Chapter 23

Music of Night


Perfect Fit

Ya Lun woke up and found his beloved girlfriend sleeping soundly next to him. He smile.

Ya Lun: (smile)

Ya Lun POV...
She look so cute when she is sleeping..

Ya Lun saw Gui Gui rubbing her eyes. He pretend to sleep. But he peek to see what she was doing.

Gui Gui: (rub her eyes) What time is it? (mumble)

Gui Gui tried to reach for the clock beside the bed. She lost balance and fall onto the floor.

Gui Gui: Ouchh..
Ya Lun: (quickly get up) Gui Gui, are you alright?
Gui Gui: Ya Lun?

Gui Gui looked at herself and realize she is . She shouted.

Gui Gui: Ahhhh!!!! (shout)
Ya Lun: Gui Gui, what's wrong? Are you hurt? (curious)

Gui Gui tried to cover Ya Lun's eyes with her hand.

Gui Gui: Don't look! Don't look..

Gui Gui grabbed the blanket and cover her body. Ya Lun chuckled.

Ya Lun: Gui Gui, I saw everything.. (smile)
Gui Gui: No.. No.. (shy)
Ya Lun: (smile) I love you.

Ya Lun went closer and kiss her forehead.

Ya Lun: No matter what happens.. We will always be together.
Gui Gui: Ya Lun.. (smile) Are you thinking if you say all this words.. I would.. (shy)
Ya Lun: No.. Its my true feeling. I want to be with you forever.. (kiss Gui Gui's forehead)
Gui Gui: Ya Lun.. (teary eyes)
Ya Lun: (wipe Gui Gui's tears away) Don't cry.. Tears don't suit my cute girlfriend.. (smile)
Gui Gui: But.. But the report.. Don't you want to know what it said?
Ya Lun: No.. No matter how long or what happen.. Just remember you have me.. (smile)
Gui Gui: Ya Lun!

Gui Gui hug Ya Lun tightly.

Gui Gui: Ya Lun, I love you so much..
Ya Lun: Me too.. (smile)
Gui Gui: Achocch.. (rub her nose)
Ya Lun: You should wear a shirt before you sleep.. If not, you will get sick.

Ya Lun took his shirt and put over Gui Gui's head.

Ya Lun: Perfect fit. (smile)
Gui Gui: No, its not. (curious) It doesn't fit..
Ya Lun: (chuckled) I know. But you're my perfect cute girlfriend.. (smile)
Gui Gui: (smile) And you're my caring and loving boyfriend.. (kiss his cheek)
Ya Lun: (smile) Why don't you get some sleeps?

Ya Lun carried Gui Gui in bridal style and put her on the bed.

Gui Gui: Ermm.. But I want you to be by my side.. (smile)

Gui Gui tugged Ya Lun's hand and went closer to him and sleep.

Hope you like this chapter. I will update one more chapter later. Hope all of you will comment. Thanks!

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