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First and foremost, I'd like to extend an apology to all readers of this story. The last update for Mister Blue was exactly a month ago, and I'm terribly sorry I haven't posted anything more since then. 

I have been feeling relatively uninspired and unmotivated as of late, but fear not! I'll be writing the rest of this story as inspiration comes to me, and there aren't very many chapters to go either (perhaps 5 or so... or at least that's what I'm planning). I'm very sorry for the lack of activity here, as well as the fact that I cannot guarantee when I'll begin updating again. However, I'll try my best to not rush the process and to instead keep producing quality work when I do become inspired once more.




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Chapter 7: I just can't understand why people choose to stay with abusive partners. It's like they've given up on themselves.
Chapter 6: Their relationship is so precious! </3
Chapter 3: I'm trying so hard to understand what's going on but I guess only time will help me xD
I just finished reading your other two stories and here I am! XD Looks like I've joined your fandom. You're a great writer and it has a very splendid style to it. I love it and I keep coming back for more!
I just read the foreword and just from that bit I just wanna say you have a really elegant writing style :)
The plot also seems really cool, I'll definitely be checking this out when I'm not so busy being lazy lmfao.

theawesomen123 #6
Chapter 11: It seems like Hoseok knew Yoongi before, but doesn't remember him now. The photos he puts in the room ate probably memories or familiar things that he doesn't realize yet. I think Hoseok is starting to get some pieces of memories with how his room is now full of foreign colors with mint green representing the new addition, Yoongi. I have a feeling that Hayoung knew Hoseok as well as Yoongi because of the way he felt familiar with Yoongi and the fact that Hayoung's daughter was the first one he met. I loved the way you described everything in the chapter from emotions to the setting, it reallg set the tone and image for the chapter! Keep up the good work!
theawesomen123 #7
Chapter 10: I felt like Hoseok was th one who beat her husband up from the beginning of the chapter. Hoseok sort of feels like a ticking bomb that if pushed to the limit by his feelings, then he goes beserk and the only thing that can give you warning is the white room. Something is keeping Hayoung from telling the truth to the officers and I have a feeling it might either be a threat made about Mijin or family issues like with the grandmother. She is definitely going to be more suspicious about "mister blue" now that the officers are starting to dig around. The story is slowly picking up pace now that Hoseok is learning more about Hayoung and Mijin. I gotta say, I love how rich this story is, keep up the good work!
theawesomen123 #8
Chapter 9: I am so late reading this but that was so much drama in one chapter! I mean, I expected that one day the abuse would get out of hand, but I didn't expect it to be so soon. Hoseok is definitely opening up to Hayoung as you can see in the beginning of the chapter,but he is still feeling sort of lost with his feelings. He cares about both her and Mijin even if he tries to deny it. I still think Hoseok is kind of unstable with how he feels like he is slipping away and becoming nonexistent whenever something big and emotionally taxing happens. It's kind of like fainting but as a ghost, I guess. Please update soon, I need to know what happens, especially what happened to her husband (did he run away)!
Chapter 5: Is it bad of me to hope that Hoseok has a meaningful past with Hayoung from back when he was alive? It's probably angsty lol. I don't know if she knows he's dead. Maybe he's a lover? Maybe he's a friend?
theawesomen123 #10
Chapter 8: Now Hayoung is starting to get suspicious like I thought she would. Well right now she thinks its the teacher but sooner or later she will realize that no one helped Mijin except for mister blue. Hayoung would probably be terrified to know that her daughter is talking to a ghost. That aside, Hoseok is kind of attracted to Hayoung and I think that it is mostly because of everything he has witnessed. He is curious and finds her mysterious. He also acknowledges that he has opened up to Mijin with how he thinks all the infuriating things are cute now. He is slowly understanding his feelings but he is still having mixed feelings about Hayoung. I wonder what happens next!