
Endless Love {currently editing}


You and Kwangmin were in the car driving to the amusement park called :Everland.

(A/N: You'll get more notes! ;D kekek~ okay, what I wanted to say is that the park is actually a real place, go to google and check it out! Oh and don't ignore my notes! Some might be IMPORTANT! Buh bye!)

'This is going to be FUN!' You thought excited and squeek!

"Something wrong?" Kwangmin gave you a quick look, since he was driving.

"Kekek," You smiled , "I'm just excited! I haven't been there since FOREVER!"

"Oh," he smiled, " And about you know, the thing earlier..... what were you and Youngmin talking about?"

"Oh, that?" You were quiet for a bit. 'Should I tell him? I mean he's the younger brother!' You thought. "But I swear that I won't tell!" You murmured, thinking Kwangmin might not hear. But he did.

"Swear...about what?" He asked.

You were a bit suprised. "Oppa, you know that Youngmin likes someone?" You asked.

Kwangmin shook his head. "Who?"

"You please promise me you won't tell anyone? Or I will never ever talk to you again." You said seriously.

"Woah, never talk to me again? Okay, I won't! And it's about my hyung, why would I go around talking about him? So, who is it?" He said all at once.

"Eun- Eun-" You couldn't finished the sentence, you mouth wouldn't let you.

"EunMi?" Kwangmin just guess but he was right.

You slowly nodded. Kwangmin was a bit suprised.

"I was just the same as you.... suprised.." You said. You then stared at KWangmin for a while.

He noticed you, so he looked at you back and smiled.

"You promised Pikachu!" You said.." If I get in trouble......"

"I won't tell.....why you don't trust your boyfriend?" He raised an eye brow.

" I trust you, but Youngmin said, if anyone knows he will never forgive me." You pouted cutely. Or should I say, that's why Kwangmin thought.

"Awww... poor my princess, I won't tell anyone." He said and smile.

You smiled back and looked out the window; before you knew it, you were asleep.

Suddenly someone put their hands on your cheeks.

"Princess ah~! We're here!" You heard a voice, and knew right away it was Kwangmin. He kisses your forehead, right away you opened your eyes.

"So that's my way of waking you up?" Kwangmin said jokingly.

"YAH!" You laugh, "Stop teasing me!"

"Hahah!" He put his arm around your shoulder and you both walked into Everland.

"Wahh!" You said amazed at the place. "It changed so much!"

"Really?" Kwangmin asked. You nodded.

"So, where do you want to go first?" You asked.

"Anywhere." He answered.

"As always your answer would be anywhere." You finally back.

He laughed and mess your hair. You decided to ride on the Teacup Ride:

These things are so fun huh? ^O^

You lay your head on his shoulder.

"The weather's nice today." You smiled. It was Sunny.

Kwangmin nodded.

You both Enjoyed the ride, Kwangmin suggested you both to go on the Roller Coaster.

"But O-oppa.... I'm scared!!!" You said, shakingly...

"Awww, it'll be fun. You have me! No need to be scared!" He said and hugged you from the back.

You nodded slowly.

The Roller Coaster was super fast, but you had fun. After the Roller Coaster, Kwangmin went to the bathroom and you were sitting on a bench waiting for him. (A/N: Don't think Kwangmin puke or anything! ;) I will never let that happen!)

Suddenly you recieve a text message from an unknown number. The text said.

           From: xxx-xxx-xxxx
           To: ~~~~~
Hey ~~~~! Long time since that day remember? Wanna hang out sometimes?
Oppa miss you soooooooo much!!!!!!!!!

Your eyes widened. ' Who the heck is this dude?' You thought. 'How does he know me??'

You replied back to see what he will say.

           To: xxx-xxx-xxxx
WHO THE HECK ARE YOU? How do you even know my number? And my NAME?



Minutes later the dude reply back.


       From: xxx-xxx-xxxx

   To: ~~~~

How can you forget me??~ It's me, L oppa. Please don't tell me you forgot this poor Myungsoo! TT^TT.

It's only 2 years.... oppa going to cry! :(


You were surprised. But then you lit up into a smile. 'MYUNGSOO OPPA?' You thought.

You sent him back a text :


       From: ~~~~

       To: xxx-xxx-xxxx



He was a fast text so right away he sent you one.



      From: xxx-xxx-xxxx (A/N: Are the freaking X's annoying you? Well, I'll use them for this chapter but then I won't anymore! :D)

OF COURSE!!!!! YAY! You didn't forget me!! Miss me?


You smiled. Then you saw Kwangmin coming so you quickly sent him back a message.


              From: ~~~~~

              To: L (You save him in your contact! Yay!)

 OF COUSE I MISS YOU! Oppa, I gotta go, mian, I will call you lateR!!!!! Bye!!!!


You finished senting him the message and ran to Kwangmin with a big smile. You gave him a big hug and was jumping up and down.

Kwangmin didn't know what was going on.

"Kwangmin ah~!!!!! I'm so HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! He's back!!!" You squeak happily.

Kwangmin hugged you back and asked, "He? Who?"

You smiled and pulled him to a bench and you both sat down. Then you told him about the story between you and L.



(A/N: Don't care if it's pink.!!! Just read! :D)

"I'm going to miss you really much!" You said hugging L tightly. It was the last time you will be seeing him. Since he has to go to America to help his father's company. L was one of your most important people you couldn't live without, he was like your long lost brother.

"I'll miss you the most!" He said hugging you back tightly.

"Come back as soon as you can oppa!" You cry.

"I will, call me okay?" L said wiping your tears. "And keep that smile on your face. "

You nodded.

"You will be the first one I call when I come back. " He said with a smile.

(A/N: I know he texted you! xD)

----------------END OF FLASHBACK---------------------

Before you knew it, you were crying on KWangmin's shoulder.

"It's okay, just let it all out." He said patting your head.

You wiped your tears. "Mian, I wet your shoulder.

"If it's for my girlfriend, it's okay" He smiled.

You smiled back. "But now L oppa is back!"

"Well, that's good!" Kwangmin said.

"Nae! We should go visit him, sometime, I want you to meet him too! ^o^ I miss him. And you won't be jealous of I hang out with him all day right?" You joked.

He laughed a little. "Jealous? You're all mine! He's just a best friend."

"Nae!" You said.

You both played games and enjoy rides together. It was now late at noon.

"Hungry?" Kwangmin ask you as you both were walking around the park.

You nodded.

"Let's go eat!" Kwangmin and you both went to a place to eat. The place was pretty and really fancy.

You and Kwangmin ordered food and here are what you both ordered: (A/N: LOL, I didn't know what to put so just put in some pictures! :D)

It dunno what it's called! :)

And then :

Sweet and sour pork, yumm! I see KPOP Idols eat them alot! ^o^

Is the picture too big??

And last but not least!

Of course! Jjajangmyun!

YUMM! I want to try them!!

They look so YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"Say ah~" Kwangmin say hold a spoon of food (Sorry, I dunno the right word! x])

"You're feeding me?" You smiled and he nodded.

You open your mouth and let him feed you. He smiled.


You gave him a thumbs up and smile back.

After that, you both started to feed each other.♥

Then for dessert you both had a big Ice Cream Sundae!!!

YUMM!!!♥ I want ice cream now... ;]

At the end of the day you both went home

"Gomawo for today!" You said when you both were walking to your house.

"It's our first date!" He smiled and pinch your cheeks.

"Kekek~ right!" You said. "Oh, and my dad said he wanted to meet you! ^.^ So maybe I can show you him one day!"

"Really? That's good!" He said.

"Good night Pikachu!!" You said to him and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Why on the cheek?" He said and pointed to his lips.

You pout. "Waeyo?".

"Pwease! A goodnight kiss?" He said using his aegyo on you.

"Okay okay!" You said and gave him a peck on he lips.

"Good night baby!" Kwangmin kisses you on the forehead and you both side goodbye.

"TEXT ME!!!! ILOVE YOU" You called.

"OF COURSE!! I LOVE YOU TOO PRINCESS!" He waved and you went inside your house.

'Fun day!♥' You thought.


Hope you guys enjoyed it! ^o^

Heheh..~ It's cute!♥

That's all.. I think I'm turning off the computer maybe.....

Umm... but I'm still writing the next chapter on my papers...... that's what I did earlier, and just typed it in here...

Good bye!!♥

I might get on again...maybe! :]

If I made any mistakes, please point out!

Please subscribe!♥

Comments and suggestions are welcomed! :)

Wall me too if you have anything!

There will be more characters to introduce! Like I already introduced: L!

Since L's the new character, he's the main picture! :D

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Nice story author nim :)
kwangminshypika #2
Love this story
Aqilasofea #3
Chapter 46: The story is PERFECT
kellen_1825 #4
this story is interesting too i'll read it after the other one. aigoo~ ehehe
wonwoojpeg #5
Lol~ he agreed to the deal so that Na eun can leave the two alone. He wouldn't just hurt ~~~~.. [:
I'm on the chapter about the deal and I am feeling very pissed off at Na Eun and Kwangmin!
I'm pissed at Naeun cause she's being a b****
And I'm pissed at Kwangmin cause he agreed to it! God Kwangmin really doesn't think at times. ( I got the part Kwangmin doesn't think from Boyfriend's W Academy)
wonwoojpeg #7
I have the sequel link on the last chapter! :D
LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT! Sequel please! Kwangie is soooo sweet! :3
wonwoojpeg #9
Imzxierawr06 and littlemiss10 <br />
littlemiss10 #10
hii:) just finished this fanfic and i loved it <333333 ill read the sequel next~