Chapter 2

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          In this empty place, Jennie is drawn into the ocean of dreams. The time passed so fast, and this time, her dreams took her to the past, the one she misses the most. It played again and she still remembers that day clearly. Her sister came back to the apartment on Wednesday Night. She excitedly came after her part time. It was Christmas Eve, and Jennie thought that she would be alone again just like last year. But, it was different, because Jisoo was coming home.

          “Jennie, I’m home.”

          As always, Jennie would be on the living room to watch the TV. She didn’t expect anything that day, “Oh, you’re home.”

          Jisoo walked with a wide smile painted on her face, “Come on, let’s go out. I don’t have any part time job for today.”

          Jennie’s face changed when she heard that, “Really?”

          Jisoo nodded, “Yes, so, change your clothes, we’ll go right now.”

          Jennie rose up her body and run to her room, “Yey!”

          It’s a memory that she will never forget, because after that, they went to the place that Jennie always dreamed of. It was amusement park, because every Christmas eve, they will create a very big event. That day, Jisoo already saved money to go to that place. Jennie always loved her sister, but for this time, because they are getting more farther away from each other, she misses those days with her. The last Christmas eve with her sister was two years ago.

          That dream ended when Jennie started to open her eyes, she looks at her surroundings. She realized that this she is in a hospital. But, Jennie was shocked because this room looks luxurious. And she turned around to see someone who realizes that she just woke up from the bed, “Jennie, you’re awake.”

          “Yoongi-oppa, what happened?” Jennie saw an IV her hand.

          “You were unconscious at the practice. Everyone was surprised and immediately pressed one in your handphone, and it connected to Namjoon.” Yoongi explained, “But he’s busy, so he asked me. By the way, why isn't number one not your sister?”

          Jennie stays silent with Yoongi’s question. She stopped for a moment to think and took glances at the window. There’s no sun behind that window, Jennie was silent with the scenery. She knew that her sister won’t come no matter what. Her sister is a busy person. She stopped hoping for her sister to come for her. Jennie tried to reach unto her arm to let go of the IV, “I’m okay. I want to go home.”

          But, Yoongi hold her hand to stop her action, “No, the doctor has said everything to me. You need to have full rest for now. If you try to force yourself again, your body will get worse.”

          Yoongi’s words were making her think, “I just want this body to be broken. There’s no one that needs me in this world. I’m just their burden.”


          Maybe because of that dream, Jennie got more sentimental. The memory was hurting her more, which worries are coming again. She always feels lonely everywhere she goes, and she hates that feeling. That room got quieter, but there’s a ring from the phone. Yoongi took his phone, “I will answer this call, you wait here.”

          Yoongi walked outside to answer the call from Namjoon, “Hello...”

          He continued his talk and didn't realize that two people are coming to the room. That person is Jennie’s sister. She walked so fast to that room to meet her. She was worried from the first, and without waiting anymore longer, Jisoo enter the room, follow by Jin behind her. But, Jin decided to stay in front of the door, he let the siblings there.

          “Jennie, are you okay?” Jisoo is looking at Jennie who was conscious and looking at her.

          Right now, to be honest, Jennie didn’t believe that Jisoo will come. Who told her that she was here? Jennie curious with that, but she doesn’t care anymore after Jisoo came closer and hug her tightly. Jennie stayed quiet to feel her hug. With hesitation, she raises her hand to reach for Jisoo’s back. She misses the hugs. She wants to make up with Jisoo from the first.

          “Thank God, you are okay. I’m so worried.” She reaches Jennie’s head to give it a gentle pat.

          It won’t stop, the tears fall from Jennie’s eyes. For how long she didn’t feel this warm hug? How can she forget on how her sister worked so hard? Jennie can smell food from Jisoo’s body. She knew it well that her sister must be from her part time job. She thought, it will be impossible for Jisoo to visit her. But, she’s here, hugging her so tight, and pat her head.

          She missed them; both of her parents, her complete family, and now, only Jisoo is left to be both parents for her. Jisoo whispered slowly to her crying sister, “I’m sorry, I'm always busy and never know about your condition. I’m sorry for being a bad sister for you. So, please don’t be hurt anymore, you are the only sister that I have.”

          Thank you, unnie.

          A sentence that she never dares to say with a loud voice to Jisoo, and it’s already thousand times her heart said those things. Today, she wants to let out her cry for Jisoo even without words, Jennie hopes Jisoo can clearly hear what her heart said. No matter how her days are hurting her, Jennie finally felt enough with only Jisoo's presence right now.

          I love you, my sister.

          On the outside, Yoongi just got a call from Namjoon, “She’s okay for now. She just needs rest for a few days.”

          “That’s great.”

          Yoongi walked back to the door, but he saw someone was waiting at the front, “Do you want to talk with Jennie?”

          “Is Jisoo there?”

          Yoongi was already in front of the front door and he stopped when he saw Jisoo inside, “Jisoo? Yes, she’s here. How did you know? Did you call her?”

          Namjoon answered, “Yes. I though Jennie needs her sister more than anything,”

          Yoongi smile a little, “Yes. I never realized you’re so nice, Namjoon.”

          He laughs a little from her phone, “But never as kind as you.”

          Yoongi saw the scene in front of him. He thinks for a moment. He replies again, “You’re right, Jennie need Jisoo more than anything.”

          Yoongi saw tears that he never saw before from a strong Jennie.

          Chaeyoung loves honey scent, because it’s reminds her of Hoseok. Every morning, Hoseok is in front of the honey store to pick the goods. He’s not like every young man out there, Hoseok decided to not continue his study in university, but he works. There is little reason for him to not continue his study; one of the reasons must be because his parent can’t afford him. Chaeyoung live in the same neighborhood with Hoseok, that’s why she knew him well.

          On the sunny morning at the honey store, Chaeyoung walked slowly and wave her hand, “Hoseok-oppa.”

          Hoseok saw her and wave his hand for her. Before he wants to meet her, Hoseok asks for permission from his boss. Then, he walked to Chaeyoung, “Morning, Chae, why did come here?”

          “You’re not going home since yesterday. Your mom was worried, you know that? She asked me to give you this.” Chaeyoung gave a bag with clothes also a perfect bento in box meal from his mother.

          “Thank you, Chae.” Hoseok was so happy to receive it.

          But, Chaeyoung doubtly gave that big box meal to Hoseok, “Actually, I made you another thing too, because I know you’re not going to go home again. So, I hope you’ll like it.”

          Hoseok tried to reach those box meals from Chaeyoung’s hands, “I always love your cooking, Chae, don’t worry.”

          “Okay, I will go to school now.” Actually, Chaeyoung wanted to talk with Hoseok again, but she became shy from his words.

          “Wait, before you go. Do you want some honey cookie for your meal today?” Hoseok offer her.

          Chaeyoung nodded innocently, because she can’t lie that she likes that honey cookie from that store. Hoseok then walked to the store to put the box meal. From far, Chaeyoung was watching Hoseok while waiting for him. She loves this daily event. She loves that honey scent too. She wants to save everything in her memories. Today, she will eat that honey cookie at the rooftop.

          “Thank you, Hoseok-oppa.” Chaeyoung puts that cookie inside her bag.

          Hoseok answered, “Hmm, see you, Chaeyoung-ah.”

          Melon bread is Lisa's favorite meal for school lunch. She runs so fast to the school canteen. As always, Taehyung will be behind her to the canteen. From those crowds, Lisa did her best to enter the crowds. She successfully is entering the crowds. It’s because of her slime figure. Lisa succeeds to enter the front and saw that melon bread is gone. She was so disappointed, and walked away from the crowds.

`        When she walked, someone bumped into her. Lisa was surprised and saw that there is so much Melon Bread that fell, “Melon bread...” Lisa stares at the bread and picks

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I'm going to update this soon~!


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mjbxxi #1
Chapter 4: Love ittt
jonhdharyll #2
Hello author !!! I love this story and I have read the first chapter and please ship Namjoon and Jennie because they are my bias in bts and blackpink!!!
Really love your story!!!
Is it unreasonable to hope for Jennie x Suga..?
blink_jelly #4
Chapter 1: Rosekook ahahhaa
JKLLS97 #5
Chapter 4: My heart also hurt when i read this chapter. Why all of them falling in love to the one that dosen't love them back (of cause for now?)
Chapter 4: Poor Chaeyoungie :'( I felt so sad for her too, it's so heartbreaking </3
Chapter 2: JiRose is so cute <3 Poor Lisa, I hope she'll just choose Taehyung! But OMG. JinSoo <3
Chapter 1: I ship JiRose so much too! >o<
yiyizheng97 #9
Chapter 4: VRose pls