a r r i v a l*~!

Giving up, Giving in; What's the difference?
“Ahh!” Sayuri’s voice came across the car, “summer has arrived!” She stretched out her arms and let them rest behind her head.

Her elder brother raised his eyebrow at her. He refused to let her take the school’s bus, he wanted to drive her himself. “Why do you like these things so much Sayuri? You’re a kid” He laughed but kept his eyes on the road.

“I’m not a kid” She said pouting, “I’m almost 16!”

Daiki, the brother in name rolled his eyes. He had just turned 21; he was the second eldest out of the Hayashi children. Sayuri was the youngest, and the only girl. She was babied a lot, even among her friends.

“Well.” She crossed her arms and looked out the window. “Whatever.”
She rolled down the car window and put an arm out. She closed her eyes and let the wind blow her short hair in every direction. She had been waiting for this summer camp for 6 weeks.

*~ 6 Weeks Ago ~*

“Oi” Danbi said out of nowhere, causing the three other girls to look in her direction. They all had congregated to Sunni’s backyard.

Danbi was sitting on a swing that hung from a very tall tree, AJ on a chair, Sayuri was leaning up against AJ’s legs as she sat on the ground and Sunni was laying on her stomach beside Sayuri, she was playing with pieces of grass.

“Hmm?” Sunni said looking up at her. Out of the four girls, who had been inseparable for some times now, Sunni talked the least.

“Summer break starts in less than a month.” Danbi said started swing a little, “Do you want to go away? Somewhere with a beach?”

AJ shrugged, she didn’t really care. Sunni didn’t say anything.

Sayuri sat straight up, “Oh! Oh! Oh!” She said starting to bounce, “I know what I want to do!”

The other girls turned their attention to her, “How about we go to the school’s summer camp?”

Sunni sat up, “That doesn’t sound too fun.”

“Nu-uh Sayuri.” Danbi shook her head, “I’d rather not.”
“Come on! We’d meet new people! We’d make friends!” Sayuri looked from one of her friends’ faces to another.

“So you want new friends?” AJ raised an eyebrow.

Sayuri quickly shook her head. “No. No. No.” She pouted, “Why can’t I make new friends?”

They didn’t answer her. “Fine, I’ll go by myself.” Again, no answer. “Please? Please come. I won’t have fun without you. To be honest with you I don’t think I’ll make more friends. Why would I need more friends anyways?”

The three other girls started laughing, “Hey? What’s so funny?” Sayuri said a confused look on her face. “Uh…Yeah” She concluded before joining into the laughter. Despite the fact that she had no clue what they were laughing at, the sound of her best friends’ laughter made her smile, and eventually laugh too.


“Yo. Sayuri.” Daiki said trying snap her out of the trance. She was still staring out of the window, yet the car had stopped. He snapped his fingers in front of her face, “Dude. We’re here.”

“What?” Sayuri said quickly shaking her head. She looked towards him. “Really?” She got out of the car and looked around. Putting her hand up over her eyes to cover the sun and took out the piece of paper in her pocket.

‘Cabin 6’ it read. “Daiki, help me take my stuff?” She looked at him hopefully, a smile across her face.

He nodded and took one of her bags, Sayuri with the other; they made their way to Cabin 6.

Sayuri looked around for the school’s bus, ‘I guess they haven’t arrived yet, soon hopefully’ She looked down at her watch, ‘Daiki has to leave soon, I’ll be alone for a while’ She shivered at her own thought.

They put her bags into the cabin. Daiki waved goodbye and made his way home. Sayuri sat down on a chair in the cabin’s small kitchen. She decided to wander a bit.

The cabin was medium in size, made of wood and quite nice. The rooms inside were painted in blues and greens. There were 8 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms. She knew that she’d probably be staying with Sunni. She walked up the stairs of the cabin, carrying one of her bags. She went straight to the last door on the right and opened it. She took a look around. It had one set of bunk-beds. She put her bag on the top bunk and climbed up beside it.

She kicked off of her sneakers and plopped down. She put her head on her bag as a pillow. She yawned, she was exhausted. Her head was spinning of thoughts of who should would meet.

“Are we there yet?” Kangin said in an annoyed tone.

“No.” A couple of his friends said in unison.

“Why is it taking so long?” He said crossing his arms.

None of them replied, even though the answer was simple, it was far away.


“I wonder if Sayuri’s there yet.” AJ said, the three girls sat in the front of the bus.

“Stupid Daiki wouldn’t drive all of us” Danbi said looking at her nails, which had been painted a dark purple. “Gosh, he can be a jerk sometimes.”

“Oh Well.” Sunni said staring out the window, she didn’t like long car rides. “I just hope we get their soon.


Sayuri got off of the bed and walked into the bathroom that connected the two of the bedrooms. She opened the door to the other room and peeked inside, “And this’ll be where Danbi and AJ stay.” The smile on her face grew. She clapped her hands like a little kid and ran back into her room.


“Hey.” Eunhyuk said nudging Donghae, “Why does it say ‘House for sixteen’ when there’s only fifteen of us?”

Donghae shrugged, “Beats me.” He pushed a piece of hair out of his eyes, “Maybe some random dude has to stay with us.”

Eunhyuk nodded making an ‘O’ with his mouth, “Better not be some jerk though.”

They walked up to the cabin marked 6.

As they entered one by one they dropped their bags down in the living room.

“Hey!” Yesung called, “Sungmin! Did you bring that pink bag?”

“Pink bag? No. I brought my grey one.” He called back.

“Then who brought the pink one? Heechul? Leetuek? Ryeowook?” He said looking around, then back to the pink bag. “No? Then I guess that someone else is here.”



“Huh?” Sayuri said look towards the song.

Riiiing. Riiing.

“Oh” She said lightly smacking her forehead. “My phone.”

“Yello?” She said into the device.

“Sayuri! Are you not here?” Sunni’s voice came through. “I’ve looked everywhere in our cabin.”

“What are you saying silly?” Her cheerful voice rang, “I’m in our room.”

“No you’re not? I’m standing in the room we are supposed to be staying in. It’s just me.”


There was a bang outside of the room. Sayuri turned her head towards the sound.

“What was that?” She muttered walking towards the door.

“No! I want that room!” A voice said on the other side of the door.

“Dude, we get that room.” Another replied.

Sayuri wouldn’t have been so confused about the voices, if they hadn’t sounded like the belonged to girls.

“Sayuri!” Sunni said into the phone, “What cabin are you exactly in?”

“6…isn’t that the right one?” She said turning her attention to finding the paper. “That’s what you wrote down for me.”

“Sayuri…” Sunni voice suddenly sounded anxious, “We’re in Cabin 9.”

Sayuri’s eyes widened. “What!?” She half yelled. “No! No! That’s not right!” She sounded scared.


Her eyes darted towards the door. Her heart beat grew faster. She walked towards the door and slowly opened it, she peaked out. She saw several guys standing in the hall.

“Sayuri? Where are you?” This time is was AJ’s voice. “Sayuri? Who are you with?”

“Dude! That’s mine!” A feminine guy said taking a bag from a guy with light hair.

“No I brought this one?” He replied.

“Sayuri!? Are you with a boy?” AJ’s voice had slight panic in it, she was very protective, she didn’t want anyone to advantage of Sayuri and her innocence.

“What? Sayuri’s with a boy?” Danbi’s voice was heard in the background, “Who? Is he cute?”

“I’ll call you back.” Sayuri whispered hanging up the phone. She slid it back into her pocket.

She stood there for a moment before going back into her room. She slammed the door loudly.

She leaned up against the door and slid down it.

“Oi.” She heard someone say, “Who was that?”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“Hey, is someone in there?” He continued. “Dude, I think our new roommate’s in here.”


Knock. Knock. Knock.

Sayuri dared not open the door. She just sat there with her head in her hands trying to think of a way out of this.


To be honest, I was going to wait until posting this, but I couldn't. I guess I'm just impatient like that.

What do you think? I just have so many creative juices in me today. I'm currently writing the next chapter. :D

Any thoughts? Annoyances? Suggestions?
Please share. I love, love, love comments!


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wonkyute #3
minhojong #4
haha i really like this story! continue