Story Recommendation [OPEN]

Daragon shipper?

Here's a fantsay fic oh so awesome just for you!



By: imsosofia



G-Dragon, Sandara



16-year-old Dara is a dreamy orphan, able to slip back and forth from her own fantasy world and the real world. One night, she dreams of a mysterious boy by the name of Dragon, the handsome and powerful 17-year-old leader of a team of people called the "Believers". Dragon beckons to her, calling to her to aid him in finding the "Cores", and save his world from what he calls the "Truth". When Dara wakes up, bewildered from this dream, she opens her bedroom door to find herself in a whole new world: Virtuality, where nothing is as it seems...



romance, Fantasy


Numbers of Chapter

So far, 3




Reality. What is reality?
Something concrete, something real.
A world that's biased, and gives no chances
A world so harsh, and cruel.

Life is a pain, and it's not in our hands
Nor within our control to change.
Some are born weak, and they will die weak
Whilst the strong ones will always reign.

But there's always an escape route,
A temporary portal,
A bridge to a different era and time.
They call it "Imagination", 
Or Magic Animation,
A gift from god in our mind.

If you'll just sit by your window,
And close your eyes to the skies,
One can climb that magical bridge,
Past the stars that can never die.

The bridge is long but the journey short
It brings you to a distant world.
A world where reality and dreams meet
Where neither will conquer.

Heroes are strong but villians stronger
Constantly at war, without a victor.
The thin lines of reality shrink even thinner
And its confusing grey areas grow darker.

Our heroes call themselves Believers
They preserve life with their powers:
Water, Air, Earth, and all that is warm
Whilst their leader, Dragon, is endowed with Fire.

The villians call themselves the Truth
They the essence of others to feed.
Their powers are dark and mostly unknown
And their ruler, Falcon, uses Ice to freeze.

To drink away the light and all that is good
The Truth must destroy five mystical objects.
They are called Cores, responsible for existence,
Balance, survival; they keep the world intact.

To defeat the Truth and save their world
The Believers must implant the Cores
Into the real world, where they will be safe
From evil and its destructive claws.

To do so Dragon must seek the Indivisual
The one who knows, the one who sees
The elements are so carefully balanced in her blood
She can shift to and fro from reality.

And who is this Indivisual, so powerful, so rare?
Her Magic Animation as strong as reality?
That is not the question. The question is, what is this world?
And the answer would be: Virtuality.


Reader's Comments


 Anonymous on 11-5-2011 10:54:27 says: 
this is getting really interesting! :D

Anonymous on 11-3-2011 18:50:56 says: 
I love your writing style!
please update soon!


Recommended by: Iamaclumsypanda
All rights go to their proper owners.

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thanks for putting up my fic, dvtk in here :) it really means a lot. keep up the good work ^_^
infiniteoppa #2
I just noticed that you put my fic on here. Thank you so much <3
Can you change the details on Chapter 9 a litte? <br />
Hehe I changed my user name xD<br />
It's MidnightSapphire instead of my old one, xJojox-ryeong9 :P<br />
I hope you don't mind xD<br />
I also requested for a poster so it'll be up on my fanfic soon :P
Ohh so this is the "Story Recommendation" my dongsaeng was referring to ! :) <br />
Gomawo NauLana <3
I really like how your story has divided the chapters in different genres on the front page ^^ <br />
I do have a question. Can I recommend my story? & about the form, the recommendee part, who's name do we write? My name?
I applied to be a staff , or more likely to be called The Council ^^