
Redamancy Prequel: Tuqburni (You bury me)

    Hoseok knew the moment he saw her that she was the one for him. She wasn’t tiny and fragile looking like the majority of the wolves Hoseok’s age. Nope, she was thick, curvy, he could tell even through the thin hoodie and jeans she wore, but tall. She easily matched Hoseok’s height. The girl was sturdy where her twin looked ready to be blown away with the wind. Her black hair was cut short, like a boy, and spiky, as if someone had taken a razor to her head. Hoseok loved every inch of her at once.

She leveled the crowd of wolves watching Seokjin carry a broken boy through the camp with a glare sharp enough to draw blood, daring anyone to try her as she trailed after her brother. Her eyes caught Hoseok’s, and he swore her gaze softened just a little, before she turned to the next possible threat.

She kept pace with Seokjin as best she could without dragging the child latched onto her hand too harshly before stopping to easily heft up the younger vampire (another brother?) onto her hip. The smaller vampire held on tightly to her, arms and legs locked around her neck and waist.

Hoseok watched her go, never feeling more enchanted with another, let alone someone distinctly not a wolf, before deciding he would do everything he could to make her comfortable in camp.


Even though every cell in his body willed him to go meet her, Hoseok stayed at home and went on with his everyday activities. Mostly that consisted of running around with Jungkook and It was horribly boring and both Jungkook and Namjoon had noticed something was up. Jungkook asked him once why he was being so weird, creating an awkward silence, before Namjoon cuffed him on the back of the head and they all switched topics. Later, after Jungkook had been put to bed and the two older boys were laid out together in Hoseok’s twin sized bed, Namjoon told Hoseok he had seen the way Hoseok had looked at the new vampire girl.

“Seokjin said she’s a little malnourished but that she’s okay, if you were wondering. Like she’s not going to die like her brother might.”

“Her brother might die?” Sympathy rushed Hoseok. He studied the vast blackness in his bedroom. “That’s awful.”

“Yeah, Seokjin seemed pretty upset about it all. Maybe we should go cheer him up tomorrow.” Namjoon said.

Hoseok huffed, looking Namjoon dead in the face and wagging his eyebrows suggestively. “I’m sure you would just love to cheer up Seokjin.”

“Shut up!” Namjoon shoved Hoseok off the bed, laughter echoing in the small bedroom.



The second time Hoseok see’s the lovely vampire girl, he accidently walks in on her feeding off Seokjin. His whole body freeze instinctively, eyed stuck to the sight of her fangs sunk into his favorite friends neck. A little bit of blood streams down the back of Seokjin’s shoulder. Hoseok in a breath noisily. The girl opens her eyes and lifts one eyebrow at him without dislodging her teeth, still drinking deeply.

And then suddenly Hoseok is spurred into motion, rushing behind him to prevent Namjoon from entering the living room.

“Ah, Joonie, they're sleeping, let’s come back later!” He said pushing Namjoon in the direction of the portal.



    The third time he meets her, it's a week after the three vampires arrived, and five days after he witnessed her feeding off Seokjin. He picked a day when Namjoon was busy learning from his father and Jungkook had a babysitter just incase he walks in on something similar.

He doesn’t.

When he gets there, Seokjin is eating jajangmyeon in the kitchen and the vampires are nowhere to be seen. His older friend looks horrible, pale and shaky. He chats idly with Seokjin, stealing a few bites from his bowl, before inquiring about them.

“You want to meet them, don’t you?” Seokjin asked.

Hoseok nodded, only slightly surprised Seokjin jumped right to the point. “Yeah.”

Seokjin hummed uncertainly. “I don’t know if that’s such a good idea, Hobi.”

“Awh, Jinnie, please?” Hoseok pulled out the big guns, acting cutely. He pressed his palms together all pleadingly and pouted real big. “It’ll be fine, hmm?”

“I don’t know, Hobi…” Seokjin protested weakly. Hoseok could tell he was close to cracking.

“I just wanna help. It’ll be good for them to be friends with another wolf, right?”

“I guess you’re right about that...They should start to befriend other wolves if they’re gonna stay with me.” Seokjin conceded, getting up to clean out his bowl and wash his chopsticks.

“Yes!” Hoseok shoots into Seokjin, back hugging him. “Thank you!”

Seokjin patted his arms fondly, but when he spoke again his voice was stern. “But you can only meet Sohee for now. I don’t think the other two will be very friendly right now since they don’t even speak to me yet.”

“Sohee? That's her name?” Hoseok let go of Seokjin to bounce on the balls of his feet.

“Yes, she’s very nice.” Seokjin glanced over his shoulder to watch Hoseok’s excitement. “I think you two will get along great.”



    “You aren’t scared of me.” It wasn’t a question. Sohee leaned into Hoseok’s personal space and scanned his face for any signs of distress. When she found none, she shifted back to her own cushion of Seokjin’s couch.

Seokjin had agreed to leave them alone to get to know each other while he distracted Sohee’s twin, Yoongi. They had the t.v on, an old rerun of some drama, but both of them paid it no mind.   

    “You aren’t scared of me either.” Hoseok shot back. He was glad she wasn’t. It would’ve made befriending her much harder.

    “Nope,” she agreed. She avoids Hoseok’s gaze, studying the t.v. blankly. “Some of the other wolves are scary, but not you. Or Seokjin, he’s too motherly.”

    Hoseok hadn’t really thought of Seokjin that way before but now that she said so, he realized it was true. Seokjin was like a second mother to him and Jungkook: fiercely protective, grossly loving, and even naggy when they don’t clean up after themselves. He couldn't help the little giggle that slipped out at the realization. “Oh god, you’re right!”  

Not Namjoon, though. No, Hoseok was pretty sure Namjoon and Seokjin were destined to be mates with how they skirted around each other awkwardly. It was a funny thing, Namjoon and Seokjin’s relationship. Seokjin was just as big a worry wart of Namjoon, and maybe even more affectionate than with the other two, but Hoseok could detect a strange quality to the air around them.

Sohee watched him with a strange look on her face. She seemed unsure, hazel eyes slightly squinted. “You saw me feeding on Seokjin the other day.”

This sobers Hoseok up a little, making him snap his mouth closed. While he thought of what to say, he pulls one knee up to his chest and rests his chin on his knee. He’s not quite sure what he should say about that, so he says the bare minimum. “Yeah.”

“But you still weren’t scared.” She pointed out, brows furrowing. Her hands fidgeted in her lap. “You even made sure that I wasn’t interrupted. You didn’t scream for help or try to stop me.”

“I’d hate it if someone pulled me away if I was in the middle of eating.” he mumbled looking down at his toes, feeling a little dumb about the whole thing. “I don’t think I’d like to be gawked at either.”

She barks out a laugh at that, all her teeth, even her fangs, on full display and Hoseok swears he’s never heard anything more beautiful.



    Get along great they did. In fact, it surprised everyone just how close of friends they became in such a small amount of time. After their first meeting, they were nearly inseparable. Seokjin was proud, one of his new vampire babies was actually opening up to someone, but everyone else were wary. Vampires and werewolves have never exactly been compatible and their friendship worried some, namely Hoseok’s parents. It only took a few visits with Sohee for his parent to fall in love with her too, though, and Hoseok never did care much what others thought of him.



    It’s during their second month of friendship that Hoseok decides he would do anything for her. One of the boys had fed off Seokjin and not even ten minutes after, the elder had nearly fainted. Luckily Hoseok had been there to see Sohee so he was able to call Yixing's dad to come take a look at him. Needless to say, it scared the out of Hoseok and Sohee.  

It had been clear how much it weighed Seokjin down, most of his days were spent laying on the couch and faking it to a clueless Namjoon. It didn’t surprise Hoseok one bit; Seokjin may be a werewolf with healing abilities, but feeding three growing vampires is a lot of blood lost. Realistically, there is no way he could lose that much blood that often and still be fully functioning and healthy. Still, Seokjin waved off his concerns and put on a brave face for the vampire siblings.

Not that they were fooled, at least not Sohee. Hoseok still hadn’t met her brothers so he couldn’t say what they thought about it all, but he bet the youngest wouldn't know any better. Sohee didn’t talk much about her twin, too busy learning about Hoseok and the rest of the werewolves, so he had no idea if he had taken notice or cared.

The next time Sohee started to get hungry - Hoseok could tell because she started not only her lips a lot and often ruffled the back of her hair but she was paler than normal and a bit shaky - he snuck her out through Jin’s portal. The vampires weren’t supposed to roam the camp; they weren’t feeding properly and Jin was afraid they would be tempted but Hoseok, with his reason for sneaking her out, supposed that wouldn’t be a problem. It took a little convincing to get Sohee to leave but in the end she wanted to take a look at all the places Hoseok had mentioned in all the stories he had told her.

First he showed her the heart of the camp with all the different portal tents, then the small wooden playground Jungkook loved to play on, before guiding her farther into the woods. Sohee followed him around, listening to him chatter on about each spot as if every word out of his mouth was the most interesting thing she had ever heard. She looked so amazed and happy to be out if Jin's apartment and he loved it.

In what seemed like no time at all they came upon the river Hoseok had in mind. The trees opened up to a rocky bed that ran into the water.

“Wah, Hobi, it’s so pretty!” she gasped, looking around the area, eyes wide as saucers. She skipped ahead, slipping off her shoes, and stood ankle deep in the icy water holding the bottom of her pant legs up. Looking over her shoulders at him she squealed, “It’s so cold!”

   Hoseok hung back. Out of all the beautiful things surrounding him, the crystal water flowing over grey rocks, the wildflowers that grew in between the bigger rocks, his eyes were glued to the girl in front of him. A light breeze had random pieces of her black hair stuck up every which way, reminding him of a porcupine. Her eyes caught the light, turning them a striking orange shade.

Sohee her lips, amusement clear on her face as she watched Hoseok turn pink at having gotten caught staring. Suppressing a smile, she whined at him, making grabby hands. “Hobi, come on!”   

Obediently he went, making sure to leave his shoes by hers before stepping into the freezing river. “If you’re hungry, you know you can bite me.”

“Hoseok,” she breathes. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“But I do!” He grabs her shoulders and turns her so they are facing each other. “You’re starving and I want to help. I hate seeing you suffer.”

She rolls her eyes at him. “It’s not like i’ll die before my next feeding.”

“Just because you’re immortal doesn't mean you can’t hurt.” he protests. “I can see how pale and shaky you are. It’s been a week already since you ate!”

“Then catch me a big deer!” she laughs and brushes his hands off her shoulders easily. “Besides, vampire rules say I can’t drink from you.”

Hoseok squints at her in disbelief. “You drink from Jin, so why not from me?”

“Because silly, I love you.” she says casually, but she’s staring at her feet as they shuffle under the water. “And because you’re just a weak mortal, I’d end up killing you.”  

“So is Jin! And I’ll have you know I am very strong, okay?” Hoseok scoffs automatically. He flexes his muscles for effect. It takes a few seconds, but then it hits him: she said she loves him. His head snaps up and his arms fall limp. “Wait, you love me?”

“Yeah.” she nods. Like he should’ve figured it out by now and maybe he should’ve.

“Oh thank god.” Hoseok sighs.





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