badger and its colors are yellow and black.
slytherin is known for ambition, cleverness, cunning, resourcefulness, and pure blood heritage. the house is symbolized by a serpent, and the house colors are green and silver. 
1. one account per head.  2. face-claim change is limited to once a week. temp-cc is not allowed.  3. subscribing and upvotes are optional, but much appreciated!   4. this is a closed rp, so interacting with outsiders is a huge no-no. do your best to make everyone in the rp feel welcome, even if they're not in your house/year.   5. ic-drama is only encouraged if it's for plot/character development, but ooc-drama is strictly prohibited. if you're having difficulties with any of the members, please contact base through dms, and we will do our best to solve the issue.  6. you MUST REACH 50 TWEETS AFTER A DAY OF BEING VERIFIED. 48 HOURS OF INACTIVITY WILL LEAD TO AN AUTOMATIC UV. P*SSWORD IS YOUR FAVORITE HARRY POTTER CHARACTER. 7. MOVE-IN COUPLES ARE ALLOWED. RELATIONSHIP BAN FOR THE REST OF THE COUPLES IS 7 DAYS AND 350 TWEETS EACH. 8.. TIMELINE IS RATED PG-15, SO YES, SWEARING IS ALLOWED, BUT KEEP IT AS MINIMAL AS POSSIBLE. OH, AND FOR THE LOVE OF MERLIN, KEEP IN DMS. (SAME GOES FOR TRIGGERING TOPICS). 9. LIMIT EMOJIS AND OOC TALK. HOWEVER, YOU'RE FREE TO TALK OOC IN Dms. if you must, USE BRACKETS OR PARANTHESES WHEN TALKING OOC on tl. 10. HIATUS IS AVAILABLE FOR UP TO TWO WEEKS, AND SEMI-HIATUS IS AVAILABLE FOR UP TO A WEEK. 11. SINCE LUMOS IS SEMI-LIT, BOTH FIRST AND THIRD POV ARE ALLOWED. PLOTTING. 12. SETTING UP A BIOGRAPHY OR A THREAD for your character IS COMPLETELY OPTIONAL (BUT HIGHLY ENCOURAGED).  13. THE ADMIN(S) HAVE CHOSEN TO STAY ANONYMOUS TO PREVENT BIAS IN THE ROLEPLAY. NO ONE, SAVE THE ADMIN(S) THEMSELVES, KNOW OF THEIR CHARACTERS. pls DON'T TRY TO PLAY SHERLOCK HOLMES. 14. WHEN CHOOSINg a character, please make sure they're within the age range of their respective year. a 28-year-old can't play a 15-year-old and vice versa. you can age your character up or down five years at most. 15. LASTLY, IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, FEEL FREE TO COMMENT BELOW OR DM BASE!
how to join
1. read the rules. check the masterlist to see which faceclaims are available (we allow western faceclaims, ulzzangs, and models). 2. since the rp is set in the uk, you are encouraged to choose a different name for your character, or change your faceclaim's name (ex. krystal jung could be krystal edison, jongin kim could be  colin kim, etc.) 3. comment the reservation format below. 4. wait for the admin(s) to accept your reservation before making your account.  reservations last 24 hours. 5. username format is @LMSNAME or @NAMELMS in uppercase (variations are allowed). 6. put your year, house, and 'lumos!' somewhere in your bio. 7. mention base for verification and follow all the members. you'll be sorted into a house upon verification.  8. create a brief introduction about your character and his/her personality.
reservation format: (FOR STUDENTS) Faceclaim (group/occupation):, year:, best qualities: (minimum of 3), worst qualities: (minimum of 3), likes: (minimum of 5), dislikes: (minimum of 5), which house they originally wanted to be sorted into:, blood status: (pureblood/half-blood/muggle-born), favorite subject: (click link for more info), PASSWORD:
tip:  names are organized by alphabetical order. to search for a specific faceclaim on desktop, use 'ctrl-f'.
TAKEN reserved00 hiatus00
gryffindor ravenclaw hufflepuff slytherin

YEAR ONE (ages 11-12) - X
YEAR two (ages 12-13) - x
Year three (ages 13-14) - X
Year four (ages 14-15) - x
YEAR five (AGES 15-16) - X
YEAR six (AGES 16-17) - Jung hoseok, pArk jimin, jeon jungkook, myoui minahan sanghyuk, kim sejeongkim taehyung, choi yuna
YEAR seven (AGES 17-18) - park jinyoung, kim namjoonmin yoongi
professors: redmayne eddie (care of magical creatures),  lee hongbin (TRANSIFUGRATION), JUNG TAEKWOON (POTIONS), KIM NAMJOO (CHARMS)
couples list
name & name - date
name & name - date
name & name - date
name & name - date
name & name - date
name & name - date
name & name - date
name & name - date
name & name - date
name & name - date
name & name - date
notice board
NOV20 – OFFICIALLY OPENING for reservations!
Nov22 – grand opening!
NOV27 – ballroom event!
 important links
base – xx.  
GOssip & events – XX.
tweet of the week


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Faceclaim: F(x)'s Krystal
Year: 5
Best qualities: observant and picks up things quickly, is unbothered by negativity, knows how to stand up for herself with logical sense backing her up. Accepts defeat if the opposer makes a point.
Worst qualities: distant, has the tendency to hurt people by words if irritated, is not hesitant to use any type of force if someone crosses the line when it comes to personal space (unless the person is close to her).
Likes: baby creatures. Reading books on a rainy day, enjoying a cup of warm tea, traveling alone, snuggles, little secrets between two people.
Dislikes: people boasting about themselves, morning classes,her favorite spot being taken by someone else, dealing with someone who is very emotional and dramatic, hates to the fact that killing people is illegal.
House: she's indecisive about which house she belongs to because there's all sorts of houses in her family. Mother was a hufflepuff, father was a ravenclaw. Her grandparents were the other two. However, she feels that she falls between slytherin and ravenclaw and decided that she should be in slytherin.
Blood Status: Pure Blood.
Favorite subject: Astronomy.
Password: Dumbledore
artlcss #2
faceclaim: apink's son naeun
year: 7
best qualities: confident, independent, fights for what she stands for.
worst qualities: impatient, picky, insensitive.
house: slytherin.
likes: excelling in subjects, socialising in general, stargazing, attending events, library visits, poetry and receiving praises.
dislikes: evidently unorganised items, being interrupted, having to deal with extremely stubborn persons, deadlines, losing responsibility and ownership of anything owned previously.
house: slytherin.
blood status: pure blood.
favourite subjects: astronomy and charms.
password: draco malfoy.
Hyonie #3
Faceclaim : CL / Lee Chaerin
Age: 25
Best qualities: Calm, brave, caring, protective - can be really motherly, genius
Worst qualities: Can be impatient, short tempered sometimes, indecisive, her resting face is terifying sometimes
Which houses they were previously in: Gryffindor
Likes: Cats and kittens, cute babies in general, butterbeer, calm and serene surrounding, food
Dislikes: Bullies, crying babies, very loud noises, really bratty teenagers, things not going as it was planned
Blood status: Pure-blood
Subject: History of magic
Password : Sirius Black and Draco Malfoy
http17 #4
Faceclaim: Dean
Year: Five
Best qualities: Logical, observant, tactful, works well under pressure, transfiguration, defence against the dark arts, history of magic (surprisingly)
Worst qualities: Ignorant, cynical, not persistent, shameless, does-things-for-the-thrill kind of guy
Likes: betting on quidditch games, actually playing quidditch, studying wands, visiting hagrid at midnight, dragons.
Dislikes: O.W.L's, career choices talks, potions, frogs, Peeves.
House: Slytherin
Blood status: half-blood
Favorite subjects: Defence Against The Dark Arts
Password: Draco Malfoy
illxminate #5
faceclaim: exo's baekhyun.
age: 25.
best qualities: friendly, outgoing, confident.
worst qualities: stubborn, impatient, outspoken.
likes: making new friends, helping others, making people laugh (especially when he doesn't mean to), being outside, change.
dislikes: staying in the same place all the time, being alone for longer than necessary, getting looked down upon, being ignored, serious people.
previous house: hufflepuff.
blood status: halfblood.
subject: herbology.
password: neville longbottom.
faceclaim: pentagon's hongseok.
year: seven.
best qualities: he's motherly and treats everyone as if they're his child, he's caring, he likes to make people smile so he always says positive things, he always cheers people up, he's brave and adventurous, he's great academically, in quidditch and at casting spells.
worst qualities: he's very clumsy, he's slow when it comes to jokes, he's kinda awkward on first meetings, he doesn't have a knack of directions so he always gets lost, he easily gets dazed and light-headed.
likes: quidditch, candy from honeydukes, butterbeer, taking care of animals, positive stuff, cute stuff, taking pictures, muggle stuff (he finds the fascinating and has a collection of it- he even has a smartphone and uses it), going on adventures, owls, plants.
dislikes: walking around, spiders, bugs, insects, rude people, casting a wrong spell.
house: gryffindor.
blood status: pureblood.
favorite subjects: muggle studies, herbology, charms and care of magical creatures.
password: luna lovegood.
whitecoffee69 #7
faceclaim : Kim SeokJin of BTS
best qualities : adaptable,caring,and confident
worse qualities : kinda awkward with new people, kinda shy, lazy
likes : hugs,cuddles,sleeping,eating,plants,animals
dislikes : being alone,being ignored,awkward conversation
house : ravenclaw
blood status : half blood
favorite subject : charms,herbology
password : luna lovegood
n3ko-chan #8
Faceclaim: nct dreams jisung
Best qualities: nice, caring, hyperactive
Worst qualities: clumsy, oblivious, closed off
Likes: candy or sweet things in general, drawing, winter, sleeping, cuddles
Dislikes: being alone, rude people, talking to people he doesn't know, being yelled at, being lied to(lying in
House: griffindor
Blood status: muggle born
Favorite subject: potions
Password: Draco malfoy
faceclaim: gfriend’s choi yuna
year: six
best qualities: she’s extremely hardworking and tries her best, she’s openminded and friendly, she prefers to think out her decisions before acting.
worst qualities: she’s extremely clumsy with her steps and such, may or may not have a slight temper, she’s oblivious at most times (in things such as casual conversations).
likes: singing and trying out new hobbies, she loves animals, loves to venture out often maybe getting herself into trouble, she loves bread a lot especially when they're freshly baked, loves magic.
dislikes: being put out in the open, she dislikes anything less comfortable than women loafers, scared of the dark as well as tiny bugs, stairs (her feet are her worst enemy, probably).
house: ravenclaw but her hopes are high for griffindor.
blood status: half blood.
favorite subjects: care of magical creatures and transfiguration
password: luna lovegood
decalcomanias #10
faceclaim: got7's choi youngjae.
year: six.
best qualities: is cheerful, always looks like he's happy 24/7, learns new things easily, rarely gets mad.
worst qualities: is quiet around people he doesn't know, gets startled / surprised easily, fidgets a lot, amd his mad side is the worst side about him.
likes: animals, music, walking around, foods, green tea, ice cream, sleeping.
dislikes: fruits, vegetables, darkness, cockroaches, waiting.
which house: hufflepuff or slytherin.
blood status: pure blood.
favorite subjects: astronomy, potions.
password: draco malfoy.