
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

Is he really thanking me for being a decent human being?

I don't understand why he thinks I'm such a godsend, I mean if you saw someone with amazing talent living on the street, wouldn't you want to give them shelter? If your roommate was sick wouldn't you want them to get better, or if they wanted to spend time with you or have some horrible supernatural ailment, wouldn't you want to make sure they're okay? All I'm saying is it's much more interesting talking to fleshy vampire Jeongguk rather than burned pile of ashes Jeongguk...

Anyways, I guess he didn't want to tell you, but this is around the time where he started planning to get his ears pierced. He'd apparently wanted to for a long time, but he couldn't because of family or whatever reason, so I told him about a tattoo parlour in the central city that was cheap, hygenic, and highly talked about by this one girl in the studio, so we went down one evening and asked about piercings, and it turns out that the owner of the studio where we work and the manager of that parlour are cousins, so anyone who works at our studio gets a discount on services, so instead of paying the normal 15,000 won, we only had to pay about half of that, which was super cool, so thanks store owner!

Not gonna lie, watching Jeongguk get a piercing was super funny. I'm pretty sure I was the same way when I first got my ears pierced, but watching this kid wiggle and bite his lip while watching the piercing woman get her tools ready was priceless. And the way he in a breath when the needle got close to his ear? I almost died of laughter. I can only imagine how much colour would drain from his face if he still had blood flow, but it was hilarious regardless. The most interesting thing to see was the confused look on the lady's face when Jeongguk's ear didn't turn red or bleed when she looked back at her work, so we just had to explain to her that it was complicated and when he gets nervous he doesn't turn red or anything because all the blood rushes to his stomach, y'know, ust bull excuses like that.

I'll tell you what, the one thing that's gotta be cool about having no blood flow is not only do you not have to worry about losing it, you don't have to worry about infection either. To this day, he hasn't gotten an infection or even bleed if he cuts his finger or something, which I'm almost certain is a huge break now that I think about it.

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