Chapter 3: SOS

Oasis in the Clouds [Season 1]
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##HanGuk University_ In front of the Coffee Shop##

+NaYeon looks at SungJae in shock+

+SungJae looks at his clothes then glares at NaYeon+

+All of the other students near the coffee shop is watching NaYeon&SungJae+









NaYeon “Oh my goodness… I’m so sorry…”


SungJae “(Looks at her in shock)”


NaYeon “I’m so so sorry… Are you okay…?”


SungJae “(Looks at her in doubt)”








+NaYeon gets napkins out of her bag and tries to wipe the coffee off of SungJae’s coat+









NaYeon “Oh gosh… it’s all over the place…”


SungJae “(Eyeroll) don’t lay another finger on me. What a shi* start to a day.”








+SungJae walks past NaYeon to the nearest washroom+









NaYeon “…?”









Like I know… that it’s my fault…
But he didn’t have to be so rude about it…
Just because he’s hella wealthy… he shouldn’t treat people like that…












##HanGuk University Business Building_Room 123A##

*It is a HUGE lecture room that fits about 400 people*

+Around 400 students all rush in to grab seats. Students sit in their group of friends. NaYeon follows her classmates into the classroom+









Woah… I’ve never been in a University lecture room before…
Don’t act excited… don’t act excited…
I’ll seem like such a noob…









+NaYeon grabs a seat near the front, and gets her brand new laptop out of her bag and starts ‘Microsoft Word’ to get ready to write notes down+









My first very own laptop… the laptop that my parents got me for getting accepted into HanGuk University… I need to do well to not disappoint them! Let’s forget about what happened this morning and focus on my studies!









+NaYeon looks up, excited for the class+

+NaYeon gets a text+









Oh right… I was about to answer his call… then I bumped into…
No… let’s not think about this morning again…
Focus on classes… good grades… that’ll make my parents so happy…









+NaYeon looks blankly at her phone. Students around her start whispering to each other+









Ugh what now…
I get nervous everytime they do that now…









+NaYeon looks up from her phone, and sees a guy walking in with coffee stains on his clothes+










Who wears clothes with coffee stains on the first day of class…

Like that guy has LOTS of guts…

I mean…


Oh gosh no…










+NaYeon looks up at his face, and it is SungJae. SungJae sees NaYeon looking at him as he walks in+









SungJae “Dam*… Just my luck huh.”









+SungJae looks like he’s disgusted to see her, then he walks to a seat near the back of the lecture room+











Dam* just my luck…?

Hey that’s exactly what I wanted to say BRUH

Wait no think NaYeon think…

You did spill coffee all over him…

Like how would you feel if someone spilled coffee all over your new cloths

Okay. You’re gonna go apologize to him again after class,

Since you DO have to see him in this class for the rest of the semester.










+SungJae watches NaYeon from the back of the classroom+









SungJae “(To himself) why am I in a class with that nuisance”











+The professor walks in, and class begins+










Dr. Park “I know its O week, but I’m gonna start with the curriculum. Hope you guys brought things to jot notes down with.”









+Students whisper and talk to themselves+










Thank God I brought this laptop…
I’m SO prepared.









NaYeon “(Looks at the professor with a smile)”


Dr. Park “Alright class has started. First of all, what do you guys think management is?”

















+Dr. Park is giving the lecture very passionately. Students try their very best not too look bored. NaYeon passionately jots notes down. SungJae watches NaYeon from afar+









SungJae “...She looks so excited to be here.”


















+Dr. Park finishes his lecture exactly at 50 minutes+










Dr. Park “Since it was only the first day, I tried to take things slower. Once you get home, try to review today’s lecture, and prepare for the next lecture, since all of the lecture powerpoints are on the school site.”







+Students moan in pain+








Dr. Park “Also start thinking about your groups for the final group project”








+Dr. Park leaves+

+A few students approach SungJae+








JiYeon “Hi~ you are Yook SungJae, right?”









+SungJae stops packing his bag and looks at JiYeon+








SungJae “…?”


JiYeon “I heard the other students talk about you (smiles)”


SungJae “…So?”


JiYeon “I’m Kim JiYeon”


SungJae “…So?”


JiYeon “When are you finished with your classes? A few of us are getting together, and I was wondering if you wanted to come”


SungJae “I’m busy.”









+SungJae finishes packing his bag and walks towards the door+

+NaYeon watches the situation, and when SungJae gets near her she walks over to SungJae+









NaYeon “He, Hey…!”


SungJae “(Looks at her in anger) ?”


NaYeon “Haha, remember me…? Haha… I kind of… um…”








What are you evern SAYING NaYeon… speak properly for God’s sake…








SungJae “(Looks at NaYeon like she’s a joke)”


NaYeon “Um, I, I just wanted to apologize… again… for the whole… coffee… thing…”


SungJae “(Looks at NaYeon)”


NaYeon “Y, you know…! Seeing that you’re taking this class… we’re probably in the same faculty and all… We’re probably going to run into each other a lot, I just didn’t want to have any beef with you… haha…”


SungJae “(smirks) pfft-“







Is… Is that a smile…










NaYeon “(Looks confused)”


SungJae “If you don’t want to have to deal with me, stay out of my sight.”








+SungJae walks past NaYeon and on his way out of the lecture room, he purposely knocks down NaYeon’s laptop+

+NaYeon’s laptop falls to the ground and the monitor gets cracked+









NaYeon “My… My laptop…!”











+SungJae turns his head to watch NaYeon’s reaction, smirks, then walks out of the lecture room+

+NaYeon runs to her laptop and looks at it+










NaYeon “My laptop… (Glares at SungJae) What the HELL is his deal!!”













##HanGuk University Business Building_Hallway##

*Many students are walking in the hallway. Every student that walks by SungJae turns back to look at him again*

+SungJae is walking by himself+








SungJae “(To himself) why the hell do I have to attend this stupid school. If they’re so thankful that my dad built them a new gymnasium, they should just give me the dam* diploma.”










+SungJae gets a call from – Han SangHyeok+










SungJae “What do you want;”


SangHyuk “Did you see the group chat?”


SungJae “No, I turned the alarm off cuz you guys were talking about stupid shi*”


SangHyuk “Kim TaeHyung is back.”


SungJae “What?”


SangHyuk “I’m just saving you time from reading that stupid chat. He’s back. TaeYong said so.”


SungJae “What are you talking about… why… why would he come back.”


SangHyuk “I don’t know, I guess we’re about to find out.”







+SungJae gets reminded of when TaeHyung walks through the departure doors at the airport+

+SungJae hangs up then stops his steps+







SungJae “Why… how… how dare he come back.”











##HanGuk University_Cafeteria##

+JiSoo and JiWon are waiting for NaYeon at a table+










JiWon “NaYeon is really something hahahahaha”


JiSoo “Do you really think this is funny?”


JiWon “How could she pour coffee all over someone like THAT? Hahaha”


JiSoo “She thinks he’s in business too… (Sad face) I feel so bad for my NaBongee”









+NaYeon walks to the table+










JiWon “Well well well, if it isn’t the little infamous-“








+JiSoo hits JiWon in the arm+ 









JiWon “Are you cra

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RoxyaneLovv #1
Chapter 5: Waaa... Just finished 1 chapter, and make me fly over and over... Why would i just found it right now?
Really love with style author-nim made it.
Thank's to author who made a fabulous story. Love it.
neccar 146 streak #2
Chapter 6: I know I'm very behind for this fic but the way you've written the fic is more like a scenario rather than a book and it makes it very unique.
Chapter 14: Still re-reading... Notice me senpai :")... Damn i love this chapt so much
Chapter 15: LOL So Season 2 has already started. I only just checked now. I'm subscribed to it now. :) More Sungjae, I hope.
Chapter 15: Eagerly waiting for Season 2. :)
desertfox6 #6
Chapter 13: Author-nim I'm wondering about around the time you will update again, can you let me know so I'll comeback to your ff page at that time. Because I keep coming back & forth to your page to check if you update yet kekeke I will wait tho ❤❤❤
amlyaqis #7
Chapter 15: This fanfic made my day..>< thanks authir for making this story ;)
GTae_shipper13 #8
Chapter 15: Can't wait for your update!!! Saranghae author-nim
desertfox6 #9
Chapter 15: Thank you for your hard work~! ♡ can't wait for the season 2 to come out keke I ship Sungjae-Nayeon couple here idk but somehow their hate-care relationship is soooo drama-like which make me dugundugun & more attracted to them I wanna see sungjae's perspective like he must have his own reason why he become a little j*rk that so cold & heartless & i do curious about the r.s between sungjae, taehyung & That Girl (I forgot her name) he mentioned after he saved nayeon
Chapter 15: OMG!!! I feel like I was really watching a drama! Looking forward to the next season. I wonder what did really happen...
As for the special chapter maybe in Jimin perspective. I mean I want to know how is he dealing with the situation where he can't help his friend even if he wants to. I want to know how he really feels cause most of the time he just supress all his true feelings .