
Gangsters in Love
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Infinite grew wary since Teen Top seemed very close to the Guardian members. Hoya clenched his fist seeing how comfortable Angel seemed around Changjo. Chunji seemed very close to Himé as well. Ace and L.Joe seemed to be on good terms. Ricky and Niel joked around with them too. Even CAP joked around.

L noticed how L.Joe seemed to be somewhat playful toward the girls. The cold L.Joe was playful. He met eyes with Ace and noticed how cold her eyes were compared to her members. He shuttered a bit. She had the eyes of an assassin. She was the cruel and fear factor of the Shadows.

Woohyun looked at how Chunji and Himé acted. They seemed very close. Did Chunji finally grow the balls to ask her out? Woohyun thought to himself. Dongwoo watched as the Teen Top members joked around with the girls. He hated it. They all hated the Guardians before the stupid alliance. What changed?

Dongwoo didn't like the change at all. In fact, he hated how the girls treated Hoya that day. He looked towards Ace. He hated her the most. She was the cruelty and evil of the Shadows. She killed innocent human beings. Dongwoo thought to himself.

Sungjong and Sunggyu were tired of fighting the Shadows all the time. They were happy with the alliance. Sungyeol was happy that the Teen Top members liked the Guardians. He thought it made things more interesting. 

“So what are you girls up to?” Sunggyu asked. 
“Probably killing people. Am I right?” Dongwoo showed his distaste toward them. The infinite member’s eyes widened at his words. Ace was indifferent to him. Himé simply looked at him. She didn't care what he thought. Angel looked at him a bit shocked that he would say such a thing. The Teen Top members somewhat glared at him. 
“Yeah. Got a problem? We kill people. It's our job. Don't act like you don't kill people. You aren't so innocent yourself, Mr. Jang.” Himé stated somewhat ticked off. Ace smirked at her leader’s words. Dongwoo rolled his eyes. 
“I don't kill innocent human beings like you monsters.”
“Do you even know what the Shadows do? You obviously don't know anything about us if you think we kill innocent civilians.” Himé retorted harshly. 
“Oh please, you guys kill everyone that doesn't pay you. I've seen the show.” Dongwoo stated glaring at her. Himé shook her head. 
“You don't know anything about us. Come on girls, we’re obviously not welcome here.” The girls followed their leader. Dongwoo glared at Ace as she passed him. 

“Hyung what is wrong with you? They're nice and good people.” Ricky defended the girls. 
“Yeah hyung. You don't even know them.” Niel stated glaring. In fact, all of Teen Top was glaring at him. 
“Look at you all. You guys have been brainwashed by them. You all hated them before. Now look at you.” Dongwoo shook his head. Changjo decided to speak up. 
“That's because we found out what they're actually like. BTS isn't even that bad. Actually, they're quite nice and chill. And as for the Guardians, they're the coolest girls I've ever met. Angel is the sweetest and most innocent person ever. In fact, she saved me. She was the girl that saved me and stitched up my wounds hyung.” Dongwoo’s eyes widened at this piece of information. Why would she save a random stranger? Could it be that he was wrong about them?
“Ace doesn't talk and she's cold, but she's honestly pretty nice. She helped us train for our mission. Himé, she's very bright and a little sassy. She's really kind if you get to know her. She didn't even get mad when Ricky accidentally shot at her. Rima and Alice noonas are really nice. Alice noona is a bit flirty but she's bright and cheerful. Rima noona is very nice. She reminds somewhat of Chunji’s mom.” Changjo continued. The Teen Top members nodded their heads to his words. It was true. 
“They've brainwashed you Changjo. I've seen that girl kill. You know who she killed? She killed the CEO of a car company. I know that guy too. He’s harmless and nice. He was innocent. But she killed him.” Dongwoo stated. His eyes showed hatred. 
“That CEO you're talking about borrowed money from the Shadows and didn't pay us back. He’s also a ringleader of a ion business that kidnaps young, innocent girls and sells them to the black market. On top of that, he almost my dear sister you . Innocent? Yeah right.” V stated. BTS had spotted them while looking for the girls. On their way walking over, they overheard TeenFinite’s conversation. 
Jungkook glared at Dongwoo.
“If she killed everyone she didn't like, then the first person to die is Hoya.” Jungkook stated darkly. Hoya gulped as the maknae glared at him. 
“If Ace didn't stop me, I probably would've murdered you. But since I love her, I complied to her request to leave you alone.” Jungkook continued. L.Joe looked at him. Does this mean Ace is taken? Infinite looked at him in surprised. They didn't know that Jungkook had a girlfriend. He always seemed too busy to ever court a girl. 
“Chunji-ah, have you seen my sister by any chance? She's not answering her phone.” V asked him. Chunji nodded and proceeded to tell BTS what happened. The boys glared at Dongwoo. 
“Do you honestly think she likes killing people? Do you honestly think that Ace doesn't regret what she does? Do you honestly think Himé likes what she does?” Jimin snarled at them. These girls were his family. No one talks mess about his family. 

“So where are we gonna go? You have a mission in less than four hours senpai. Shouldn't you get ready?” Angel questioned Himé as they walked.
“Yes, but I need to calm my nerves first. One wrong move and Minyoung unnie is dead. This is the first time we’ll be working with a group that's not under Shadow.” Himé reasoned sounding stressed. 
Ace sighed. She too was worried. 

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Chapter 51: Rereading this story again because I can’t seem to find some good ones relating to mafia and gangs and I still love the story! It’s been years but still got the feels
waee09 #2
Chapter 18: That sentimental pun tho. LOL. My OT5 heart!
Chapter 55: take care of yourself first. get well soon
xoxosenshine #4
Chapter 54: I love this story ^^
Yanyan1 #5
Chapter 53: Can’t wait for this!!
OkSooyeon #6
Chapter 51: Thank you so much! I really love this story! It's nice that everyone has a happy ending.^3^
NoraMyFics #7
Chapter 51: Thank you for fishing the fic happily despite your busy lifestyle!!!
NoraMyFics #8
Chapter 50: Thank you for the Update!!! Happy to hear that both of them are healthy!! Congratulations to your Sister!!