
Fate in Your Hands

       “Come on Lucy!” Behn laughed, already resting on a branch two heads taller than him.

       “I can’t!” I pouted, “I’m scared. What if I fall?” Behn climbed with little effort.

       “It’s easy Lucy. Just hike your foot up and pull with your arms.” Behn demonstrated, going straight up the tree. As he sat on the branch, I began my climb.

Smiling he said, “Give me your hand Lu.” His hand tightly gripped mine as I slipped and pulled trying to get up the scratchy tree. Finally up, sitting in his lap, I could see just a little past the neighborhood houses.

       “Hey, that’s where Isabella lives!” I pointed out.

       “Who’s Isabella?”

I pouted, “The meanest person on the planet.”

Behn hummed, nodding his head, “I can take care of that if you want me to.”

        “No,” I shook my head, “I’m a big girl, and big girls solve their own problems.”

Behn chuckled, “You say that, but you begged for my dessert and help on your homework.”

       “Behn, I’m only 10. I’m not that grown up.”

       “I’ll say.” He snorted. “Lu, if you ever are in trouble or just need space, climb a tree.”

I tilted my head, “Why?”

       “Because in a tree, you’re safe. No one is looking up, so no one can find you. Next time those boys down the road or Isabella give you a hard time, just hide here and I’ll find you.”



       ‘Except you won’t find me this time, will you?’ My mind came back to reality as I looked out into the endless blackness of the forest. I ran for a good thirty minutes before I climbed the tree out of fear of what lies in the darkness.

       “I can’t see anything Behn.” I whispered. “It’s cold, my adrenaline is gone, I have no idea where I’m going…” I listed all my worries to the silence of the night. “The road just won’t end, and their car hasn’t come back yet.”

       I slowly willed myself down the tree and continue my way through the night. I focused on staying on the dirt path, known as the road. I was beginning to feel the wounds on my hands and knees throb. My clothes were clinging to me thanks to the blood. I tried not to pay much attention to it, but the only other thing was the darkness. There were no lamps out. The only light was the stars, way up in the sky.

       “What was I thinking?” I shuddered from the cold. “The boys actually sounded like they wanted to protect me, and I ran away from them. What if Hajoon is out here looking for me right now?” I wanted to cry, but there were no tears left in my body at that moment. I must push through. There’s no turning back now.


       All around me I could hear things snapping and blowing. If I was delirious before, this was making me downright paranoid. For some reason, Jimin’s face kept coming to mind.

       “Don’t think about him.” I muttered, “His hugs may be nice, but he for sure will want to kill me now.” Instead I thought about my mom and how much I wanted to climb into her lap and hold her tightly. If she was here right now, she would hum and rock me to sleep. Maybe she would make me her famous hot chocolate. Even if she didn’t, I would tell her how much I love her and how sorry I am for leaving. I would tell her all of my horrors, as she would tell me they were all just bad dreams. And I would wake up to the sound of her running late to work, but instead of being sad, I would hug her goodbye and tell her how amazing of a mom she is.


       I turned to my left, frozen in my spot when I heard something move. All thoughts of Jimin and my mom vanished from my mind. In the darkness, I could see light. It was a house. I gasped out loud from the sight of the wooden shack. You would think I would be running in joy up to the cabin, but something in my gut was telling me to turn back.

       I could feel my breath quickening as my eyes bore into the building.

       “Just go, Lucy.” I whispered to my body, but it wouldn’t move. “You’ll be safe.” So why didn’t I? That’s when I saw him. My heart nearly leapt out my chest when I saw an old man standing there. How long had he been there? I hurriedly scanned his body; his hair was grey and bald on top, he had the dirtiest overalls I had ever seen, and when I squinted I could see the outline of a…an axe in his hand?

       My body tightened around itself. His eyes were dead, telling me to run, and the dirt that I thought I saw showed its true colors in being actual blood. I couldn’t take the sight anymore. With panic scorching my veins, I ran.

       I had no idea if the man was following me or not, but my heart sunk into the pit of my stomach. My throat was dry as the wind whipped me in the face. My legs were tight, tired from all the running I previously put them through. I begged them silently to continue. “It can’t end like this.” I gasped out-loud. I darted into the woods next to the road, trying not to lose sight of it, but not wanting to be out in the open.

Pat Pat Pat

       My feet slammed against the ground as I desperately ran for my life, trees whacking me in the face. Because of the darkness, I couldn’t see the water, so naturally I fell into the puddle, tumbling down the indent of the earth into the mud. Soaked and in fear, I turned to the see the older man. He wasn’t running, rather he walked. As if he knew he could catch me. I wanted to scream, but who would hear me? I pushed myself up and out onto the road, running on more sound ground.

       ‘I need someone to find me. No one can be crazier than him.’ My mind tried to process. There was no time to catch a breath, though, as I heard the sound of feet behind me hasten; I screamed.

       “Help me!” My body felt numb. ‘How long is this road?’ Suddenly, I felt a coarse hand pull my arm, swinging backwards onto the ground. My vision spun, only focusing when I felt someone kneel over me.

       “No!” I screamed, kicking at his legs. He merely grunted, struggling to keep me still. He wrapped his hand around my neck in attempt to stop my screams. I gasped, choking on the little air available. Desperately, I yanked at his arm to release me, but he only climbed on top of me in retaliation. With his weight, I could feel the dirt and pebbles dig into my back.

       Panic was clouding my judgement as I felt his grip become firmer. Fear told me that I was going to die, as I punched at his arms. With the little bit of judgement left, I grabbed him by his shirt forcing him closer to my face. In a swift movement, I reached out pushing my thumbs into his eyes as hard as I could. He screamed releasing my neck. When I felt air sink in, I coughed tugging myself out from beneath him. He didn’t stop there. As I was about to get up, he grabbed my ankle.

       “Let go of me, you son of a !” I shrieked, kicking him in the face twice before leaping to my feet and stumbling away.

       “Help me!” I screamed again. Before my eyes, lights began to appear. At first glance, I thought I might be dying, but when I saw a familiar mop of pink hair jump out of the driver seat, I ran faster. “Help me, please!” At my words, I watched the rest of the boys get out, guns open and shots immediately fired. I crouched to the ground at the sound, but when I looked up, I could see I wasn’t their target. All eyes were fixed on whatever or whoever was behind me. My vision was blurred from the horror consuming my body and when I heard the guns slowing down, I forced myself to see clearly…there I found him.

       “Jimin…” I whispered through a hiccup, “J-Jimin!” I screamed, the boy’s eyes landed on me, immediately softening from the cold glare he had once before. Yoongi turned his gun to me, unsure of what I was doing, but at the sight of me leaping into Jimin’s arms, all the boys turned lowering their guns.

Jimin seemed to be the most shocked, not expecting me to have jumped him like that. He stumbled a little when I enclosed my arms around his neck. For the first time since running away, I let the tears fall. I buried my face into his chest and sobbed.

       “I’m so sorry.” I screeched through the tears. “I’m sorry.” Everyone was silent, as Jimin did his best to comfort me, holding me close to him.

       “I-it’s ok.” He stuttered, still stunned by my actions. He rubbed circles in my back as I continued to cry. “I’m here, Lucy. No one is going to hurt you.” His voice did nothing but cause my cries to continue. I had barely noticed it when he pulled me with him into the car. I didn’t dare look up at him. Guilt, fear…all my emotions held me against him, and came out in hot tears.

       “Forgive me, I’m sorry.” I clutched onto his shirt, barely noticing how I sat in his lap.

Jungkook was the first to speak, “What happened out there?”

I shook my head against Jimin’s chest, “I-I was so s-scared. I was so scared!”

       “Shh,” Jimin cooed into my ear, “We’re here. Calm down.”

I lifted my head slightly, tears still blurring my vision. I could vaguely see Taehyung sitting next us. He looked confused, maybe slightly concerned.

       “I-I ran away.”

Jhope snorted, “We got that.”

I cried a little more, “I-I ran away, and I was scared. T-there was a-a man.” I managed to sob out a sentence, so I tried to continue, “H-he was covered in blood and was chasing me.”

       “Where did you see him?” Came Jin’s soothing voice.

       “I-I don’t know.” I shook my head. Jimin continued rubbing my back, giving me a reassurance I wasn’t expecting. “I s-saw a house, and then all of sudden I could b-barely make him out and—”

       “That’s enough,” Jimin whispered against my hair. “That’s enough. You’re ok.”

       “It sounds like she ran into the house.” Yoongi bit his lip.

My eyes widen, “W-what?”

       “There is a house located out here.” Namjoon sighed, not wanting to talk about it. “It’s like the name states. It’s where missing woman go to either be toys for the night or to be auctioned off as slaves.” My knuckles turned white as I gripped onto Jimin harder.

       “Missing women…”

Taehyung brushed a hand through his hair, “You hear about kidnapping and missing people all the time on the news…that’s where they go. It’s a huge underground organization. A pretty foreigner like you…”

       “That’s enough,” Jhope slapped him lightly, “We’ve never participated in the auctions ourselves, but it’s pretty common knowledge around here. The old man you saw runs the place. He kills off any of the woman who haven’t been sold or used in a long time. It’s a disgusting business.”

       “We would love to stop it, but there are many locations for that type of business. Destroying one barely scratches the surface.” Jin bit his lip.

       “We don’t have time nor the resources to stop it…not now.” Namjoon grimaced. “As for you…I told you—”

       “I’m sorry!” I blurted out, startling the boys around me from my outburst. “I thought I could—I thought I would—I don’t know! I was caught up in what you said and I didn’t want to be a part of it any longer. I’m sorry. I clearly didn’t know what I was getting into outside.” I choked on my sobs as I continued to rush through my words. Namjoon looked shocked at my outburst. “I’m so sorry.”

       “Stop apologizing.” Jimin tried shushing me. “We need to figure out where we’re going keep her.” His attention turned to the others.

       “You’re right. We can’t exactly keep her in the basement anymore.” Jin sighed.

Yoongi kicked his feet up on the dashboard, “At least not until the window is fixed.”

       “She’s not staying in my room.” Jungkook groaned. “I already have the smallest one.”

       “Your room is a decent size. What are you complaining about?” Jhope snorted. “You’re the youngest anyway.”

       “W-wait.” I choked, sitting up slightly, “You’re not gonna kill me?” No one said a thing.

       “That’s Jimin’s decision.” Namjoon looked up at me. That’ when I noticed the car was more like a van and its seats sat in circle like a limo, so everyone was facing one another except Yoongi and Jin up front. “I said I would kill you if you got in my way or put my family in danger…so far you’ve been a nuisance but haven’t done much further.” The boys resumed conversation as if I wasn’t there.

       “She’s gonna need a bath.” Yoongi commented.

       “Bath? What about my car?” Jin whined. “It’s filthy now!”

Jungkook snickered, “Thanks to the princess.”

       “My bed should be big enough. She’ll just sleep with me.” Jimin suggested. Everyone murmured in agreement.

       “Baths, beds…” I muttered, tears silently falling. “What kind of punishment is that?”

Jimin furrowed his eyebrows, “I’m sorry?”

       “Punish me.” I looked at him, tears fully coming down again. I could feel the sobs trying to break free. “Punish me!”

       “~” Taehyung chuckled, only to be punched in the arm by Jhope.

       “Punish you?” Jimin gawked at my outburst, hands on my lower back as I straddled him tightly.

       “I disobeyed you, I r-ran away,” I sobbed, not caring how ugly I must have looked to him, “I ruined your night. Punish me!”

       “I’m not going to punish you.”

       “I deserve it!” I cried back.


       “How can I? I caused you so much grief.” My fists clutched his shirt, probably causing wrinkles.

       “You’re giving me grief now.” Jimin snapped. I shut my mouth. “Jesus…punish you?” Jimin ran a hand through his hair. His face contorted in frustration. “Yeah, my night has been a little bit of a hell thanks to you. Do you have any idea how long we were out there searching for you? If we came a second too late you would have been dead or in someone else’s bed tonight. Not to mention you made a mess of the car and the basement—which you will be cleaning up. Yeah, it’s been a little rough!” He lashed out. I didn’t say a word. I deserved this.

Jimin sighed, “I’m not going to punish you though…not now. You’ve been through enough as it is.” I closed my eyes when he reached out smoothing my hair. “You will clean the car and the glass tomorrow…as of tonight, you are going to sleep and relax because, I think it’s punishment enough to be chased by a creep.” Everyone was silent, including myself. Yes, I was still being held hostage, but right now, they were the ones giving me the greatest comfort and protection. How could I be scared of that?

       The rest of the ride was silent as I hiccupped softly against Jimin’s chest. He resumed his motion of rubbing my back in slow circles.





       I didn’t look up when Jin stopped the car, claiming ‘we’re here,’ I didn’t look up as Jimin pulled me out of the car effortlessly, I didn’t look up as Jimin, holding me, opened the door to his bedroom, and I didn’t look up as he closed the door behind us and sat me down on his bed.

       “How are you feeling?” Jimin knelt in front of me, holding onto my left knee lightly.

I shrugged, “How am I supposed to feel?”

       “…I don’t know…” Silence consumed us, my tears and sobs long gone. Jimin got up and began rummaging through his dresser. I took this chance to look around. My gaze took in the way his bed faced a door—probably to a bathroom—I was sitting on the bed facing the right—towards the door to the hall—and behind me was a window that was closed. The colors were simple; light browns and dark browns. The furniture was of nice quality. It made me a little surprised how bad of furniture was in the basement when looking at how clean and nice these were. Nothing was extravagant, however. It had a modest feel.

       “These will do.” Jimin stated with a small smile. I noticed a baggy shirt and boxers in his hands. “I’m going to run you a bath, then you can change, ok?”


       “You stink like the outdoors and you’re not sleeping in my bed with all the dirt.” He snorted.

       “You know that’s not what I mean.” I said softly.

He sighed, “Then what do you mean?”

       “Why are you being so nice?” I clenched my hands, scared and confused. “The last few times I caused trouble, you punished me. Now you’re willing to run me a bath?”

       “I already told you, it’s punishment enough to be chased by a psycho.”

       “Why didn’t you kill me that night?” I tried again. Jimin just stared at me. “Why are all of you so willing to put your life on the line for someone you don’t even know? Why be willing to tell me anything at all?” I furrowed my eyebrows.

       “I don’t kill the innocent.”

       “You’ve said that before, but I don’t understand.” I cried out. “Namjoon said there were others before me. Was it your call then, too?” Jimin had no emotion on his face. “Please answer me.”

Jimin’s gaze bore into mine, but I couldn’t read his expression.

       “I’ve kidnapped three before you.” I gulped, nodding slowly for him to continue.

       “None of them were as strategic as you, or perhaps I should say dumb. None thought of running away through a broken window, breaking through their binds, or even trying to friend us. Hell, one tried to sleep their way out.”

       “With you?”

       “Would it bother you if it was me?” I didn’t say anything, noting the fact that my mind said yes.

Changing the subject, I asked, “What happened to them?”

       “All killed.”


       “One pulled a gun on Namjoon, one killed herself, and one attacked Jungkook with a knife—he still has the scar— “Who killed them?”

       “Yoongi, mostly. He’s the most skilled with the gun, and he’s the most protective of our family. Yoongi doesn’t hesitate to protect.”

       “They all broke Namjoon’s rule of putting you guys in danger.” Jimin nodded at my statement. “Yoongi ended them because of that.” Jimin nodded once more.

       “Why didn’t you kill them?”

       “I did for a couple, but like I said, Yoongi is always prepared.”

       “Why did you kidnap them?”

       “They saw too much.”

I shook my head, “You don’t like to kill innocent people…I want to know why.”

       “Cause I’m not a monster.” Jimin chuckled darkly.

       “Does that make Yoongi one?” I raised an eyebrow. I was cornering him. There was something Jimin wasn’t telling me.

       “Of course not. Yoongi and I grew up in different situations. We had different lives.”

       “What was your life like, Jimin?”

Jimin smirked, “You know, you ask us why we keep telling you our life stories, but here you are asking for them.”

       “That doesn’t mean you need to respond, and you’re avoiding the question.”

       “What if I just plan on not responding?”

I groaned, “Has anyone else every kidnapped anyone?”


       “That’s what I thought. There’s a reason why you aren’t killing people.”

       “To be fair, we aren’t caught very often. In the last five years, we’ve only had bystanders catch on five times, not including you. The other two were found by Jungkook and Jhope.”

       “So no kidnapping…”

       “I thought we already established that I’m the one that does kidnapping.” Jimin walked up to me slowly, crouching back down to stare up into my eyes. “I’ve seen a lot of bad things in my life, Lucy. I’ve done a lot of bad things. I don’t regret my life or any of my choices, but I would regret taking an innocent person’s life without giving them a chance.”

       “You’re not like the others.” I whispered.

Jimin shook his head, “We’re all the same, really. No one here likes killing. This is our life though, and we have to do everything we can to protect ourselves…till we reach our goal.”

       “To kill that man?”

Jimin squeezed my left hand softly, “Freedom from Choi Hajoon.”

       “I’ve caused a lot of problems for you guys…”

       “Try to believe me when I say we’ve grown fond of you.” Jimin grinned. His eye smile was so beautiful, “You’re the only one who took the time to actually ask about us. I see fear in your eyes, but I don’t see judgement...I see pity and concern…something none of us are used to. You’re inviting.” Jimin brought my hand to his cheek. My cold palm must have felt good against his warm cheek.

I felt flushed, “I-I’m different from the others?” I tried not making eye contact, for fear that he would make a comment about my pink skin.

Jimin hummed, “Very different…that’s why we want to protect you. You’ve been an absolute pain, but you’re also intriguing.” Jimin kissed the palm of my hand. I let out a yelp at the feeling his plush lips.

       “If you want to turn us in after this is over, then I won’t blame you. We’d all gladly die…after all…we have nothing else to live for.”

       “That’s not tr—”

       “We’ve spent 5 years trying to help Namjoon like he helped us…we have no aspirations, no goals, no purpose. That’s why, when we’re done, you’ll be set free. We’re so close, Lucy.” There was something burning behind Jimin’s eyes; excitement at the knowledge that the man who cause so much suffering would be dead soon. I didn’t know if I should feel excited or afraid.

       “Wasn’t there anything you wanted to achieve in life?” I furrowed my eyebrows.

Jimin’s ghosted across my neck, “He left a mark…what a disgusting man.” I shivered at his touch and at the mention of that old man. Jimin yanked me up lightly with him, “Let’s get you washed up. We can talk another time.” I nodded, a little fuzzy in the head.

       “How long was I gone?” I sat on the toilet as Jimin filled the bathtub, checking the water.

       “That road is an hour drive, in and out of the forest and has many ways to go around. It’s old and not used—hence why the house is located out here. We drove up and down at least three different paths. You were out there for around a couple hours.” I was shocked. I must have lost all track of time walking and thinking.

I shifted in my seat, “How can you live so close to…that place.”

Jimin snorted, “It’s not like we decided, “Hey, a house, let’s live there!” We realized a few months into living here what it was, and just opted to stay out of its way.”

       “How do you know that man won’t come here.” I shivered slightly.

       “We don’t bother them, they don’t bother us. I doubt that old bag even realized it was us who were shooting at him.” Jimin smiled up at me. “You have nothing to worry about. Now let’s get you out of those clothes.”

I blushed profusely at his words, “T-that’s ok, I can do it myself.”

Jimin snorted, “Have you looked in a mirror? You can barely walk by yourself. I won’t look so let me help you.” I squeezed my eyes shut, as Jimin peeled the blood and mud coated sweatshirt off of me. I moaned at the stinging pain that came from a wound at my elbow.

       “That glass did a number on you.” Jimin mumbled, softly touching my side where glass had cut open the shirt. “Turn around.” I did as he said, lifting my arms up when he started tugging the shirt upwards. Slowly, every piece came off and I was dipped into the warm water. It stung at my open wounds, but I couldn’t help but to moan at the sensation as it comforted me. Jimin kept his promise and kept his eyes off of me, handing me a cloth to wash my body with.

       “I don’t have any feminine shampoo.” I hummed at his words. My eyes rolled back when his started to massage my aching scalp. I couldn’t help the moan that slipped between my lips.

Jimin chuckled, “Careful, don’t enjoy this too much. I’m still a man you know.” I bit my lip. I knew he was teasing me, but I couldn’t help the embarrassment or the blush that crept up me. “I’ll leave the clothes here. When you’re done you can change and come out. Don’t stay in too long, or you’ll become a prune.”


       As the door shut behind him, I sunk deep into the clear water. I didn’t want to think any more about today’s event. Everything was too much.

       “I was almost killed.” I whispered, blowing bubbles into the water. I really could have died tonight, but I didn’t. I was saved by the boys I was so desperate to get away from. I couldn’t even think straight about what was right or wrong anymore…all I knew was that in that moment, I was alive, and I needed to thank God and my seven kidnappers. I hummed, allowing the water to consume my tender body.

       ‘There’s not much I can do besides cheer for them…even if it’s a disturbing goal. I should at least thank them for saving me.’ With that thought in mind, I dried off and got ready for bed.

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PinkStripedSquirrel #1
This story is really good and very intriguing. I hope you update soon :)
Jamz13_ #2
Chapter 9: When will you update?? I really like this story<3
Chapter 9: Oh boy suspense is killing me now! :)
Chapter 8: Excited for more!:D
Niola12 #5
Chapter 8: Iiiii loveeeee it :)
Niola12 #6
Chapter 4: i like it :D please write more *.*
Hwasa_is_bae #7
Chapter 2: Pls keep writing it's really good