2nd day means 2nd...

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Chapter V: 2nd Day means 2nd...


He was awaken by a soft touch in his nose.

"Good Morning, sunshine. Did you sleep well?" Said the beaming beautiful creature in front of him.

"I had the greatest time, looking at your face the whole night. You still sleep like an angel Jihoonie~"

Seungcheol sat at the edge of his bed "Cat got your tongue?" He said and laugh fondly at Jihoon

"Okay. I'll go get your breakfast. Stay here, you'll gonna have a breakfast in bed, Jihoonie~" he said and started to walk away from Jihoonie.

"Do-don't go" his voice cracked with desperation.

Seungcheol turned his head to look at Jihoon.

"What? I'm just gonna get your breakfast" he's smiling while saying it.

"I'm not hungry"

"That won't do. You have to eat, I'm just going out of this door and get your breakfast. It won't take a minute"

Jihoon smiled, permitting Seungcheol to go out of his room and go fetch his breakfast.

60, 59, 58, 57, 56, 55, 54, 53, 52, 51

What is happening in here?

50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45, 44, 43, 42, 41

Why is he being so sweet and kind to me?

40, 39, 38, 37, 36, 35, 34, 33, 32, 31

Why suddenly? But I like it.

30, 29, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24, 23, 22, 21

I like him caring for me, looking at me like I'm his personal treasured possession.

20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11

I am willing to forget the past if that'll bring him back, back to my arms again.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

I've counted a minute, Seungcheol. Where are you?

"Cheol?" he called out

0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9

But I guess it won't be that easy. Just because you'll forget about the past doesn't mean the present will go the way you want it to be.

It was soft, not compared to the hard wood he remembered falling asleep. He woke up in the bed, with tears falling down his eyes.

It's only their second day in here but Jihoon is on the edge. He want Seungcheol so bad that even in his dreams Seungcheol is still invading him, it was quite obvious. Not that he doesn't dream about Seungcheol before, God knows his dream is Seungcheol himself. Would this painful longing stop?

He figured it out instantly when he went out of his room with Seungcheol out of his sight.

"Cheol?" He called out roaming the house and worry is building up in his chest. Sure, there was nothing in this set up between but Jihoon maybe would like to play with his feelings a little.

He halted his tracks when he realized what he just called him. It pained him, he was struck by a cold spear in his heart. Should we play a game where I'll surely enjoy but not for long?

His eyes caught the food he cooked last night, still untouched. If it would make him feel better, it was neatly situated in a plate not the way he left it last night. At least he has the courtesy to refuse it politely, even going to an extent to put it aside neatly.

"Say ahhhhh~" he can hear from outside the house.

That voice is quite familiar. As fast as he would reply to Seungcheol's message, Jihoon went out to see a commotion.

Well, it was a commotion for Jihoon. A rather major commotion that would need the police' assistance or maybe a doctor because he swear a bile is building up inside him. He feel nauseated.

Seungcheol is outside evident that he is watering the flowers a little while ago and then there's Jeonghan feeding Seungcheol. ing spoonfeeding Seungcheol without a spoon if that's even possible.

Good. What a bright sunny day. Wah, it's just the perfect way to start the day.

He is slowly backing away from these two lovebirds in an attempt not to get notice but maybe it was his lucky day because just in time Jeonghan whipped his head to his side and saw Jihoon.

"Hey Jihoon! Good morning. Enjoying your stay here?" Asked the older boy with a smile plastered in his face.

He too, plastered a smile in his face "Yes" he replied shortly not polite enough to reciprocate the greetings he got.

"Good. I just passed by to drop your things in here" and he brought his attention back to Seungcheol "You know your father is quite unpredictable. God! I missed my boyfriend's ..."

It was shortly cut as he took it as sign to resign back into the house.

He looked pitifully at the neat crispy pata in the table and at his arms as if he can see through the fabrics of his sweatshirt where his burns are situated.

Poor little thing, he was denied the privilege to do what he gotta do.

For the crispy Pata, to be tasted and enjoyed by Choi Seungcheol.

For Jihoon, to be of help to Seungcheol.

It was a void feeling inside him, again. Feeling worthless and all. God! Seungcheol, what do you want me to do?

He goes straight to the living room and just decided to watch television, easiest way to distract himself and the rumbling ache in his stomach.


"Good Morning sunshines~ Let me water you so you'll blossom soon enough and show your beauty to Jihoonie. Okay?" He talked with the daffodils and anemones.

Talking with the plants make them grow faster, prettier and maybe talking with plants can vent out a little of the stress you're feeling. Because plants unlike humans won't judge you, well they don't have a choice.

It is a beautiful morning indeed proportionate to what he's feeling. This is their first day in this tiny house, a house for the JiCheol couple. That's how they call their loveteam back in the College. Ji for Jihoon and Cheol for Seungcheol. It was supposed to be CheolHoon but Jihoon is so stubborn, wanting to be the "top" of their loveteam, looking back it's so cute -- endearing rather.

"Come drink up, beautiful creatures" he said as he pour water to the flowers.

"So... What? You're going to water this flowers? What the Cheol? It just rained. Are you killing them?"

Said a distant voice but as he searched his surroundings he found out that that voice came from his head, a distant memory of Jihoon nagging.


Seungcheol was caught picking up the roses in their University's garden, everone knew that the Dean treasured those roses like her own precious sons. Well, it was beautiful and Seungcheol wanted to give it to Jihoon but he was busted.

"So, Mr. Choi ... I know the roses are beautiful right?"

"Indeed Ma'am"

The Dean's office was the terror of any student, he's not an exception to it. He can be kicked out in just one flick of the Dean's hand, well, not really because he will recite all law he know if that ever happen.

The wall was littered with expensive painting. Abstract paintings, he never really knew why such paintings are called an art? It's just a dynamic of color, maybe the painter just threw the palette into the canvas. But he found new meaning to this arts, one portrays a feeling of hope and the other is dreadful. He just knew just by looking at it and the color used was emanating those feelings.

"How many did you pick, Mr. Choi?"

"3 Ma'am"

He answered straight to the point. Well, three roses for "I love you", Seungcheol is a cliché man.

" God! Oh my God! You just killed three of my son! Do you know what you did, Mr. Choi?"

The Dean threw a fit but Seungcheol doesn't look at her. She might be glaring daggers at him but he would never know.

And that's how he got here with a sprinkler in his hand. He was punished to take care of the greenhouse for the whole semester. It wasn't really a punishment for him, everyone knows he love flowers but it was such a hassle because he needs to water it everyday even on days he doesn't have a class and even on days it just rained.

Plushes of mud were sticking to his shoes. Let me just water these and leave.

"So... What? You're going to water this flowers? What the fuc

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I have exams till 3rd week of January :'''(


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Angel_Gibbs #1
Chapter 14: I'm sorry for you
I hope you get well♡
Strength to you<3
Simple-J #2
Chapter 14: Really a lot of good luck! I hope you can overcome your depression and I will be cheering on you! I kinda can understand how hard it is but I don't at all, but I just hope you can reach your happiness and be healthy! Cheering on you A LOT here! Have confidence!
Angel_Gibbs #3
Chapter 13: More angst T.T Jihoon fight this stranger. Protect your and cheols happyness. Hwating<3
Chapter 13: IT'S DOYOON! *GASPS* XD lol jkjk.... haha that'll be hecka scary...but anyways who dat man tho??? Hmm?? I don't like this.....Seungcheol is gonna die...why can't they just be happy by themselves??! Heh~
Chapter 13: Daheck is that guy?? Catch him jihoon! Throw him in the sea before he took ur cheol away
feelmeenah #6
Chapter 13: OMG. I cant. This is so beautiful. Usually i didnt read angst. But this fic is something. i cant explain. Cheol is ❤. i cant be jihoon. he's strong. i am not that strong if cheol is my love. Btw who's that guy? I cant if they get separate. Please make this fic happy ending. Fighting eonni ! Keep writing. We ❤ you
Simple-J #7
Chapter 13: This is my fave chapter so far. Who the heck is that guy tho xD
Simple-J #8
Chapter 12: That scalated quickly xDDDDD
Simple-J #9
Chapter 11: Thanks for updating after all this time! This is really hitting me hard tho...
Chapter 11: Counting days knowing how it'll end T_T