7 Holy Exes


"From: Kim Doyeon 



"To my beloved personal assistant Jihyo: 

Do you remember our short conversation during your last stage interview? It was memorable to me. "What is 2 + 2?" I asked you - the truth is, I asked you that question simply out of boredom. And to be honest... it's entertaining to watch nervous candidates be perplexed and stutter over such a random, stupid question. You had me at your answer. "Not 4... It's anything you want, miss - I can make it happen." 

Now is your chance to prove to me you weren't sprouting bull. And end your probation as well - if you successfully meet the goals of this task, you will be automatically promoted to being my full-time personal assistant. 

As you are aware, I am currently on vacation in Maldives with my fiancé, Chittaphon. Everything was beautiful - the ocean, the wine, the 'night routines'... everything WAS perfect.

However! A super creepy- letter landed at our doorstep. Mind you, the resort we are currently staying at is one in the middle of the ocean - it's like, SUUUUPER hard for anyone to even reach our resort and deliver the letter. Unless it's some rich er who owns a jetski, or the money to pay someone to ride a boat to our little island and come through the super tight security - it's practically impossible for anyone to deliver it. 

Because I am the most unfortunate being on earth, Chittaphon was the one who found it first and read it. He understands VERY LITTLE Korean, but he was able to make out some of the words written in bold red markers - 'WEDDING', 'RUIN', 'SALAD', 'SHOOT' were the only words he could fathom. I didn't know those words could drive someone over the edge, but he clearly lost it as he now panics literally every second yelling and (occassionally) screaming in Thai - which is very, very, very, annoying. Due to his paranoid nature, he didn't think before ripping the letter into shreds and throwing them into the ocean - and now we don't even have evidence or clues to who the in the world actually have the heart to personally write and go through various obstacles to send me an f-ing creepy- letter. Ruining my pre-wedding honeymoon. 

It is with great joy that I write to you this letter as I have found a solution to calm him down - by simply making 'night routines' into 'daily routines'. 

But we still have an occuring problem we need to find the solution to. 

And I may have an idea to who the culprit is. Scratch that, ideas. 


Click to download: MYF*INGEXESPROFILE.docx 


Yes, I have messed up in the past - seven times in total. To simply put it, I may have broken some, or all of their hearts - and I need to mend them, find the culprit, and convince him - or them to not ruin my wedding. It is with deep regret that you CAN NEVER include legal authorities such as the police, or detectives to help you because... Chittaphon and me have caused enough problems for Mr. Kim Jeha (daddy) to handle. If another one gets out in the spotlight... my wedding could be cancelled. Dad's already against me marrying Chittaphon, and he will FOR SURE put the blame of this whole 'letter-scare' situation on me marrying the wrong guy. 

You might be thinking... "this is waaaaaay to much for a personal assistant to handle." But let me give you a friendly reminder: who was there when no firm wanted to recruit you, a fresh-graduate from a countryside university with average grades? Me! Who was there to give you free accomodation, food and transport (as well as free makeup sometimes)? Me! I was the one who found your potential and decided to groom you when no one did. 


Click to download: CONTRACTPROPOSAL.docx


In case you still have your doubts, I have attached you the document above that details the salary, bonuses, employee benefits, and etc that you will be getting when you have become a full-time personal assistant. I am also willing to support you on your education goals that you told me before - master's in Austria? Let's do it. 


If you do this for me. 


Thanks, I'm looking forward to your reply. 
Have a nice weekend with your boyfriend." 


Jeon Jihyo took a deep breath, closed her eyes for five seconds, and begun to type an e-mail addressed to her boss, Kim Doyeon. Before exiting the e-mail application on her smartphone, she downloaded the two files attached in the e-mail. Opening the document detailing her salary, she smiled to herself and nodded her head, re-assuring that she made the right decision. Jihyo then opened the document containing her boss' exes profile - and suddenly... she wasn't so sure if she thought about her response to her boss' e-mail thoroughly. 

The first page of the document presents the profile of a man she knew all too well. 

"Min Yoongi...? Suga?" she gasped, "MY SWEETHONEYCUPCAKE?!" 






Jeon Jihyo didn't come from a well-off family, but neither did she come from a family so poor that she had to work day and night. She wished working multiple part-time jobs are reasons to why she had an average-below-average transcript - maybe then she wouldn't hate herself too much. Jihyo is a hard-worker, but good brain? That she knew she didn't have. 

Packing up nothing but a single suitcase of clothing and bravery, Jihyo left her small town in hopes of finding a job, a man, settle down and build a good life. It was by chance that she met her future boss, Kim Doyeon - a bold, independent, total femme fatale whom Jihyo aspires to be. Doyeon treated Jihyo well, in fact, very, very, well that Jihyo became suspicious of Doyeon. 

The e-mail that explains her very first task immediately answered all of her doubts about Doyeon. Good accomodation, salary, employee benefits in exchange for a crazy task that consists of basically stalking and threatening her boss' exes...? 

Bring it on. Jeon Jihyo was never scared of challenges, especially when she's rewarded.


Little did she know, this crazy, demanding, adventurous first task would teach her a thing or two about true friendship, love, and life in general. 






Jeon Jihyo (21) - she is a hardworking young lady that has a 'never give up' attitude - although she can be a bit clumsy and not on the smarter side. But, she will always try to find a way to do things, even if it has to be done in her own special way. Recently, there are only a couple of things in her mind - her family, Suga; her beloved boyfriend, and her cat 'Poncho'. Oh, and Kim Doyeon the queen is an addition now. 


Kim Doyeon (23) - total femme fatale, independent, bold woman that defines the ideal woman in 21st century. A total workaholic, yet still finds the time to be a good lover to her man, and at the same time holds the position of a CEO in one of the top-notch advertising companies in Asia. In love with both her work and Ten - her fiancé, she recently took a liking in Jeon Jihyo, who reminded her of her past self. 

Kim Taehyung (23) - an aspiring model in the making, he's a young spirited man that takes no from anyone and is stubborn as heck. He believes in 'YOLO', and lived his life just the way he wants to. The hate he received from the public makes him think over about his life choices, however, and now it looks like he disappeared from the industry (not that anyone cares, but a small group of his fangirls do), but where could he be hiding? Not too far, it seems. Kim Doyeon's first love and 1st boyfriend

Jeon Jungkook (21) - still in university, he dropped out of high school as he was training to become the next premier danseur - and so he flew to Russia to attend the elite Vaganova Ballet Academy, where he met Kim Doyeon, a student for a short winter course and became her 2nd boyfriend. Things didn't go as how he wanted it too, however, and now he's back in Seoul for an indefinite amount of time, for indefinite reasons. What's up with the same surname with Jihyo, anyway?

Min Yoongi (25)  - a total sweetheart, he's the ladies man, his daily routines being frequenting the discotheque, clubs, karaoke rooms and such. His job as a full-time bartender definitely pays the bills, as his name is known enough for him to be hired for private parties of rich Arab and Chinese youngsters that reside in South Korea, and Hong Kong ocassionally. Everyone tilted their heads when Jihyo announced she was dating Yoongi (alias name at work Suga), as they come from two completely different worlds. But hey, love wins, no? Doyeon's 3rd boyfriend, he calims to know the real her.

Kim Namjoon (25) - Namjoon is smart - that, no one can argue. He got his undergraduate degree from SNU, and went to Harvard for his master's degree. Currently doing another master's program in Yonsei University, he also runs a chain of cafés on the side. Doyeon is the only girl he has ever loved, so, so, deeply that he bought her a limited edition of Lambo for her birthday. The red sports car didn't win her heart, however, but he still managed to be Doyeon's 4th boyfriend for a period of time. 

Kim Seokjin (27) - the oldest of Doyeon's exes, nobody knows what he really do for a living - it seems like he's a freelance journalist and has written screenplays, but nobody really knows his details, even the detectives Doyeon hired to compile his profile - his section was almost empty. He seems like a nice guy, though, as he was the man Doyeon dated for a long time, although their relationship is questionable as Doyeon stated that Seokjin didn't a give a definite response to her when she confessed her love to him after being 'flower buddies' - they met at a flower shop. Nevertheless, Doyeon still counts Seokjin as her 5th boyfriend

Jung Hoseok (24) - After the first e-mail, Doyeon sent Jihyo a second one that she had to look out for Jung Hoseok. Afterall, they did.. some inappropriate things - and Doyeon is genuinely concerned if Hoseok was the one sending her the letter, because of 'unfinished business in the past'. Hoseok was a decent man building his career in a palm oil trading company, but it has been said that difference in their social status made him and Doyeon break up. 6th boyfriend, Doyeon had genuinely thought she could have her happy ever after with him. 

Park Jimin (23) - Doyeon's prime suspect. Her last love (7th boyfriend) before Ten, her fiancé, is Park Jimin - a CEO of a game company in Seoul born with a silver spoon, just like Doyeon. They knew each other since they were little, as they went to the same parties - but didn't start to properly have talks until a summer in Seychelles. Doyeon deemed him to be the most knowledgable and understanding of her 'world', as he came from the same 'city'. Jimin mentioned marriage several times, but Doyeon had always dodged the topic, and they were basically broken up although neither said anything - the two were apparently 'too busy with work' to text the other for two whole months. 

Chittaphon Leechaiyakul (24) - currently Doyeon's fiancé, he was Doyeon's personal assistant before. The tiring overseas business trips and overtime work bonded the two - and now they are lovers that can't be separated. He had quit his job as a personal assistant and established his small lemon-export business now. 


credit of the lovely poster and banner goes to sakuretta of spotlight posters < 3
thanks lurv. 



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