Chapter 14

you're MINE

Chapter 14


“as you said… BEFORE.. means PAST. I’ve broke up with her last week.” Aaron said.

“oh!ok. aren’t you tired of changing your girlfriends?” ah ben asked.

“well, I’m kinnda tired, I’ guess I’ll now go to sleep. BYE guys!” aaron said.

“wei! You did not answer my question!><” ah ben shouted!

“nyt! Ben ben!” aaron said waving his hand.
end of ReCap


'hey guys, it's time to get your off the bed." jiro shouted.

'jut please 10 more minutes.' aaron said.

'ok, i guess i have to tell ghost that you'll be late in doing the project, you'll just woRk alone.' jiro said.

'hey! hey! can't you see i'm now mOVINg!!!." aaron said.

"k" jiro said with a smile.

1 hour later....
location: school

"hey guys! according to mr.tan, miss fan fan is absent. this means that we're going to do our projects tomorrow" ella shouted

"horrrrrray!' class started to yell.

'hey let's play spin the bottle. who's game?" ao quan said.

"me" all of them shouted except for aaron.

"hey! your not joining?" chun asked.

"ofcourse.... NOT" aaron said coldly.

"why?" mao di asked.

'this game is so lame" aaron replied.

'ok, looks like someone is scared about the questions' jiro said.

'who says i'm scared? fine! i'll join!!!" aaron said.

"ok ok.' chun said.

the game started....

1st spin.....pointed to:

"ok jay... truth or dare?" jiro asked.

'truth" jay replied.

"do you like someone in our class?" jiro asked.

'nope...' jay said.

"promise? cross my heart and hope to die?" chun added.

'well,... actually.. yes.' jay said,

'who?" ah ben asked.

"1 question per spin right?" jay said.

"oh. you're so lame, come on tell us!!' mao di said as he shake jay's arm.

'hey stop it!" jay said

2nd spin....pointed to:
da ya

"i'll choose truth." da ya said.

"hao! i have one question for you, if ever ao quan will woo you, will you answer him? yes or no?' ah wei asked.

'well i guess.. i should tell you that we're TOgether.;)" da ya said as she bow her head.

then ya tou broke the silence by.....


"well, we don't want to keep this from you guys but we're just finding for the right time' daya said.

"oh. so there are so many happenings here that i've missed?" a voice from their back said.

they alll turned around and saw a guy....

'who's he?" ah ben whispered.

'i've never seen him before!" xiao yu whispered.

"WANg ZIIIIIIIIII!!!!!! wo de wang zi!!!!' gui gui shouted as he ran towards him and hugged him!!!!

"wei! i can't breath.!!!" wang zi said!

" bad" gui gui pulled away.

"hey! you rascal, wahy are you here!!!?" gui gui asked.

'is it bad to look at my new CLaSSMATES??" wang zi said.

xiao jie, daya and ya tou ran towards him....

"ARE YOU gOINg to STUDY HERe again???????!!!!!!!!" daya,xiao jie,ya tou and gui gui asked at the same time.

"YES! problem?" wang zi said.

"wooooooooooH! my prince is back! yeah!!! CELEBRATE!!!" gui gui said.

but THE 8 guys are still asking the same question......

'WHO'S HE?" they thought.

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