First Concert

Fan Meets Idol

I have been waiting for this for too long. I haven't spent my money, and I even endured not to eat just to attend this concert.


"Saranghaeyo, oppa!!!!"

"Song Joong Ki!!! Kyaaa!"

Yes, I'm finally gonna meet my one and only oppa, Song Joong Ki!

Suddenly, the lights went off, and the shouts and cheers from the crowds ceased. Everyone was holding their breaths, including me.

Then the spotlight and there he was, in his mighty handsome self.

"SONG JOONG-" I tried to shout, but then everyone went wild. Everyone was pushing each other around, trying hard to get close to him as possible.

"Song Joong Ki!! Notice mee!!"

"Kyaaa, oppa!'

It was so packed yet I struggled harder.

"SONG JOONG KI-OPPA!!!" I shouted.

He was now singing, oh his voice just sounds so heavenly, and when he faced our direction, our eyes met.

Ok, enough daydreaming.

Everyone was also screaming that Song Joong Ki looked at them.

Minutes passed, it got wilder. I was pushed from here to there while also being pushed back. I tried to sneak in back but to no avail. The people in front were so persistent and I was pushed down to the floor. It seemed like they didn't notice me, and some even stepped on me.

"Ow, ow!" I shouted.

"What are you doing? Be careful will you?" a girl angrily responded.

"Tch, so annoying!" another one joined.

What the heck.

I was the one who was pushed down! Nobody even dared to help me.

Slowly crawling away from the rampaging crowd, I tried to look for the medic station. I hope there is, I mean, this is a concert. There should be one, in case someone got hurt, like me.

My legs hurt. A lot. There were even marks where I was stepped on.

After some minutes of searching, I finally found the first aid station and guess what? Even the people assigned there joined in the crowd. Just, great!

I treated my own injuries and decided to just stay there, I could still see him even from far away.

"Oh, I shouldn't have attended. Live streaming is even better than this." I murmured to myself.

Later, some of the staff came back and checked on the first station and they were shocked to see me.

"Oh my, we're so sorry!" one of them said.

I rolled my eyes and replied, "Oh I'm fine already, you can go back there if you want." I stood up and went out of the concert hall.

The truth is, I'm still not fine. My legs still hurt a lot. I managed to walk straight out of the door but my feet gave up soon after, so I just sat on the benches.

Looking around, people who weren't able to buy tickets just watched at the huge television outside.

'At least I got to see him.' I thought.

I smiled bitterly and watched the entire concert on that bench. And afterwards, the concert ended and people went out of the hall.

After the long wait, this is what happens. So pathetic of me.

As much as I wanted to go home, I still couldn't because again, my legs hurt. I ended up asking my brother to fetch me.

"Ugghh and I need to wait here for an hour." I ranted. People that passed by were looking at me and I tried to look comfortable as much as possible.

"Are you okay?" some asked.

I responded with a smile. Great. Thank you for your concern after the concert.

"Hey isn't that the one who fell down earlier?" a familiar voice asked.

"Yeah, don't mind her. She's just a desperate attention seeker who wants to be noticed. Serves her right." another familiar voice replied.

I looked around to find the source of the voices and it turned out to be the same girls who ignored me and even stepped on me back at the concert hall.

"Hey you-" Losing my temper, I tried to stand up but my feet didn't cooperate with me. I almost fell down to the floor again but I managed to take hold of the bench.

The two girls simply laughed and went on their way.

I stared at them in disgust. I sat back and tried my hardest not to cry. But I just couldn't.

"Did I really look like an attention seeker?" I sobbed. "Why are people so judgmental!?"

I continued crying when suddenly, someone offered me a handkerchief.

I looked up to see a fairly tall man, wearing a big jacket and sunglasses.

"Who are you? It's already dark and you're still wearing sunglasses, we should call that moonglasses then." I wiped my tears, trying to laugh from my own silly joke. Before I was able to clearly see his face, he carried me towards the exit, bridal style.

I tried to free myself from him, "Wait, who are you? Where are you bringing me-Oh no, HELP, A KIDNA-arrmphmph!" he closed my mouth.

"Shh, just close your mouth and be quiet." his voice was so intimidating and scary. I closed my eyes in fear.

He continued to cover my mouth until we reached the parking lot. I started to tremble. A kidnapper! Oh God, help me! Somebody, please!

"Mianhae." When he uttered that word, the trembling stopped. The scary feel of his voice was gone. I opened my eyes, only to see ourselves at the streets already. I tried to look at him but I couldn't see his face very well.

"Finally, you're here!" said a woman's voice. "Why are you late-and who is this girl!?"

"Nothing, will you just let me in the van?" the man said, his voice a little bit annoyed.

"Do you know how behind we are on the schedule?" she retorted.

"Can't you just move aside?" the man threateningly replied. The woman said no more.

"..And don't come inside." he added.

The woman glared at him, then at me. Sighing in defeat, she grumbled and walked away. I felt like I would melt from her glare.

He went inside the van and put me down gently. He took a container from the back which seemed to be a first-aid kit and then sat beside me.

"I'm really sorry for this." he said softly. He carried my legs and laid it on his lap.

He reapplied some bandages and treated some of my wounds. Awkwaaard.

I saw the woman outside standing impatiently. "Why won't you just let her in?" I asked.

He just stayed quiet.

"Ow." I grumbled when he treated a wound.

"Oh, sorry." he immediately responded.

He continued in silence. I frowned, "Why do you keep on apologizing, and who are you?"

He didn't reply once again.

'Say what!? '

I the lights and pulled his sunglasses off, which startled him.

Wait. Wait. What.

Are you kidding me?

This can't be true.

The man in front of me, who carried me from the building to the van, and even treated my bruises, was Song Joong Ki.

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flo_jk #1
Chapter 2: this is a cute fanfic :)