Chapter 8 " Two is Better than One "


Jiyoung, Suzy, Taemin and Hoya focussed on their study again. They wanted to get the best grade for final exam. Their final exam jusst around the corner, it's make them felt very worried.

        " I'm so scare, our final exam will start next week." said Suzy with worried face.

        " Just do our best. Believe in yourself, Suzy. We can do it!" Taemin tried to give Suzy some spirit. Suzy gave Taemin a bitter smiled. Jiyoung also smiled, she also felt worried about the exam. What if she failed? She usually felt very confident in every exam she took it but when it come for final exam, she also felt very worried.

        " Jiyoung, we can do it! Come on, cheer up!" Hoya tried to make them felt better. Jiyoung just can smiled. They have to give all out in their final exam.



The exam already finished and everyone can relaxed their mind, but at the same time they also felt very worried about their result.

         " Jiyoung, I feel very worry about my result. i think i do many silly mistake." Suzy tried to let out her problems. She felt very stressed when she thought about her result.

         " Suzy, don't try to scare me. I'm also feel worry about my paper. Hope it will turn around to be good. Let's hope the miracle happen."

Both of them tried to smiled but still they cannot hide their fear. Jiyoung cannot think about it anymore, it will make her go crazy.



           " Jiyoung, you know tomorrow the result will be announce." said Suzy and she tried to calm herself.

          " Yeah, and I really scare about it, Suzy." Jiyoung bit her lips. tried to cover her fear.

          " Me too. Come on, let's have some hot chocolate to feel more better."

Jiyoung and Suzy went to their kitchen to make hot chocolate to feel more relax and better.


             " Let's hope, Suzy." Jiyoung hold Suzy hands tightly. She felt so scared. Suzy tried to smiled but her hands shivering. Her heart seem want to exploded. They finally enters their classroom and sat before their class teacher will called their name.

              " Bae Suji " Suzy felt pressured when her teacher called her name. She took a deep breath before step onto her teacher.

               " Congrats, you pass and also have the best grade in this course." said her teacher with smiled. Suzy really cannot believe what she hear. She jumped happily.

                " Really?! Yeah!" Suzy screamed for happiness, she jumped around. She felt so happy right now while Jiyoung still waiting for her result.

                 " Kang Jiyoung." Jiyoung quickly lift up her head and started to make her move to her teacher.

                 " Congratulation Jiyoung, you pass this exam and you also won the best designer for this year." her teacher gave her the result and also her certificate. Jiyoung cannot say a word, she felt so shocked. She hugged her teacher

                 " Thank you, madam." Jiyoung took her result and certificate, she ran from her classroom. Suzy suddenly hugged Jiyoung.

                 " Hey, Suzy! Why do you know i need you now?" Jiyoung and Suzy still hugging.

                " Because, i need you too.  Pass?" Jiyoung noded her head then both of them screamed for happiness.


As usual they hang out together like always chatting, sharing problems and many more. Suzy and Jiyoung stay calmed they did not want to tell them their result before they tell them first.

              " Hey girls, so tell me about your result?" said Hoya. He glances to Jiyoung and then Suzy, but boyh of them still stay quiet.

             " You, tell first" Suzy pointed to Taemin.

             " Ladies, first please." Taemin tried to avoid Suzy question.

             " No. We won't tell until both of you tell us first." Suzy still refused to tell them. Jiyoung just smiled, she really did not want to involve in this situation. Hoya and Taemin gave up and told them about their result first.

              " Okay, I'm pass and next week i've practical in Central Hospital." said Hoya and smiled. Suzy and Jiyoung amazed with Hoya words.

            " And i will work at Big Hit Holding next month because I officially get their offer." Taemin words really stunned Jiyoung and Suzy. They really did not expected that they will got their offer so fast.

             " That's great! Okay, I get the best marks for my course and maybe  3 months later i will do practical in Middle School" said Suzy happily. She cannot hide her excitement.

             " I get the best designer award for this year. So, all of us get our best result. I'm so happy." Jiyoung gave them a big smiled.

            " I'm so happy this night!" Suzy screamed happily.

              " Hey, what's about Minho? Call him." Jiyoung told Taemin to contact Minho. She wanted Minho also got the best like them. Taemin tried to called Minho. All of them really cannot waited for Minho answer.


              " Hello"

              " Hello, Minho. Taemin here."

              " Oh Taemin. Yah! How's your life?"

              " Great!  Actually we called your for asking how's your exam result. Great right?"

              " Herm...not so great., but yeah i'm pass. I will comeback to Korea and will working in my father company."

             " It's great! We proud with you. Next time if you comeback to Korea call me okay? We can hang out like we always do."

             " Okay. No problems, I will never forget you all. Thanks for calling."

Taemin pressed the red button. Everyone felt so happy for Minho. They really enjoyed the night.



Jiyoung took off the letter she wrote for Taemin one years ago. She plays the letter with her hand. Suzy wanted to called Jiyoung but her stepped suddenly stopped when she saw Jiyoung still holding the letter. ' Jiyoung still love Taemin' Suzy heart wonder about it. Jiyoung took out the lighter from her drawer and burned the letter. Suzy felt very shocked, she really did not expected Jiyoung will burned the letter.

           " Goodbye! from this moment your name completely erase frm my heart." said Jiyoung slowly.

Suzy slowly left Jiyoung room, she did not want Jiyoung saw her. She thought about what Jiyoung said  just now, suddenly her lips curled to smile.

           " Thank you Jiyoung."


Jiyoung still sat on her desk study. She know this day is Sulli birthday. She really missed Sulli, she missed the time when she still around with them.

        " Yah! Jiyoung! What are you doing?" Suzy hugging Jiyoung from her back.

         " Nothing. Suzy, I really miss Sulli. Today is her birthday and this is the first time we cannot celebrate her birthday with her again." her tears start to fall out. Suzy silence for awhile.

        " I miss her too. Let's go to her grave. Maybe we can feel her presence." Suzy and Jiyoung headed up to Sulli grave. They tried very hard did not want to cry, but they failed. Jiyoung and Suzy touch the stone that clearly wrote

         Choi Sulli

        March 29 1994 - December 17 2011

        My beloved daughter and friend.


        " Sulli-yah, we are happy right now. You can see it right? I hope you also will be happy in there. I miss you girl." Jiyoung eyes b with tears. She cannot stopped her tears from falling out.

      " Sulli, I'm sorry for take it Taemin, but I promise to you he will happy and I will never hurt him. You will bless me with him right?" Suzy wiped her tears.

Jiyoung and Suzy walked out, in their heart Sulli still alive.


Jiyoung felt so boring when no one with her. Suzy having a date with Taemin and now she felt really lost and did not know what to do. Her phone ringing and Hoya name appeared on her screen phone.

      " Hello" Jiyoung voice can melt everyone heart.

      " Hello Jiyoung, do you free this night?"

      " Yes, I'm actually feel very boring. Nobody in my home."

     " Okay, what if we hang out together this night. I will be at your place 20 minutes later. okay?"

     " Okay."

Jiyoung quickly took a  bathed. She choose the prettiest gown, that match her well. She put a light makeup and she also did not forget her fragrance. After she really satiesfied with her look, then she went down; waiting for Hoya in living room with a bright and happy smile.

The bell ring and she quickly ran to open the door. The door opened and she clearly can saw Hoya face with bright smile. Hoya opened the car door for her like every gentleman did.

     " Hoya, actually I didn't know where are you want to bring me?" asked Jiyoung after a long time both of them remained silent in the car.

    " That's a secret." Hoya smiled. He really love tease Jiyoung. Jiyoung pouted, she felt so angry when Hoya did not want to tell her  where they want to go.

      " I swear, you will love it." said Hoya. Jiyoung still make her angry face. The car stopped, Hoya open his door and quickly ran towards her and open her door. Hoya action really make her smile. They headed to the restaurant and Hoya brought her to the garden which consist one table just for them.

    " This is so beautiful." Jiyoung felt so amazed. The scene was so romantic like in drama. She really liked it.

    " I know you will love it." said Hoya. He hold Jiyoung hand to the table.

The music started to play and Jiyoung felt like she is the luckiest girl on the earth. Hoya really romantic. He completely perfect for guy; whole package that what every girl want; look, educated, sweet, romantic and gentleman.

After silence for awhile finally Hoya break the silence mood.

    " I actually bring you here; has a romantic dinner together with one aim." Hoya took a deep breath before he continued agian. " You can think about it carefully. Don't pressure yourself. Okay...I want you become my lover and also fiancee. Will you accept it?" Hoya took out the ring from his pocket. Jiyoung felt so shocked, she really did not expect all of this. Jiyoung took a time before she answer it.

    " Hoya, I need time to think about it carefully; like you said"

   " Jiyoung you can take your time. If you feel ready to give the answer just call me and we will meet. If you accept my proposal, the ring is belong to you but if you reject me...the ring will belong to somebody else."

   " You have somebody else?" Jiyoung feel so shocked. She did not know if Hoya has someone else beside her.

   " Not yet. But if you reject me it's mean I've to find somebody else right?" Hoya answer make Jiyoung felt uneasy. But Hoya right, she cannot have him forever, Hoya did everything to her but she never appreciate it.

   " Let's eat."

   " Okay."


Jiyoung still think about Hoya proposal. She actually really like Hoya, maybe she already fall in love with him but she still did not want to admit. Suzy enter her room, she know Jiyoung has a problem. Jiyoung never felt agitated like that.

     " Jiyoung, do you have a problem?" said Suzy slowly. She put her hand around Jiyoung shoulder.

     " Suzy, actually Hoya propose me and I..." Suzy quickly cut Jiyoung words

     " Then, accept it. You love him right?"

     " Yes, but.."

    "  Jiyoung listen to me, before she completely tired with you. You have to 'have' him. Now you must sleep." Suzy switch off her lamp.

The last words before Hoya send her home will always in her mind.

     " Jiyoung, two is better than one"














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Chapter 9: awwwww~ feel happy for jiyoung and hoya :DD . i think they can make a good couple XD
Catalina390 #2
this story make me crying hard~ pity jiyoung, one after another one, but taemin still don't love her~ huuhu sad
kray67 #3
it’s the end yet?i h0pe it wasn’t ,,thx 4 updating :)
kray67 #4
pity jiyoung :(
wah,, it’s g0nna be taezy and hojin story,, :D
am i right,,?haha
ilovesuzy #5
i hope it will b taezy in the end
suzy's so kind hearted n shes also like this in real life too
i hope jiyoung could understand suzy's heart
i'm sorry if Chapter 6 take a long time...i'm so busy right now with school...i hope everyone will still wait and read it..^_^
kray67 #7
aah~ p0or jiyoung p0or h0ya to0,,,my feeling say if jiyoung will end up with taemin,, hehehe :D h0pe it’ll be taezy only
ilovesuzy #8
just love it
ilovesuzy #9
i guess taezy's chapter cuming soon