When the Sun Rose

 When the sun rose he knew that they had to move on ...

 He insisted that they had to move on every day, and it seemed like Jae was beginning to agree with him. He liked Changmin and Yunho, but he knew that they already moved on. Maybe Soo Man inserted some microchip inside their brains to program them to move on and say such things. Ugh, he hated Lee Soo Man.

 Junsu didn't really know anything though. They made sure that Junsu wasn't going to end up bitter like him and Jae. But when you put someone else's feelings before yours, it eventually becomes a disaster. Of course Yoochun would know that.

 It was just a normal day, no need to make a big deal out of it.

 But he had to move on, and he had the perserverance (and stubborness) to achieve it.

 Now here he is, out of bed, with coffee and sparking what could be just a disaster with Junsu and Jaejoong.

 "What do you mean they don't want it?" Junsu asked with confusion. Poor Junsu didn't know the story. He didn't know what Jae experienced when he did visit them.

 "They don't respect us," Jae continued, his face stone hard. It was hard to see someone so emotional like Jaejoong ending up so rigid after one incident. He was almost as negative as Yoochun, which was pretty hard to be.

 One year ago ...

 "What's wrong Jae?" Yoochun asked the moment arrived.

 Jaejoong raised the empty bottle of soju and cursed, "Those two ing douchebags, Yunho and Changmin, they don't want our gift."

 Yoochun was shocked, they didn't even want to accept the gift? He took another look at Jaejoong, his eyes were sore, he was panting heavily, and it seemed like he drank more than just one soju. Maybe it was just drunken rage, maybe he just misinterpret something they had said.

 "Are you sure?" Yoochun questioned with concern. "Did you really need to drink so much though? You look like you're going to explode."

 "I know what they said!" Jaejoong yelled. "They said if they were to reset time back to when we were talking about leaving, they would've still stayed."

 "Well if you were to reset time to that same moment would you stay with them?"

 "Hell no!"

 "And that's why we're here today, right?" Yoochun acknowledged. He wasn't mad that they had said that, because it would make sense. If they wanted to be with them they would've found a way to come in contact within time. He wouldn't stay for them and they wouldn't stay for him, it was life, and they had to accept their choices.

 However Jae was not convinced. In an angry rage, he threw the bottle on the floor, shattering the glass that hit his hand severely. The box was thrown down as well, the pretty wrapping paper dented.

 "Jae!" Chun shouted at . He dragged him outside and made sure he stayed there so they can go out. He went into the bathroom to tell Su what was going on and went back. "We're going to catch some fresh air for you to calm down."

 They were moving on when they said that. It was the truth. He wanted to talk some sense into Jaejoong, to have him stop ing, but he knew he was just going to ask for trouble from that.

 "Well what do you think Yoochun?" Junsu asked the seemingly quiet third party.

 "We need to move on."

 Jaejoong scoffed as he rolled his eyes. "Yes because saying that you're moving on is enough evidence to prove that you are actually doing so."

 "Come on you guys," Junsu pestered. "You guys care for them as much as I do."

 "I don't." Jae retorted. Yoochun nodded in agreement. Junsu wasn't impressed though. It made Chun feel guilty, because he could actually stop Jaejoong's propaganda, but he didn't care anymore.

 Don't lie to yourself Chun, you only say you don't care to hide the fact that you do.

 And even if that might be true, he didn't need to admit it. He already stated his point, and he wasn't going to admit that he was lying, or at least not now. Now wasn't the time to be fighting, it was to celebrate what could've been and what is now.

 "Well if you two are going to be so ing hard-headed so be it." Junsu concluded. "And you're right, we need to move on, but you two need to move on from the fact that you guys are just pulling bull and still care for those two as if no harm was ever done to them or to anyone else." Without another rant he grabbed the box and walked out of the dorm, slamming the door behind him.

 And that was the typical Yoochun. Believing in what is right, yet not doing a single thing about it.

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cries such a touching fic!

why they no reunite as dbsk again?? cries some more
koreankendi #2
Ahhh very nice db5k fic!
I hope it reallt happens soon. (or happened alr)
And i got a lil puzzled w the gift part.
But no worries, read your explanation at the comments.
Best. Story. Ever. ._____. So much emotion going on. I LOVE IT <3
yay Junsu helped break jaejoong's stubborn shell^^
logistilla #5
db5k fic <3
aww~ i miss dbsk as five, the Rising Gods of the East... this was awesome...
sooyounf #7
A better explanation of the gift issue:<br />
<br />
First off, Jaejoong was ready to deliver the present when he heard HoMin talking. When he heard that neither would leave with them if they had a second chance, Jaejoong became pissed off and left without hearing the two's opinions. <br />
<br />
They did not accept the gift because they didn't receive it.<br />
<br />
Because Jaejoong was angry, he used propaganda and assumed that the two had no respect for them whatsoever and that they were just horrible people, not to mention that alcohol was involved in Jae's behavior.<br />
<br />
Sorry for the confusion, I didn't really convey the gift memory as much as I thought I would but hopefully this fills up any worries. Thanks for the comments and subscribers who had helped me along the way of this short story! <3<br />
<br />
I was in the verge of tears when I read your fanfic .... but btw, is there an explanation about the gift incident? did homin really didn't want the gift just as what jae said ? :) ...