The End of Summer

Today...For You
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Every other day Jisoo would accompany Jaebum at the Lake House. He would in return tutored her if she needed any help. One day, Jisoo was tired of studying so she decided to look around the house. She hadn’t fully examined the place. When she had a closer inspection of where things were, she found it very cute. Surprisingly very contemporary in style. And it seemed like it was never fully abandoned, every place looked so clean. She thought that it must’ve been Jaebum who stay there whenever he left home because she saw a corner with a single bed that looked like it was used often, with books lying around and wrinkled beddings. 


She opened the door to a room adjacent to the one they used before. “Hm?” she murmured while looking carefully at the photo frames that were placed on the desk. The photos were of a woman and her baby, and she guessed that it would be Jaebum and his mom. There was another photo frame that was placed down, she looked at it and it was of a man. She guessed that it was his dad. But there was no photos of the three of them together. Jisoo felt a bit bad for invading their privacy, but her curiosity couldn’t stop her from opening the drawers. She tilted her head when she saw a bunch of letters, “To…Gaeul?” All the letters had the same title, and some were not opened. Immediately she grabbed the letters and ran to call for Jaebum. “Jaebum, Jaebum! I’m sorry for being nosy, but look what I found!” 


He stared at the letters then reached for them. 


“Are they for me?” Jisoo asked innocently. 


Jaebum smirked, “No, these are not written by me.” 


Jisoo sat down next to him, she was very curious. There was someone named Gaeul, living in that house, and someone else wrote letters to her. How could there be such a coincidence? 


“They’re letters written by my dad to my mom. His name is Gyeoul, and her name is Gaeul.” 


Jisoo gasped.  Her face lit up, she got excited at the idea that his parents were Gaeul and Gyeoul, and they were too. 


Jaebum noticed the unopened letters, “Hm? I don’t think I’ve seen these before.” 


“Ah, could it be that your parents are still sending letters to each other?”


Jaebum scoffed, “No way in hell umma would respond.” And he was right, as those letters were written ‘To Gaeul.’ 


“What happened?” Jisoo asked, “I noticed the photos in the bedroom, there wasn’t any of you three together…can I ask such a question?” 


Jaebum stared at the letters, “My mother, was sixteen when she gave birth to me. She wasn’t wedded. The two of them planned to elope, but great grandmother found out about it and had father under house arrest. Umma gave birth in a foreign place, all by herself. A year later, aunty Jinkyung came and took us home. We live with them for a few years. Then great grandmother wanted custody of me. Umma thought it was better for me to go with them…” He paused and proceeded to read the letters. 


“I’m sorry.” Jisoo whispered. 


“When I was eleven, it was as if he knew…Appa gave me the key and the address. I ran away and went to this place. I found the letters, though there were certain part that I don’t get in the letters when I first read it. I think I fully understand now.” He turned to stare at Jisoo who was pouting with all her attention to him. “I also thought, it was pretty amusing that you call yourself Gaeul, and demanded to be my one and only Gaeul, while insisting that I’ll be Gyeoul.” 


“You’re the one who called me Gaeul.” She murmured under her breath thinking about those letters exchanged when they were little. 


Jaebum raised his brows at what he just heard, but then smiled. He flipped the unopened mail over and decided that his mom need to see it. 



She raised her head, “What is it?” 


“Aren’t you interested, at the fact that my mom gave birth to me at sixteen?” He thought that little fact would have her gasping, but it didn’t affect her at all. 


“What about it?” 


“We are there age.” He leaned in and whispered, “It might happen to us.” 


Jisoo squinted, she understood this. She understood his ways of teasing her, and replied, “That’s why, it’s best that we don’t do it often!” 


Jaebum was so taken aback that he just wanted to pound on her, but she brushed him off and declared that she needed to study. However, Jaebum would have to get it out of his system before the exam; he sighed then muttered, “Aish, Kim Jisoo-shi, you are so cruel. You had what you wanted, and now, not even eyeing my side profile, my jawlines, or broad shoulders–“


“Stop! Stop stop!” Jisoo whined, she plugged her ears with her fingers to not listening to that voice of his. 


He chuckled grabbing her waist and pulled her in close so he could whisper, “You used to give me only pecks on the cheeks. Now, whenever you feel like it, you give me kisses on the lips, and even gave me a mark on the neck. And now freely telling me not to do it often?” 


Jisoo pressed her lips together to suppress her smile, steered her eyes away, and insisted on staying innocent. 


Jaebum sighed desperately, “Yah, Kim Jisoo. You like seeing me being desperate don’t you? Should I beg?”


“YES!” She turned and shouted excitingly, and he jerked back. 


“So this is what you like…” He murmured, letting go of his arm and returned to his notes. Jisoo pouted in disappointment. He pressed his lips with the back of his hand and feigned obliviousness when she nudged him. 


Jisoo poked him on the side, wanting to tickle him, but he didn’t budge, “Jaebum…” she whined. When he didn’t pay attention to her, she tugged on his shirt, then lifted it up slowly with her one finger grazing his skin. 


He turned to her and asked, “What do you want?” Despite knowing full well what she wanted with that gesture. 


Her finger lightly drew some random gestures on his skin, and she smiled and responded softly, “What you wanted to do…” 


He glanced away and smirked contentedly. Without another word, he got up, and she followed. 




Since Mark’s mother was still there in Seoul, he really kept himself a great distance from Lee Jooyoung. This didn’t sit well with Jooyoung. It was not that she suddenly missed him, she had always missed him, it was because it was painful to see him hurt. He may looked like someone who had a lot of friends, but in reality, he didn’t keep them. He alone considered them as his ‘friends’, but they didn’t know that. He never asked, or declared them as his friends, so they would never know. Though it was also very interesting for Jooyoung to see him openly declaring friendship with Jisoo. However, she knew that it was because of her that made him made that bold choice. Luckily for him that Jisoo was someone with a soft heart, and it didn’t take long for her to accept someone if they treat her right. If it wasn’t Jisoo, if it was someone who seemed hard to deal with, Mark Tuan would rather be alone in that school. 


Jooyoung saw him alone in the piano room, but she didn’t dare to go in. She rather stay outside and watched his back. He was probably playing that song that he played for her when they were young. When she cried from missing home and he came and played her a lullaby to help her sleep. Jooyoung felt very hurt whenever she thought of those memories, but she couldn’t face him. It wasn’t his mother pushing her away that kept her away, it was something else. Something she did that she could never face him, and if he knew, he would hate her. So it was best to keep him at bay, and never tell him the secret. 


He suddenly stopped playing when he felt someone was outside watching him. Immediately he got out of his seat and went for the door. He stopped in front of it for a brief moment before opening it and called out her name, “Jooyoung?” But she wasn’t there. Mark folded his hand into a fist, he really wanted to know what was it that she was so afraid of? Did she really not love him that she was willing to go with every pieces of his mom’s plan? Was he that useless and weak? If he was a grown up, he would be able to do so many things at will. Even though he had always thought that he did things his own ways, but it always return to the same place. It was like a round-about that he kept running around. He was let live the way he wanted, but in the end, he still had to comply within the boundaries. “When, until when?” He asked himself, “You were the only one that allowed me in, and now even you pushed me away.” 



“Mark-shi!” Jisoo called, she came as scheduled to learn that song that he promised to teach her. 


Mark looked up and saw her, smiling at him. He stood frozen, didn’t expect her to come. He thought she was annoyed with him for barging in and demanded for her to stay the other day, “Jisoo?”


Jisoo nodded, “Jaebum said I can learn the songs from you since he won’t be here for a few days.” 


Mark was surprised when he heard that it was Jaebum that let her come see him. He thought that kid always hated him. Every-time they met in those banquet, he would keep a distance. It was a little sad, he always wanted to befriend him, even if they fought after each meeting. 


“Are you okay?” Jisoo asked when he didn’t respond. 


Mark gently shook his head, “I’m fine, uh, yeah I’ll teach you both songs.” 


“Both?” She asked ecstatically. 


“Yeah, I remember the other one too and kept playing it to myself…um…Jaebumie, is really good at making songs.” He said as Jisoo settle down on the chair. 


“Jaebumie…” Jisoo repeated in a whisper. She found it interestingly cute and was thinking of reporting it to Jaebum later. 


However, Mark realized his embarrassing mistake so he decided to a bit, “Jisoo-shi, if you say another word about how I call a friend to anyone, then you can rest assure that this piano here will be gone. There won’t be a piano room, and I will teach you the wrong songs.” 


Jisoo gasped, “What? What did I say? I didn’t say anything?” 


Mark smirked with a gentle smile, “Alright then, have you practice what I taught you?” 


Jisoo nodded. He then told her to demonstrate it for him, so he could critique. Jisoo played happily while Mark was not all there. He was deep in thoughts, and Jisoo noticed when she glanced over. 


“Jisoo-shi, am I annoying?” He suddenly asked and Jisoo stopped, she turned to look at him. 


“Hm…at first, I only was mean because Jooyoung unnie seems like she doesn’t like you. And you were strangely always around, and trying to befriend me. I thought that was weird. Then Jaebum and you didn’t get along. But, you’re not so bad!” She smiled at him. 


His lips pulled into a tiny smile when he stared at her with glossy eyes and said, “Thank you.” 


Jisoo grinned happily and responded with, “You’re welcome!” 


He chuckled and returned to the piano, “Jisoo-shi, there is a very simple song that I like to teach you. It’s a song that I played for this other person, long ago. Whenever I feel sad, she always came and sit next to me when I play the piano. Would you like to hear it?”


Jisoo hesitated but nodded. While he played, she noticed his expression was that of a sad lonely person. Yet, this loneliness was very different from Jaebum’s. Rather than being attracted to and trying to make him smile, she just wanted to pat his shoulder and give him a smile in return. And she did. She patted his shoulder and gave him the friendliest and most warmth welcome smile. One that only a friend could give as comfort. Mark was taken aback, but a moment later he realized and accepted the gesture of friendship with a smile and a nod in return.




It was a surprise for Taecyeon to see his nephew strolling in, all dressed nicely with combed hair. Also shocking for Eugene to see Jaebum paying her a visit at the company. 


“What’s the special occasion?” Eugene smiled when he entered her office. 


Jaebum sighed, walked forward to her desk and laid down the letters, “Somebody sent you letters, but left it at the lake house.” He pushed the letters toward her. 


Eugene bit her bottom lip staring at the letters, “I see you’ve been at the lake house lately.” She looked up to Jaebum, who was staring at her without blinking his eyes. 


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I went back to check the last chapter and noticed it got cut off? That's weird, I have to draft it now.


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RosesyidaDEF7 #1
Chapter 17: Heummm hearttouched
RosesyidaDEF7 #2
Chapter 15: Ikr!!! Jaebeom adam's apple kills you🙈😨
RosesyidaDEF7 #3
Chapter 15: Omg jisooo 😆😆 you really that innoncent?
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Chapter 14: Interesting gahahshsghss🤣
RosesyidaDEF7 #5
Chapter 13: Owww you guys are getting bolder

Mark looking for jooyoung for what? He is into her?
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Chapter 12: OH my to THE GOD
RosesyidaDEF7 #7
Chapter 11: Yess my thought was true
Jisooo was low profile right
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Chapter 8: I got nostalgic a drama but which one
RosesyidaDEF7 #9
Chapter 8: I got nostalgic a drama but which one
RosesyidaDEF7 #10
Chapter 7: Ikr,, jaebeom is so annoyed sometime but all what he is doing are so precious