Chapter Three: Home is where the Heart is

The Year of the Dragon
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As a performer, Ji-Yong, had often wondered how it was his fans ever managed to actually hear anything through the thunderously loud applause, much less the deafening cheers their mere presence on stage tended to produce.

 And yet, in that moment, as deafening as the audiences applause was  - all he could hear was the slightly breathless, ‘Komawoyo.’

She was ridiculously young, with the stage lights, now back to normal – it was no longer possible to mistake that husky timbre for a more mature singer.

It was obvious however, that regardless of her actual age, she was already on the brink of becoming a star. Despite what they said, YG hadn’t really lost the touch.

“Many of you may not know, but I actually made my debut at the Nagwon Arcade. I was about 2 and a half feet tall, and an absolutely horrible violinist – so being able to be up here in front of you today is truly an honor. Once again, ladies and Gentlemen – Komawoyo.”

A ripple of amusement threaded through the crowd.


Even Ji-Yong, couldn’t surpress and amused half smile, and yet - Nagwon Arcade. Something about that nagged at a distant memory.

Maybe if he’d had more time he would have remembered. Or so he would tell himself later.

In that moment however, all he could see, or hear was this enchanting mystery protégé YG had apparently uncovered. Even her soft depreciatory laugh was infectious.


She was an amazing speaker as well, she had the crowd eating out of the palm of her hand as she  walked carelessly across the stage, almost as if she was in conversation with the audience. “But to me, you see, what is even more of a blessing – is to be able to be here to hand out this award today.  This man, started out as the model trainee, YGE still tells us newbies to emulate.” Her soft eye-roll elicited yet another amused murmur from the crowd. 


For a half second, Ji-Yong was almost sure she was about to launch into a trademark impression of YG, as most YG performers were inclined to – but instead, she just flashed the crowd an impish grin.

A Sunbae for quite a while now, Ji-Yong, knew exactly how annoying YG could be when it came to telling his trainees to model themselves after him. They’d even had an outright fight about it once when Ji-Yong, had thought he was taking it way too far. He’d soon realized, however, that trying to convince YG of it was pointless, and had instead taken to teaching the kids, to take the comparison, as more of a joke then anything else.


He’d once even bribed, an entire batch of new recruits to roll their eyes every time YG mentioned him, while he’d had another batch, just pretend they had no clue who ‘G-Dragon’ was.

Needless to say, the hilarity that had ensued had been well worth the ‘scolding’ that had followed.

Ji-Yong was still reeling from the sheer impact of that wayward smile, when she repeated her last line. And yet this time – it sounded nothing like the lighthearted  statement it had been just moments ago. “This man, started out as the model trainee, YGE still tells us newbies to emulate. And rightfully so. He was hardworking, passionate, and always respectful. It has been 22 years since, and yet those three words are still the first that you will hear from anyone, when asked to describe him.”


And just like that, Ji-Yong realized his eyes weren’t following her around stage anymore, she’d stopped right in front of him and turned her doe-shaped eyes to him.


“For while the world may know you as G-Dragon, some of us have been lucky enough to be exposed to the man underneath all the YSL, the hair color and the liner. Haven’t we?”


Had she?


 His hands clenched unconsciously, under the crisp white table-cloth.

Goddammit who was she?

“The person, yo

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SenryuuSuzuna #1
Except for the fact that this story hasn't been updated for some years, I really enjoy it. I feel like a grownup Haru would indeed be someone who would keep surprising everyone. Especially through her sense of humour and rappong skills. (While also being an honest savage.)
fanfiction-fanatic #2
Chapter 7: See you haven't updated in awhile. Hope u are able finish this story one day. Really enjoyed it so far
fanfiction-fanatic #3
Chapter 6: Please update soon....this story is so good and I can't wait to see what happens next
mikkydragon #4
Chapter 6: update soon......
mikkydragon #5
Chapter 4: nice...........update soon.......
mikkydragon #6
Chapter 2: interesting story...........update soon..........
Chapter 3: wow this blow me over looking forward for your next update..Awesome