Chapter 5

you're MINE

Chapter 5



da ya: yeah! if you ain't going to stop this crap. i have no choice but to end you're foolishness!

ya tou: so what now! you're not going to leave her or what!!!!!

xiao xun: guys i think we should go. wang zi might know about this and i'm so dead!!!

(xiao xun,selina and ella run)

gui gui was crying... she ran and hugged da ya..

gui gui: THANkS!

da ya: aww you're so sweet. you're welcome

-end of flashback-

gui gui: and that's the start of our friendship, right? haha!

xiao jie(g): yeah!

da ya: guys! stop this drama!! i'm crying here!

xiao jie(g), ya tou, and gui gui looked at da ya and laughed!

gui gui: hahaha! yeah! she hates crying!

da ya: hey guys! we must go home now! it's already 6:30 pM!

gui gui: yeah! see yah tomorrow!

[while gui gui was waiting at the bus to come, she saw a familiar face behind her,]

gui's POV..
-it's him.

the man approached him and said.

man: HI!

gui:hello,what do you want?

man: i just want to say...

the man was cut off bye gui gui...

gui gui:to say what? that you'll never leave me? huh! that we'll always b bestfriends?

man: can't you give me another chance?

gui: you don't even know how much you've hurt me, but what hurts the most is that i still consider you as my bestfriend!!!

gui gui was about to cry but she was holding it back, when the man said...

man: so you're giving me another chance?

gui: if i'll say yes, promise me that we will always be best friends!:)

man: P.R.O.M.I.S.E

gui gui ran and hugged him!

gui gui: you idiot! why did you leave me? i really miss my prince!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! wo de wang zi!

wang zi: hey! i'm getting deaf here!

gui gui: hahaha! sorry!!!

gui gui: hey gotta go! the bus is here. Bye bye!

wang zi: bye!

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