Naive Love


"Everybody knows,.. except them."

A school love and life story focusing on two young students who's too naive what love really is.

Heartbreak. Giddy feelings. Jealousy.

JIN AH(18) - the whole class thought of her as a goddess since she has the brain and the looks, and slight with the attitude( since she's a little goofy and bully in a very good way)
- has a crush on Joshua.
- crush is life but food is lifer(we all do ;> )

JOSHUA (17) - once a very quiet kid yet soon tainted with playfulness because of his best friends.
- avid online games player.
- a good son of his parents and to God.
-low profilely admires Jin Ah.

JIN AH’S Best Friends:
NAERA(17) –-avid Otako.
-talks about Otaku all the time.

HANNA(18) –love life too strong.
-eldest in their group of three.
-Missing In Action but acceptable because she’s a good daughter.

JOSHUA’S Best Friends:
WONWOO(18) - Math wizard.
- Vocally straight-forward
- Opposing Mingyu all the time (yet still friends)

MINGYU(19) – that one friend who has a little menta problem(lol in a good way).
- Joshua’s closest bud.
- Secretly admires Jin-ah
- Playful ASF!

JUN(18) – Tall
-narcissists! (just way too much)

Many more side characters coming up! 

(A/N: HOPE YOU’LL GET INTEREST TO MY STORY! Please Subscribe, Up-vote and Comment! >/n\< I aswell warn you with the future lapses, grammars and mistake. Imma na puuurfect ;___; )


I was so focus onto what the instructor was lecturing about requirements but then she halted midway to turn to look at the doorway.
A group of young men entered, they seem to be my classmates,.. and they are late.
They moved to choose the seats across us because they were vacant. As they settled themselves down,..
POOF!! Who is that?

I got distracted by one of them, he’s cute and.. the way he curve his mouth to smile the moment the taller one elbowed him for dragging the arm chair noisily.
It was a shy smile,…. And it’s the prettiest smile I’ve seen.

There I noticed my heart was pumping abnormally, face heated and I freakin began to sweat. What the--..


to be continued...
Please give much much love on my debut fanfic ^.^


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