Chapter 17

I'm The Boy, You're The Girl


i'm letting you go

mo shing didn't go to school for three day. finally, she decided to attend class, however her mind was just flowing mid-air, she was lifeless but she tried her best to hide it. xia jie, ya tou and tong tong tried to cheer her up but it was no use. xiao lun was outside playing basketball with his other team mates,mo shing stayed inside the cafeteria with her friends.she stared at xiao lun, thinking why he hadn't talk to her or even greeted her. she knows something is up,only to find herself crying for no reson. the thought of what happen three days ago, hit her again. that day, mo shing decided to talk to xiao lun. they met up at the school gate after school, xiao lun didn't care about mo shing, he only talked about how fun it is to play basketball. he didn't notice mo shing was incredibly quiet still he continued talking. it came to a point when mo shing can't take it anymore
mo shing:xiao lun, you don't love me anymore huh?
she stopped walking, she asked him like she was about to cry, xiao lun sense mo shing's feeling, this is how he planned it. xiao lun does'nt want to hurt hurt her, but he knows this is the only to take revenge on her and let her go. he heard her sobbing, he gave a fake laugh.
xiao lun:hahaha, are you crying? why are you crying because i didn't talk to you? you know maybe...maybe i don't love you. what if i say i was playing you?
mo shing gave him the silent treatment. she just gave a small weak smile.she knows she has to let go.
mo shing:ding xiao lun, i'm letting you go. ah bu, i'll still love you. goodbye!!!
mo shing ran to the direction where her house is, she didn't stop running until she knows she was far enough not see him. xiao lun was shock. he got scared, he didn't want to lose her, he realized he can't live without her now.
he ran to the playground, hoping he'll still see the sunset.luckily, he did, he knelt in front of the sea. he was wishing upon the sunset. he prayed that mo shing would come back, he felt hot sizzling tears were forming on the side of his eyes, later on, he felt the tears rolling rapidly on his cheeks. he never felt this way to a girl before yet he just destroyed it for a stupid revenge.
when mo shing got to her house, she started cry inside her room, she cried like a frgile baby who has been woken up by the thunder in a stormy night. she can't stop the tears from falling, she knows this would come but she didnt' know it would be this heart there was no hatred but lonliness. she then went to the music room, instead of playing the piano she started talking to herself like retard but she wasn't crazy, she was trying to talk to her mom like how she used to when she get bulled from school. she go look foe her.
mo shin:ah bu(mom),i'm so sad and lonely.i miss you, if you miss me please give me a sign that everything will be fine.ah bu(mom), tell me what to do?
then, a stong wind came across the room, suddenly mo shing felt aomeone hugging her and she smelt a familiar was her mom's perfume then sad tears start falling from mo shing's face
then she heard someone whispered to her "my daughter, be stong. everything will be alright. i'll always be here. i love you forever..."
then, there was a comfortable silent around her, she felt happy and safe. and she was sure her mom is guiding her, she gave a smile to the piano and start playing the piano. she had her hopes that everything will be ok.

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