Chapter 18

Love like ours


Deal's Off

Hi readers! Thanks a lot for your comments! YAY. Hahahahas.

This is my first time writing and updating on the same day. Hahaha. I can't believe that writing a whole (short) chapter would take an hour. LOL~

Uhm, just so you know guys... everything that will happen is in my mind already (and how it's gonna end). It's just that I haven't written them yet.

Yay. Here's a new chapter!


I arrived at the café a few minutes early but he was already there, wearing a gray shirt and was holding a bouquet of flowers.

Hey wait! Bouquet of flowers? Whaaaaaaaaat?

As I walked near him, my heart started to get jumpy. I, on the other hand, started to feel uneasy. If he only knew why I wanted to meet him, he wouldn’t have dressed so nicely and be so nice.

He saw me walk towards him and he smiled. I gulped and tried to smile back.

“Hi.” He greeted as he handed me the bouquet of flowers. “For you.”

I smiled gawkily and said, “Thank you.”

Aaron ordered for me and we sat there without talking. We stayed silent for quite a long time, just looking at each other. I was getting tired of all the staring so I talked, trying to get to the point. “Aaron, you asked me to ask Ya Tou who called you that night, right?”

He nodded in affirmation and asked, “Why?”

“I know who called you.” I answered.

“Who was it then?” He gave me an irresistible grin.

I gasped for air, pretending not to be affected by his grin. “Xiao Xun.” When I said her name, I recalled why I was there, in front of him drinking tea and eating cake.

And I was suddenly infuriated.

“Oh, Xiao Xun?” he repeated her name, calmly. “How is she?”

How could he be so calm about this? I just caught him… cheating. Wait, did he really cheat though?

“Yes, it’s Xiao Xun.” I assured him, callously. “She’s okay.” I answered his question. “You used to be together, huh? Didn’t you say you love me?”

“Well, yes… err…” He looked around, as if looking for words to say. “Of course, I love you. Let me explain everything about what happened between me and Xiao Xun.”

I stood up carrying my bag and looked at him. “You know what? You don’t have to explain.” I muttered. “I’m leaving, bye.”

“Wait, Gui!” Aaron held my hand and I shook his hand off. “Just listen to me, please.”

I was too furious to even stop and listen to what he had to say so I continued walking. Aaron stood up almost immediately and paused for a while, probably paying for the bill. And then, he followed me. I walked as fast as I could. He lied to me, for god’s sake! Psh. He even told me how much he loves me. Ha. So much for true love, eh?

We were outside the café and he still followed me. “Gui Gui! Will you please stop and listen to me?”

I turned around and looked at him, “Why? So I can hear more of your lies about you loving me too much that you’re willing to wait for my decision until my graduation?”

He laughed mockingly. “I am going to explain. I am not going to lie to you. And for your information, I really am willing to wait for you. But can you please stop acting like you’re my girlfriend? Because you're not!” He shot back. “Yet.” He added.

I was taken aback with what he said and I was suddenly more furious than ever. How could he be so damn arrogant! Ha. I hate his guts so much right now! “Oh.” I reacted. “I forgot. You’re not even my boyfriend.” I faked a laugh. “And who is my boyfriend? WANG ZI. Yes. Wang Zi, the most caring and considerate boyfriend in the whole world, is my boyfriend… not you.” I walked towards him and spat the words ‘not you’ to his face.

“And…” I continued. “You are? Aaron. A guy who is…barely my friend.” I smiled wistfully.

I walked a few steps and turned around, for the second time. “Hey, Aaron?” I called. “Let’s just consider the deal…” I paused. “OFF.” I uttered the word loudly and winked at him. I looked at him and saw his expression. The look on his face was just plain priceless.

He looked disappointed, sad, and mad; I was a bit scared he might hit me or something. He walked towards me and handed me the flowers she gave me earlier. And then, he turned back and walked away.

I started marching away too and smiled to myself.

That’s for messing with me, I thought.
I wandered around the park and recalled everything that happened just a few minutes ago. I recollected that I told him it was Xiao Xun who said ‘I love you’ to him and I got mad. I remembered how he followed me out of the café, how he said I wasn’t his girlfriend and that I should listen to his explanation. And how I told him the deal was off.


The deal’s off.

Err, wait.

The deal?


Oh my flippin’ gosh!

I sat on the nearby bench and reflected on what I just did. I called the deal off. I called it off. Why? Does that mean… I might not be able to see Aaron anymore? Oh. No. There’s still Ya Tou and Xiao Man. They could meet with their boyfriends and I could see Aaron when I go with them. But! That wouldn’t be enough! I called the in’ deal off! How stupid could I get? Now… Now… Now I’m stuck with Wang Zi forever!!!


Wait. Why am I thinking like this? I will be stuck with Wang Zi forever. Isn’t it a good thing? I can be with Wang Zi without thinking about Aaron. Ha. I won’t see him anymore!

Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!

I won’t be seeing his face forever!


Forever? I can’t take that! I can’t live without Aaron. I love him so much! Life without Aaron? I can’t live that life! No, it’s okay. I still have Wang Zi. Wang Zi will be there for me and I love him so much.

It’s just that I love Aaron more.


Another chappie done!

I hope you still like my story ^^

And err, this story will be ending soon!

It won't reach chapter 30!


3 comments before I update!


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