Turbulence: part 2. Something good

Turbulence: HARD CARRY

The next day JB woke up early feeling refreshed. The previous days he had spent with his family had only done good to him and he was ready to continue the promotions. Since he was the only one awake he sneaked out of the bedroom quietly to not wake up Jinyoung and went out to the kitchen.
He had one thing on is mind and that was pancakes. For some reason he had pancakes on his mind for the past mornings but his parents were strict; only korean traditional breakfast was good enough so he never had the chance to make it. Or try to make it at least. He had seen it in a movie a couple of weeks ago and wanted to try it ever since.

The day before he had "navered" the ingredients and bought all the ingredients that he needed for it.  Now, the real test was approaching. The actual making of the pancakes.
He took out the ingredients of the cupboard he had hidden them in and took out the milk and eggs from the refrigerator.
- "Hmm... eggs, milk, flour, salt, sugar and... hmm what else? Oh! Butter aswell!" He placed them on the counter and got himself a bowl, a whisk and a pan. He read the recipe and started to fill the bowl with the ingredients. He the stove, added a little butter on the pan and poured the mix in the pan.
JB liked to be prepared so he had not only looked for the best recipe but also watched a lot of videos of people making pancakes to know when to flip them and not.
When the pancakes turned golden brown he flipped them to only find out it seemed easier than actually doing it. He didnt quite get it right so the pancakes broke into tiny pieces and he felt frustrated. He just wanted to make pretty pancakes for the boys!

Luckily he had made a big batch of batter so it was only to practise more. "Practise makes perfect" he thought to himself and proved himself right. It took almost half the batter but he got the pancakes to look better and as long as the taste was good he thought he should be happy.
When the batter was finished he had a big pile of warm golden brown pancakes and smiled to himself. He reached for the refrigerator to bring out the juice when he heard someone come in to the kitchen.

Jinyoung was coming in to the room, bedhair and rubbed his eyes. JB heard him sniffing the air and woke up a little bit more when he felt the smell of the pancakes.
Even though Jinyoung was the mother of the house and JB the father, Jinyoung was definitly not the person that loved to talk in the morning. He did understand that the big pile was for everyone and went to the cupboard to take out glasses and plates for everyone and started to set the table. JB took out the jam, juice and stuff for the bread and put it on the kitchen table. He had navered american breakfast and had everything he needed for it except for bacon.
Different kind of toppings was on the table and three types of juice; orange, grape and apple, boiled eggs and bread. Newly fresh made coffee was just put on the table by Jinyoung before he stepped out of the kitchen to wake up the rest of the kids.

Jinyoung knocked on Mark and Jacksons room, still doubting that it was a good decision to actually let them sleep in the same room, opened the door and mumbled that breakfast was ready as he the light in the room. The boys were still asleep in Marks bed, unaware that Jinyoung was in the room. He went inside the room, ripped of the bedcover and lightly kicked Jackson in the . The boys woke up shivering of the sudden cold and Jinyoung once again mumbled that breakfast was done and then left the room. The boys smiled at each other and started to crawl out of bed to head over to the kitchen.

Jinyoung heard the boys shout out of joy when they entered the kitchen and found the american breakfast dream. He was starting to wake up more and more and by the time he went to Youngjaes room he was almost fully awake. He knocked on the door and reached for the doorknob only to miss it as Youngjae opened the door himself. With a nod from Jinyoung Youngjae understood and went to the kitchen.

Jinyoung moved on to the next door, knocked and opened the door. Bambam had woken up just a few minutes earlier and was getting dressed. Yugyeom was still in bed sleeping.
He went over to Yugyeoms bed to wake him up and pushed him gently on the shoulder. Yugyeom turned around with a troubled sleepy red face. Jinyoung felt on his forehead only to find Yugyeom was burning up with fever almost.

- "Yugie! You have a fever!"
Yugyeom barely answered him with a moan and just continued sleeping. Jinyoung left the room with Bambam and walked to the kitchen. Bambam sat down at the kitchen table, trying to get a cup of coffee when JB stopped him with a frown on his face. Bambam was the baby of the family and was still not allowed to drink coffee as his "parents" thought it only gave him too much energy, especially in the morning.
He looked over and saw Jinyoung look for something in the kitchen.
- "What are you looking for over there?"
- "Where is the cold medicine?"
- "What do you need that for? You have a cold?"

Jinyoung almost ran throughout the kitchen to find the medicine and felt frustrated when he couldnt find it.

- "Yugie is burning up with fever in his room. I'm just trying to find the medicine for him. Where is it?"
JB almost choked on the egg he just put in his mouth and coughed loudly banging his chest.
- "What are you saying? Is he sick?"
- "Yeah I guess so huh? Now where is the medicine?! Did anyone see it??" At this point Jinyoung felt really frustrated of not finding it. JB went up from his chair, still coughing and opened the cupboard to the far left and took down all the medicine. Jinyoung took out a water bottle from the refrigerator and was finally handed the medicine.

He left the room followed by JB, went back into Yugyeoms room and helped him sit up in the bed. He helped Yugyeom take his medicine and put him back to bed again. He took a small towel, went in to the bathroom and wet it, twisted it to get out most of the water and went back and placed it on Yugyeoms forehead. JB stood silently and watched as if he was in chock for some reason. He could not remember a single time seeing Yugyeom sick and he felt helpless not knowing why really.
He woke up from his staring mode, told Jinyoung to go out and eat breakfast as he would stay in the room to look after Yugyeom for a while. Jinyoung, hungry as a wolf, didnt even try to stay and went out to the kitchen.

JB took a chair and sat down next to his little magnae. He watched Yugyeoms long eyelashes as he was sleeping, oh how he loved the little beauty mark he had under his left eye,  looked at his nose and stopped at his lips. He followed the lines of the lips with his eyes and just stared. He couldnt stop staring at his sleeping face and he wondered to himself which of the features he loved the most. He was so proud of his magnae, for growing so much and shine even brighter than before. JB thought his heart was going to explode of pride and love when Yugyeom won "Hit the Stage" just as he thought his heart would explode of worry right now.
JB wiped of the sweat of Yugyeoms face and went into the bathroom to wet the towel again. Bambam came back to the room with JBs phone and he rang up the manager as he was putting back the towel on Yugyeoms forehead.
He told the manager that Yugyeom had a fever and wouldnt be able to participate on the days activities. At that point Yugyeom had opened his eyes and reached for JB's hand to tell him he would go to the show. JB hushed him and told him only to rest and kept on to Yugyeoms hand. Even the hand felt as it was burning up and by the time he had finished the conversation with the manager Yugyeom was sleeping again. He smirked his lips and looked down on his hands, still holding Yugyeoms.

Slowly the cold medicine was starting to cool of Yugyeoms fever to the point where JB thought it was safe to leave Yugyeom alone so he could start to prepare for leaving the house. Even though one of s were sick, GoT7's activites could not be stopped. They would just have to tell the audience that Yugyeom was home resting today so he could perform even better next time. The manager had sent a car to the house with an assistent to accompany Yugyeom at home so he wouldnt be completly alone.

JB tried to fill in the details for the assistent while he also tried to get the rest of the members into the van. Multitasking at its finest with a group like his and when he finally got in to the car himself he already felt exhausted. The boys were loud and noisy in the backseat but at least they were healthy he thought to himself.

The assistent, Junghwan, waved at the car as he was watching it drive away. He went into the house and headed for the kitchen for a water bottle. He froze in the doorway into the kitchen, made a loud sigh and instantly regretting that he decided to work on his day off. He swore out loud as he started to clean off the kitchen table of the messy breakfast the boys had left.








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Chapter 3: I ship it :)