✨ Trainees +1

✨Faeries- Lotus Entertainment's Female Survival Show! [APPLY OPEN!] (UPDATE IN CHEATSHEET)

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last updated

Nov 3

total applicants 02
— Singers + 1
— Dancers + 0
— Rappers + 1


Talent twin




Lee Mirae


face claim Hani (EXID)
main talent Rapping

Hiya Kumiko:) Oooh The first applicant :). First off Emerald is such a really pretty name. Ooh she lived in London, what I nice touch :) Also I love how specific you were in the location! She has some very nice and 'heartful' tattoos if you know what I mean! The tattoos match nicely with her personality. Also the personality section is great! She is definitely the character that a lot of other characters would rather rally behind than against, a perfect leader if selected.

She grew up in London, and then ran away? Yep we have a feisty lady here! Her cousin is Gray! the background ties in with the personality really well! And she definitely conveys don't judge a book by it's cover! Her trivia definitely shows her soft heart, a fear of blood? That's so cute! OMG her habits though, my favourite is Wakey Wakey! Oh just everything is super cute!

Her talents are amazing, and, speaking honestly, I never expected that Jessi can sing! Man she has nice voice!

The scene requests are super cool, whilst reading I also thought about her fainting and just imagining it. Also Hanbin fanboy sounds like a really freaking cute fanboy!

The interveiw is very good, also I like the inclusion of the introduction to the judges.

Well I guess what's left is what I stupidly left unfinished :( If you don't mind can you fill them out? The questions are in the cheatsheet. But you don't have to since Lee Mirae is totally accepted :) Thank you for applying Kumiko!






Song Haneul


face claim Seolhyun (AOA)
main talent Singing

Hiya Sapphire :) What's with me and gemstones? Anyway shall we begin? Ooh she has a twin! That so cool! The basics section is really good also Tinerbell was always my fav fairy :) I'm just a but worried about the piercing being on the tounge, but she can easily take it out :).

Hang on, you mean Mirae as the applicant above you? omg thats so cool, I like the connection.. I've never ever seen examples being used but man they give me a good idea about your character. However your character is a low-key Mary-Sue sure she has some flaws but by the 1st line of; she is a nice girl that everyone likes I knew. Also mentioned in the background. But it's not that big of a deal, just make sure to change up the personality a bit so that she dosen't seem so much like a Mary Sue :) Also you wrote the twins name insted of Haneul's in the how she acts off-on stage.

Her background is short but really sweet, also we have a choir girl. Also her dream is really sweet. Her trivia is also really good! We seem that we have two iKon fans applying :).

Her interview is good, but how do she not grow grudges? Everybody grows grudges. 

I love the stage name Sky, so nice. Her talents secttions was done very very well!.

Oh no wonder there is connection between the two characters! Thank you Kumiko for recomending the fic :) Also I know low-key ship EmereldSky rn.

Song Haneul is pretty much accepeted, just fix up the things in bold. Thank you for applying Sapphire :)






character name

status as of date

face claim here
main talent here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ante nisi, pharetra eu semper at, aliquet at dolor. Aliquam ligula sapien, consequat in nisi vitae, convallis eleifend felis. Proin elementum urna nec enim vulputate ornare. Sed ultricies vitae sem sit amet malesuada. Praesent pellentesque elit vitae tellus lacinia, at aliquam tortor dictum. Integer nec metus eu tellus laoreet dictum eleifend sit amet ligula. Curabitur faucibus efficitur massa quis lacinia.


talent twin




character name

status as of date

face claim here
Main Talent here

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ante nisi, pharetra eu semper at, aliquet at dolor. Aliquam ligula sapien, consequat in nisi vitae, convallis eleifend felis. Proin elementum urna nec enim vulputate ornare. Sed ultricies vitae sem sit amet malesuada. Praesent pellentesque elit vitae tellus lacinia, at aliquam tortor dictum. Integer nec metus eu tellus laoreet dictum eleifend sit amet ligula. Curabitur faucibus efficitur massa quis lacinia.


Talent twin

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Chapter 2: uhm yes turning 21...her birthday is on december 4 :)
Chapter 1: I modified the app already~ :)
Chapter 2: Thank you for the nice review~ ^^ Emerald is actually my english name, so I take it that you complimented my english name irl haha.
Yes, sassy Mirae is a runaway daughter and went to live with her cousin Gray :D
And yes, Jessi's singing voice is bae~ Very husky and velvety kkk.
I'll modify my app now! I'll inform you once I'm done :)
Thank you for the nice review!
Synthsite #4
oh whoops XD i'll fix it right away!
Chapter 1: Hello? :) In the app, there's a question-answer part. I don't remember you putting in the cheatsheet if there was supposed to be an interview portion. Hehe. Please correct me if I'm wrong T^T