Chapter 3

Love like ours


Agreement *edited*

*I didn't really edit everything. I just added a conversation at the end. :) Please do read! You'll see *** before the added part!

Hello readers!~
I didn't get the comments I was asking for but it's okay. I'm posting now because I'm leaving tomorrow night! And I will be gone for a week or so... And there's no internet there. :( But I can use my dad's laptop to type the next chapters and post them as soon as I get back here. Please don't forget to read them :)

Err, I will still post another chapter tomorrow! :)


I went back to the hotel room at 4 o’clock in the morning, hoping that he’s asleep already. But there was no luck. When I opened the door, he was there, drinking coffee. I ignored him and scanned the fridge, I was hungry.

“I cooked. It’s on the table. Eat it.” Aaron said.

I looked at the table secretly. The food looked delicious but I didn’t eat it. I can’t cook so I just scrambled eggs, and ate it. I took a shower after and went to bed.

I woke up 5 hours later. I saw Aaron sleeping on the couch. He was shaking. It was cold. I wanted to ignore him but I just couldn’t. I pulled my blanket from my bed and covered him with it. While doing so, I felt his skin. It was freezing cold inside the room, but he was boiling hot. I wanted to call a doctor but my phone was missing. I looked for his too, I couldn’t find it too. I tried to use the phone inside the room but it wasn’t working. The door and the windows were locked. I tried the door at the terrace, but it was locked too. I was fighting the urge to cry but with no luck, I burst into tears. Mid-sob, I saw Aaron moving.

“Why are you crying?” He asked.

“You’re sick for god’s sake! Don’t you feel it?” I exclaimed.

“I am sick, I know. Why are you crying?”

“Because you are sick and I can’t do anything about it!”

“It’s okay, I’m okay, I can handle it.” Aaron smiled. “But I’m hungry,”

I gave him the food he cooked for me. He ate like a pig, like he hasn’t eaten for a week.

“Why are you so hungry?” I asked.

“Because I haven’t eaten anything yesterday. Gui Gui. Well, I drank whiskey but no food, at all.”

“Why are you so stupid? Why didn’t you eat?” I laughed.

“Because I was following you.” He replied.

“You stopped following me when I ran fast, didn’t you?” I asked, confused.

“Nope.” He stifled a laugh.

“What? You’re a stalker!” I exclaimed.

“I was worried about you. And I want you to forgive me.”

I didn’t reply. To excuse myself form the topic, I went to the kitchen to get him some water. I was pouring water into a glass when I saw a letter. I put the pitcher down and read the letter. It was Xiao Man’s handwriting. I knew they had something to do with it!

Hey Aaron and Gui Gui, How are you guys so far? We locked everything so you can’t come out until our last day here. So that means, you guys have 3 more days to be together! We want you guys to be together. You’re a perfect match. Both of you just had a stupid misunderstanding so fix it! Love, Us.

P.S. Gui, I know we said that we arranged this trip for you to realize that Aaron isn’t for you. Well, we were lying. He is for you. Make things work, okay?

They were so mean! I didn’t tell Aaron about the letter but I told them that they locked everything. He was surprisingly okay with it. A few hours later, I put my hand on his forehead and his fever was almost gone.

“You’re almost okay now,” I said.

“I know.” He replied. “But that doesn’t mean you can stop talking to me!” He added.

“Who said I was gonna stop talking to you?” I laughed.

“Good,” he laughed with me.

The time passed really slowly. We just watched TV the whole day. I was incredibly comfortable sitting beside him on the couch but I still kept my distance. We were watching a boring movie when I fell asleep. When I woke up, I was on the bed already. I tried to stand up but I couldn’t. Aaron was hugging me.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!” I shouted. He woke up and released me.

“!” I accused. He laughed and stood up but he didn’t reply.

I checked the time, it was 2am. I was getting hungry. I don’t want to eat scrambled eggs again so I said, “Hey, I’m hungry. Cook something delicious for me!”

“Your wish, my command.” He smiled and started cooking.

The food he cooked was delicious. It was mouth-watering. After eating, we had nothing to do so he proposed to play Truth.

“Isn’t it supposed to be Truth or Dare?” I asked.

“Well, we only have the two of us so what’s the use of having consequences? No one would laugh! Just me and you,” He answered.

“Okay, you start.”

“Hmm, do you have a boyfriend?”

“No. If I do, I wouldn’t be here.” I answered, matter-of-factly. “You?” I asked.

“No. If I do, I wouldn’t be here. And besides, I couldn’t have a boyfriend because I’m a boy.” He answered.

“Hehe. Funny,” I fake-laughed.

“Next question, why?” He said.

“I’ll tell you if you tell me,” I replied, eyeing him carefully.

“You.” He said. “What ‘you.’?” I asked.

“Because of you.” He cleared his throat.

“Whatever Aaron. Tell me the truth.” I said.

“The truth is, I love you.”

“Stop fooling me!” The conversation was getting intense.

“I’m not fooling you, Gui. I love you.”

“If you really love me, you shouldn’t have done what you did to me!” I shouted.

“Why is it always about that? Let’s forget about it.” He touched my hand and kissed me.

I pulled away and said, “I was truly hurt! And I can never forget it, at least not yet. Please stop being like this, I can’t take it! I love you too but god, please! Just leave me alone.”

I left the room after that and cried my eyes out for an hour. I was in the kitchen and I could tell that he was giving me space because he left the living room. I didn’t want that to happen. I just couldn’t get myself to believe that he could talk about that like it was nothing.

It was 5 am when I went to the room to sleep. He was sitting, staring at me. I tried to avoid his stare but I just couldn’t. I went near him; he was still staring at me. My tears started to fall and he stood up.

“What’s the matter? I’m so sorry,” He held my hand. I removed his hand from mine and hugged him.

“I’m sorry, Aaron. I love you so much.” I said.

“I’m sorry too.” He replied and kissed me. But once again, I pulled away.

“Why?” He asked.

“I love you but we can’t continue this,” I answered. Yes, I was still in love with him but I was still deeply hurt. I can’t just force myself to forget everything. I could, probably, forget what Hebe did to me but I was more hurt because of what Aaron did. He didn’t trust me. It may not be his plan to humiliate me but it wouldn’t have happened if he didn’t give Hebe’s number in the first place.

“Is it about what happened before?”

“I’m sorry but yes.” I answered, looking down. “But I love you. I just think it’s still too early to be together. And besides, you’re in college and I’m in high school. I want us to try loving someone else and maybe forget each other. We can still be friends. We can have double dates, maybe. And if one of us falls in love with someone else, the other one should withdraw and give up.” I proposed, now having the guts to look at him.

“But we can still be friends?”

“Yes,” I smiled.

Aaron hugged me and said, “Okay, I’m going to do this only because I love you.”

“Don’t say that, you should do your best to fall in love with someone else,” I said.

“Your wish, my command.” He said, again. I was happy to hear that he’s gonna do it but a part of me was a bit sad. What if he falls in love with someone else? What if I never fall in love again? Wait. Stop. I shouldn’t be like this. I should be happy. I should be positive.

“Wait, when did you start loving me?” I asked.

“When you pretended to be Abby.” He laughed.

“What? You knew I was Abby? Why didn’t you just tell me?” I panicked.

“Well, I didn’t want to ruin your little Abby world.” He laughed.

“But I only did it twice, how could you fall in love that fast?”

“Do you remember when Ah Wei kept on texting you? It was me. I talked to you almost the whole day and I fell in love.” He said. I could see that he was very proud of what he did.

“What? So that was you! I always knew Ah Wei won’t be that interested in me. That explains it.” I giggled.

We were about to go to sleep when Aaron walked near me, “Can I hug you again?”

I stared in disbelief but I hugged him. I know I won’t be able to hug him again. So I gave in. I still love him, after all. And besides, I know I would miss him.

Aaron was squishing me, but I didn’t want to stop him from hugging me. So I just waited for him to stop. After a few more minutes, he finally let go and said, “Hey, one last thing. When’s the expiration date of our agreement?”

“What expiration date?” I stifled a laugh. “My graduation. That’s like 5 months from now. Do your best!” That ended our conversation.


I woke up at 10 am, acquiring almost 4 hours of sleep. Our conversation ended after an hour of talking. Speaking of our conversation, are we still going to be friends? Hmm. I can only do one thing to make sure.

I jumped on Aaron and screamed, “Waaaaake up!”

“What? What happened?” He panicked.

“I’m hungry, cook breakfast!” I commanded. “Good morning!”

He stood up immediately and went to the kitchen.

“Hey, aren’t you gonna brush your teeth first?” I asked. “Hmm, Aaron, I don’t want to hurt your feelings but you really should. You’ve got a stinky breath,” I joked.

Aaron smelled his breath. “My breath smells good. Plus, I’ve been awake for an hour already. You’re the one! You haven’t brushed your teeth,” He pointed. Realizing I really haven’t, I ran and went inside the bathroom and brushed my teeth. After doing so, I realized, he was acting like nothing happened. It’s a good thing. Plus, we were acting like we’ve been friends since young, better.

I went out of the bathroom after a few minutes and we ate breakfast. It was day 3 and we only had 2 days left.

“Hey, I have to show you something,” I said. “But I forgot where I put it.”

“The letter?” Aaron asked. “I read it already. I didn’t tell you because I knew you were avoiding the topic. But now that we’ve talked about it, I don’t think there’s still a reason to keep it.”

“Yeah.” Was all I said. I didn’t want to talk about it again.


The last two days passed quickly. Before we knew it, it was time to go. We woke up really early, waiting for the 3 masterminds. Well, there were 4 of them but I didn’t know if he planned with them too.

“Hey Aaron, who’s Ah Ben?” I asked. “Does he know everything about this thing? Did he plan with them?”

“Ah Ben’s our friend. We met him in our college. He’s a good guy.” He said. “And I think he’s Xiao Man’s boyfriend”

“What?” I asked.

“What, what? I’m not sure but I think they are together. And Ah Wei and Ya Tou are back together too.”

“Why didn’t they tell me?” I asked, again. “Psh. Such friends,” I added.

“Well, I think they didn’t tell you because if you knew, you wouldn’t come with them, knowing that the 2 of them are connected to me, again. Because as far as I know, you were trying to avoid me.” He muttered. I was about to protest but he said, “As for your other questions, Ah Ben knows everything about this, I suppose. Because his father owns this hotel.”

Before I could reply, the door opened. And Ya Tou, being her usual self, squealed, “Hey Lovebirds!” Without even seeing us first.

“What Lovebirds?” Aaron and I said, in unison. “We’re just friends.” I said. “For now,” Aaron added, emphasizing the two words. And I glared at him.

“What?” The other four exclaimed, in disbelief.

With constant “What’s?” and “Ugh’s”, Aaron and I finally finished explaining our agreement. The 4 were clearly disappointed but I didn’t care. That’s what they get for locking us for 4 days.

We were about to leave when I paused and said, “Hey wait!” They looked at me and asked, “Why?” “You, Ya Tou and Ah Wei are back together and You, Xiao Man, you’re with Ah Ben!” I exclaimed. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I shouted, pretending to be mad.

“Well, errr.” Ya tou tried to explain. “Well, the plan won’t work out if you knew,” Ah Wei saved her.

“Hehe, that’s so sweet. Saving Ya Tou from death.” I laughed and hit Ah Wei’s head. “Ouch!” Ah Wei reacted.

“And you!” I looked at Ah Ben, sternly. “You! You’re with my best friend and you didn’t even introduce yourself properly!” I exclaimed. He looked scared, maybe he was.

“Ah, sorry. I… I… I am Ah Ben. Ahh,” He said, at loss for words.

I laughed. “Haha, it’s okay. I’ll ask Xiao Man about you later,” I looked at him and he sighed with relief.


We went to a restaurant to eat lunch. The 2 couples were so sweet. It was awkward for me and Aaron, being the only people who were single. He constantly looked at me and rolled his eyes, I rolled mine too, knowing what he meant. We finished lunch after 45 minutes. And after endless goodbyes from the two parties, we were able to leave. But before we did, Aaron asked, “Graduation?”

“Graduation.” I assured him, and smiled.

A pretty long chapter, don't you think?

The Spring break's about to end... Maybe Gui Gui will meet Wang Zi soon!

Please leave comments! It motivates me to write more more more more chapters! Haha.

Look at my Beautiful poster and background! It's made by! People there are so patient(I bothered them thrice LOL because I wanted the background to be perfect!! And they didn't even complain) ! you should ask them to make your poster

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