tzuyu success, maybe

Pirate and tinkerbell..... seriously?????
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Mina POV

I don’t believe it. Certainly don’t believe sana and momo dating. But what must I do??? I cant just kidnap momo and…. Wait a minute, yes… I can certainly kidnap momo. I have my power now. My pirate power…

“ no…” tzuyu come to me. she seems like can read my mind. “ no, I cant read your mind. But I know how pirate brain’s work. You can kidnap momo. she will having traumatized, lets do this with calm way.”

“ calm way??” what calm way. “ is there any calm way??? How??”

“ I will seduce sana. so help me with it.” Tzuyu said

“ seriously?? You want to seduce that demon?? The demon sister of mine?” I still doesn’t believe it. How can tzuyu said that….

“ yes, I will do that. So what should I do first” ask tzuyu. she serious, but I cant let she and my sister.

“ green tea.. she like green tea. Also egg rolls” I said. Still remember she like to eat that thing.

“ got it. Just wait for my call, and i will seduce sana, you need to get momo on the right track. Bye” tzuyu go ,leaving me dumbfound. She serious, but how can she seduce sana just with egg rolls and green tea. I mean, sana literally hate her now.


Tzuyu POV

I spot momo and sana walking on hall way. “ okay, jungie, nabong and dahyun. That is the target, please distract the demo… I mean sana,while I talking to peach” I ask for jungyeon, nayeon and dahyun help.

“ seriously??? Tzuyu, they are dating and… what you intend to do??? Momo is…” dahyun complain. Jungyeon and nayeon nod their head like obedient dogs.

“ yeah, don’t tell me you….” I cover jungyeon mouth.” Just trust me on this. I will done nothing to them. Please” I beg them.

“ fine… but you owe us.” Dahyun said.” Hey, I am your sister..” I pout.

“ I know , but still you owe me” dahyun smile brightly

“ okay, distract sana… now..” then the couple and the eagle go to sana. dahyun pretend to trip and spill her drinks on sana uniform.

“ yah… dah…..wait……” before sana can react nayeon already drag sana to fartest toilet. “ don’t worry momo, we will take care sana” jungyeon said, before she run to sana direction too.

“yeah, unnie don’t worry. Eh… orange juice” she gave momo , her half spill drinks.” Thanks, but…. Hey……” after dahyun give the orange juice she run away too.

“ wh….. ahhhh…. Tzuyu??? damn it, yoda……. What you want???” I go to her and pat her shoulders, but I don’t know why she react so serious.

“ momo-chan, we need to talk. About sana ….” But momo cut me in” I am in relationship with her,tzuyu. nothing we need to talk if you questioning my relationship” she said sternly

“ please, lets j

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So many silent reader.... give me feed back..... still dont know if this fics is good or not.. or maybe little bit mess......


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1241 streak #1
Chapter 26: Well,i guess Momo is the one who got stabbed here,am i right?hahha..just a wild guess,forgive me if im wrong (^ ^') tq for update ^^
SilentKiller99 #2
Chapter 25: Andwar author-nim!! Don't make Sana kill our penguin~ Make TzuYoda save uri Sana~ TT. thanks for the update author-nim, i miss this story alot. Hope you can update more often~
1241 streak #3
Chapter 25: Oh my!!please dont let Sana kill our Minari!!Tzuyu,please stop ur girl now..i hope there will be a happy ending for all of them..tq for update ^^
Chapter 24: Hard to choose
1241 streak #5
Chapter 24: Noooo Sana nooo!!dont kill our Minari and Chewy!! T.T cant wait for the next update ^^
SilentKiller99 #6
Chapter 24: Please make nice sana for Tzuyu TT please author-nim~
Chapter 23: why?
Chapter 22: jealous momo hahaha
1241 streak #9
Chapter 21: cant wait for MiMo!!