

Sandeul has asthma and Jinyoung is a medical student. Stuff happen.


“Breathe deeply” he told him as he patted his back gently “You get hyperventilated too easily”

“It’s because I ran” the youngest said smiling shyly.

“Let’s walk slowly then” Jinyoung proposed “stop ignoring your breathing problems”

“I don’t ignore them” Junghwan complained “It’s only that I don’t think about them”

“Then do”

“You’re no fun” he said, but he was smiling.

“I’m enough fun to keep you around, am I not?”


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ichbindeinvater #1
Chapter 1: Great chapter! Jinyoung's worry for Sandeul is so sweet <3
I have already read all of your fics... they are purely gold..... hope u write a new one ♡