[YOONA!!] I’m such an awesome investigator

The Girl in the Rain


My suspicion had started when we first met the band, and the girl named Yuki was in a daze but immediately snapped to attention at the mention of the word, “CNBLUE”. I was quiet at that moment because I was observing the band. Those girls, I wonder what will happen to them after their so-called debut on stage with us?

Then there was that conversation outside the club, where Yuki asked me if those dating rumors were true and I said they weren’t. I didn’t lie, of course. But as I walked to the van I wondered what that question was for. I thought it was just her confirmation of my personality, I realized that it could have been that she is a fan of one of those rumored guys. Yet as I got to know her more I knew that she wasn’t one of those fan girl types, Eri was one of them, though. Haha.

And as I looked at Jonghyun’s shocked face when I told him that “she will be watching,” I thought that maybe Yuki and Jonghyun were connected in a way. I just meant to tease Jonghyun because his attitude today was kind of rude but then his reaction sparked an interest in me. I just had to know more.

CNBLUE… Yuki… Jonghyun… they had to be connected in a way. And I’m going to find out why.

“Unnie, you seem to be deep in thought,” I snapped back to the real world as I heard Seohyun talking to me. We were riding in the van from the café and headed towards One’s studio, where we agreed to practice for M! Countdown.

“It’s nothing,” I replied as I looked out of the window. Sigh. Why am I getting into this matter anyway? Is there really no excitement in my life?

I knew the answer of course. Yuki is my friend and even though we’ve just met for just a few days, we’ve grown a sense of closeness towards each other. We were of the same age, after all, which I think is a plus side on our friendship.

“We’re here,” the driver announced. We’ve never been to One’s studio before because he usually came to our company. But we needed to be here since us playing with D.N.A is still a secret and we can’t have them walk in and out of our company since we’re not really that famous with musician idols.

“This is bigger than I expected,” Hyoyeon unnie commented as we entered a room with a drum set on the side. I guess it was a practice room. I’m sure unnie didn’t mean her comment in a bad way. One was a producer before his 30s. A studio like this is a great achievement for someone who deals with music and idols at the age of 28.

One entered the room and gave one of his smiles. You have to admit that he was kind of handsome even though he was dressed in a normal way. He had that kind of aura that he knows music like he was born for it. Yuki had that kind of feel too, in my opinion.

“The girls will be here soon. Yuki said she had to finish her homework first,” One explained and you could see that brotherly concern in his eyes, “And Hana too in fact. She’s taking university exams soon.”

“Is Hana going to go to a Performing Arts College?” Sooyoung asked, looking at the drum sets. Hana was, as Yuki and the others said, a prodigy when it came to the drums. She didn’t have formal training like the rest of them but her progress was faster than the usual.

One thought about it and shrugged, “Who knows? I mean, maybe she’d end up like Yuki who went to a performing arts school but changed course when she got into college. A shame, though, I think her skills would improve significantly if she did pursue that path.”

He had that sad look in his eyes. What did it mean? Hmmm…

The rest of SNSD arrived and I had entirely forgotten about them. Sorry.

“Yoona-yah! I was surprised that you weren’t still sleeping when I woke up. But you were gone!” Yuri unnie exclaimed as she threw her arms around me.

“Miane, unnie, I forgot to tell you.”

“Hmm. Yoona seems to be forgetting a lot of things lately,” Jessica unnie commented, “Are you in love or something?”

I had 9 pairs of eyes on me. I laughed, “Ridiculous!” was all I could say.

Hyoyeon unnie cleared and saved me from an awkward moment, “We went to see CNBLUE earlier.”

Now everybody was looking at her. One had an extra curious expression on his face. Interesting.

So. Hyoyeon unnie explained what we had talked about in the café and the others were envious because we got to spend part of our morning with Jung Yonghwa and Lee Jonghyun.

“Jonghyun was unbearable today,” I muttered and Taeyeon heard me because she was sitting close.

“Yoong, don’t tell me you like CNBLUE’s Jonghyun?!” She burst out.

“EH?!” my 7 unnies and 1 dongsaeng reacted.

“It’s not like that! I just said that he was acting rude today,” I replied. In truth, I knew we all admired the band and we loved the music they made. And I did say that Jonghyun was a good guitarist. I never said that I liked him, though. I really really don’t.

One laughed and the door opened and the 4 musicians came in. First was Yuki, who was wearing her usual plain attire, jeans and a shirt, no makeup face. I really had to make her look more like a star.

Although I always had stylists saying to me, “Yoona is at an age where everything she wears is beautiful,” I guessed it worked for Yuki too.

She had an air of confidence in her, like she didn’t need to depend on anybody else. I knew, though, that she is still delicate. She’s a girl after all.

Next came in Miyo, who wore pretty clothes and light makeup. I always thought that she was the different one in their group since she’s all girly but I guess her personality compliments the rest so it was fine. I wish she’d give Yuki some tips on dressing up, though.

Then Miyo was followed by Eri, who had her arm slung over Hana. Eri dressed like a boy, so to say. It fits her, though. She kind of reminds me of Amber though I know Eri is a big fan girl, who knows almost everything about idols. I think the oppas would find her amusing if ever they met her.

Hana looked like a typical high schooler, except maybe for the fact that she had purple streaks in her hair and wore contacts that made her eyes bigger. Seohyun would say that she looked like one of those characters in her manhwas.

“Let’s get started, shall we?” Yuki suggested as she pulled out her guitar from its case. There was something familiar about it, like I’ve seen it before.

“Uwa, unnie, you have a PRS Modern Eagle like Jonghyun oppa!” Seohyun exclaimed. She once read a book on electric guitars before during her We Got Married day. Yes, now that Seo said it, it is similar to Jonghyun’s except that Yuki’s guitar was orange.

Yuki had a conflicted expression on her face, as if trying to hide something but I was one of the 3 people who noticed. One was looking at her with concern, as if expecting her to throw a tantrum or something. Miyo looked at Yuki with a sad expression on her face.

So it is about Jonghyun? Or did the guitar just have painful memories?

“Ah, really? I didn’t know that,” she said as her expression changed and she looked cheerful. I managed to stop myself from laughing. Yuki would make a good actress someday. Perhaps we could film a drama together.

Eri seemed to realize the situation and she suggested we start on the songs we were gong to sing.

Mnet had given us 3 songs to perform for that special episode and so we chose to do Into the New World, Beginning and Gee. The first two because they were our first songs when we debuted and Gee because it’s the song we had that played a big part in the hallyu.


We took a break after 3 hours of continuous practice only because Taeyeon unnie was concerned for D.N.A because she thought their hands already hurt. But it turns out that they weren’t exhausted at all.

“I could do 10 laps while playing my bass,” Eri joked.

Yuki was sitting in a corner and polishing her guitar when she saw me walking towards her and we said hi to each other.

“You okay?” I asked her. She simply nodded and went back to wiping her guitar. Now, at a closer look, it was the same model as Jonghyun’s guitar, only the color was different.

“Yuki-sshi, how old were you when you started playing guitar?”

“7th grade, I suppose,” she replied.

“That’s quite a long time isn’t it?” I really don’t know how long musicians should play for them to be considered good.

“I guess, but some guitarists start learning when they get into high school and I’ve been playing longer so I had more time to develop,” it seemed as though she had this conversation before and her eyes drifted across the room to her brother, who was glancing at her from time to time.

“Ichi is so annoying. How many times do I have to tell him that I’m not a baby anymore? I can take care of myself,” she told me when she saw that I was looking the same direction she was.

I giggled and replied, “You’re his baby sister. You can’t blame him.”

“If only he was like that before, then maybe I won’t be like this now,” she mumbled to herself. I was amused at myself for noticing the tiniest of details today, hearing the slightest of sounds.

I could be a detective or something.

Before? What happened before? I needed to know more. The information I have is slowly growing.


We were at Yuki’s apartment. I was hanging around in her music room where she kept her guitars and a small drum set. This was my first time in her house and I felt happy that she invited me over for dinner. Practice was hard as usual but we all pulled through in the end. The performance was getting nearer and next week we will be practicing every night.

“Yoona-sshi?” Yuki called from the living room. I was about to go out when I noticed a picture on the desk. It was a Polaroid and there were two people smiling for the camera.

“I recognize this uniform. SOPA? And this girl is Yuki…” my eyes grew wide when I recognized the black-haired boy who had his arm slung over Yuki’s shoulder.

It’s him.

“Ah, Yoona-sshi, what are you-“ Yuki entered the room and saw me holding the photo. She froze.

“Yuki-sshi, the boy with you in this photo, isn’t this Lee Jonghyun?” 


YOONA IN THE HOUSE! Haha. I just love her, don't you? Yoona, Yoona, Yoona. LOL. I know this part is insignificant and I'm just randomly typing because I usually do at the end of a chapter.

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Next... REVELATION (lol joke)

[I'm working on a banner so please watch out for that soon! Hehehe^^]

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please update soon.. i miss this story.. ><
please update soon.. this story is getting really interesting.. ;3
Omo is he going to leave here behind again??? I hope not,, I just know that I'll cry if he does... :$ And than i can't read because my iPod will be wet with tears who are falling from my face on the screen.... or my whole face would be black because of the mascara tapering... :$ plzz make it happy so I don't have to cry *POUDY FACE*
Btw... So cute how they are together!!
Ong still love it... Today I actually had no time to read... But now in my bed... I thought I can read now... So I did... :)
Ashyunchick20 #6
Hello hello! ~ Shinee dance ~ :P
I was wondering if you have time, can you check out my fanfic about Shinee!~ :D :D
Thanks!~ ^_^
UPDATE!! Keke~ Been waiting long?
@Deborah, thank you so much. Hehe. And please take care of your things! I think I'd kill myself if I lost my phone... or my ipod too. Hehe...
still love it... i think i'm to exited for the updates... i rarely do my homework... most of the time i'm reading your fanfic over and over again... :$ even in class... almost lost my ipod though,, but i managed to keep it... =D
I just discovered your story, but it is great so far! Looking forward to reading it all. Keep up the good work!
so today i read the rest of it... and I LOVE IT! it's great...!