04. For all I care

Our Pink Romance


[A/N]: WHILE READING THIS LISTEN TO T-ARA'S CRY CRY. IT'LL SET THE MOOD♥ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fj4_TJaAiv4

“Where are you trying to take me? Ya! Nam Woohyun!” you struggled to free yourself from his tight grip.

“I’m just buying you clothes so stop struggling,” Woohyun grunted.

“Noona, it’s okay,” Sungjong held onto your other hand.

“I feel like I’m being kidnapped against my will,” you muttered incoherently.

“My PMS Darling, we are NOT kidnapping you and kidnapping is something done against the victim’s will. So snap out of it,” Sungjong snapped. You kept quiet since you were ashamed. “Noona, I want to go to the toilet. Wait here with hyung okay? Don’t run off like a little kid,” he reminded you. It was really awkward for you to be with Woohyun all alone. You played with your fingers while Woohyun was staring at the blue sky.

The streets were crowded with families, couples and friends. Just then, you spotted a familiar guy. *Is that who I think that is?!* you nearly yelled. Woohyun tried running over but stopped himself from doing so.

“Kim Myungsoo-ah!” you screamed as you ran towards him. You hugged him tightly.

“Hey, Eunyoung. It’s been a long time,” his sweet smell overwhelmed you. It was still the same. He returned your hug.

“Oppa, I miss you so much. I have so much to talk about. Oppa, you know what? I manage to get out of Jang Dongwoo’s house. Now we can be together again,” the idea of him leaving you again really scare you badly.

“Uhh.. Eunnie? I can’t do that anymore,” his answer was half-hearted. He slowly pulled you away.

“Oh, I see that you’re still shopping with your mom. It’s okay. I can wait for her. I miss her so much,” you eyed a ladies handbag in his hands.

“Hey, Eunyoung. Remember me?” a velvety voice said.

“ Yoonmi? Off course I remember you! It’s been a year!” you smiled at your best friend.

“Oh, jagiya, let’s go have our dinner. Eunyoung dear, do you want to tag along? On the second thought how about not. You’ll spoil the romantic atmosphere,” Yoonmi cast a cruel smile.

“Oppa? I don’t get it?” you were shocked. Thoughts filled your mind.

“Don’t you get honey? Myungsoo and I are a couple,” Yoonmi continued smiling.

“Oppa, tell me she’s lying. Tell me you love me. Tell me what I’m hearing are all lies. Jebal,” you started to tear up.

“What she’s saying are all true. It’s the truth,” Myungsoo said with sudden coldness in his voice.

“Oppa, are you trying to say that what we had was all over? Was I that easy to forget? I really loved you so much, Oppa. And all that I get in return is this? What happened to our promise? Oppa nan niga sirrheo!” you started hitting his chest.

“Jagiya, let’s leave her,” Yoonmi dragged him away. Myungsoo took one last look at you and walked away.

“Oppa!” you started screaming hysterically. You fell to the ground and didn’t even try to get up. You bawled your eyes out.

“Hyung, what did I miss?” Sungjong asked from a far. Woohyun just pointed towards you.   

“Noona!” Sungjong tried pulling you up but you resisted. In the end he just sat there hugging, comforting and consoling you.

“Cry for all I care because I’m here for you. Noona, I love you,” Sungjong wiped away your tears.

Woohyun just stood by the side and watch you crying. Passersby stood to watch. Woohyun wished with all his might that he could be the one comforting you. But he didn’t set his hopes to high.      


  my third update for today...  will try to update tomorrow.. i'm kinda sick now!  anyways keep on reading my dears.. don't forget to subscribe♥     

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update soon!!!! :D
yeolieefreakk #3
Unnie, i seriously like your story. especially 5th chappie.. my yeoliee~~ *spazzing and fangirling over that pic* are you trying to make me lose my voice?>< hehee.. hwaiting^^
If i have time and pics, i'll do a pic spam for choding yeol and my cutie L
yeolieefreakk #5
Bad yoonmi>< steal him from 'me' anyways, good story. subscribed already.. gonna make my first fanfic. go check out yeah.. wanna spam yeoliee pics.. esp lkim laaa. (:
@ pandalovekora: thanks.. am trying my best to update asap♥<br />
@ PororoBJ: hey! thanks for the support^^ do continue to read yeahs?<br />
@ AyuzawaYuki: thanks for the listening ear even when you were really bored with me talking all the time:) <br />
I love you guys! saranghae♥
wahh` aww-some one ! update soon okay ^^
PororoBJ #8
Nice one! I really love it! It was super awesomee! I can't wait for the next chapter :D
AyuzawaYuki #9
hey hey...as promised i have read your fanfic and its A.W.E.S.O.M.E!! continue writing this with the many interesting ideas you shared with me...ehem, DONT GIVE UP kays!!Hwaiting!!:DD