
Fan Meets Idol

I am simply dumbstruck.

Song Joong-ki is in front of me, treating my wounds and I'm just here, staring in awe.

"Okay, now you know." He simply said, and turned the lights off again.

I didn't reply. Even staring at his picture made me crazy already, what about being inches apart from his full body and soul?

I might faint.

"Ok, I'm done." He said, keeping the first-aid kit. "Now.. What to do?"

"I-I should probably go now." I responded with a shaky voice. I tried to go out, but he blocked the way.

"Don't worry about being discovered. I won't tell anyone. I'm quite selfish." I continued and tried to get out once again, but this time, my legs started to hurt again which made me go out of balance.

"OOWW!" I shrieked in pain. I fell down back to the seat, holding on to my legs.

He laughed. The street light shone his very cute face with his squinty eyes getting even squintier. Oh god, he's the embodiment of perfection.

But I'm still angry.

I slapped him many times and he defended himself while still laughing.

"I really love you, I really do. But I won't stand for this." I reasoned out, pouting.

He suddenly stopped laughing and his face became serious.

What did I do?



"I really love you. I really do."



Mother of god.

Slowly pulling back, I retreated to the side part of the van, "I-I-I mean.." I desperately stuttered. I could feel my cheeks burn.

And from a serious face, a huge grin was plastered on his face now. A huge devilish grin.

"Hm, what do you mean?" He asked with a hint of humor in his tone.

Oh god, how clumsy I am. I managed to pull myself together.

"I mean.." I cleared my throat. "I love you, yes-"

"Hm, what? I can't hear you." He asked once again, still grinning.

"Aish. As a fan, ok? I love you as a fan." I replied in an annoyed manner.

Seeing the disappointed look on his face, I regretted what I said. He looks so cute, but nope, I ain't buying that. I know he's doing special fanservice for me. My heart stung a bit at that thought, mere fanservice for a loyal fan.

In the end, I'm just someone who got injured at his concert and he's just very sorry for me.

I looked outside to avoid his gaze and saw my brother who arrived just in time.

"Now, I really need to go. My brother is waiting for me. See there?" I insisted, pointing out to my brother, who was waiting already.

He was hesitant to look. I raised my eyebrows to convince him, and he finally looked.

Sighing, he opened the door, which was to the delight of the woman he talked to earlier.

'Ahh, I wish I stayed a little bit longer.' I thought while going out.

My legs still hurt a little but I think I can manage to reach to my brother.

As I was having difficulties in going out, oppa was just at the van's door, blocking the way.

He reached out his hand, "Come on I'll help you." he offered.

I'll take this chance. While I still can.

His hands felt so soft yet it felt so masculine. I felt my cheeks burn again.

As I attempted to stand, he suddenly let go of me and turned back. "I'll carry you to your brother." He offered once again, then wearing back his sunglasses.

Why do you do this? This is beyond fanservice. You're so cruel, making me assume.

"Oh no no, thank-" he interrupted me once again, and with his strong arms, he carried me to his back, which forced me to hold on to his shoulders.

Shaking my legs, I struggled to free myself from his grip. "Let me go! What are you doing, people will look at us!"

"Don't mind them." He replied.

"Good for you because you're wearing sunglasses, people won't recognize you-uggh-let me go!" I snapped back, still struggling.

My brother looked at us suspiciously, but as we came closer, he recognized me. He suppressed a laugh.

Glaring at him I shouted at him, "Oppa, he's not putting me down!"

We reached him and thank goodness, he finally put me down. Some people passing by were staring already.

"Sheesh, why did you have to do that-ooww!" I exclaimed when I accidentally touched my bruise.

"See? You're still not fine." Joong-ki replied, checking my legs.

"Hey bro, I think that's enough." My brother inserted, his voice serious when he saw the condition of my legs. "Who did this to you? Him?" He raised a brow at Joong-ki.

"No, of course not!" I immediately replied. "He even treated my injuries."

"Then who did?" He asked with a bit of anger in his voice.

Joong-ki oppa immediately came to the rescue. "Actually, it's partly my fault."

Wait, what?

"She attended my concert but some fans got too wild and she got injured." He continued.

Wait, no! It's not your fault!

"How can you let this happen you piece of-" my brother tried to punch him but I stopped him.

"Stop it. Let's just go..." I murmured.

Oppa helped me get on the motorcycle while Joong-ki oppa stared in silence.

Not everything ends well, I guess.

I looked at him and smiled weakly. "Annyeong." I voiced out.

We went away while Song Joong-ki was there standing, looking at us as we depart.

Sheesh, what a way of parting away from your idol.

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flo_jk #1
Chapter 2: this is a cute fanfic :)