
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

This is one of those moments where I stop feeling sorry for people. Not because I'm a cold-hearted savage, but there comes a time in every man's life where he has to say enough is enough for the sake of his masculinity.

So we got to the costume contest and, much to Jeongguk's discomfort, everyone was whispering. There was even this one girl dressed as a killer clown who came up to us and told us we'd have a better chance of winning if we just went home. I was completely fine with that notion, but little did I know that Jeongguk was extremely competitive.

Now, let me tell you something: there is nothing more awkward than being dragged down the street and through a shop by a chain connected to your collar around your neck. The looks you get from some people are the looks you only need to get once to decide you never want to do it again. Anyways, Jeongguk went on a makeup shopping spree for blood, liquid latex, makeup, and brushes. When we got back to the party, we stood in a corner, where he just started slathering makeup on my face, blood down my neck, and sculpted open wounds and stuck them on my neck. For added effect he demanded I act helpless and scared, to which I had to respectfully decline. Never before had I seen such a murderous look...

So when the time came for the contest to start, they had us line up and strut around on a makeshift stage in front of these four people wearing all black. Many of the other contestants were amazing in their act, others were kind of cringe-worthy, and then there was us, who had no act lined up. So when the time came for us to go on stage, Jeongguk just told me to play off his improv and we'd be okay.

Real talk: I've never really been legitimately scared of someone before, but Jeongguk's improv was borderline psychotic. There were people cowering and the judges were even wide-eyed.

So as Jeongguk goes on stage before me, I'm legit terrified. I'm super confident in my dancing skills, but this wasn't Seoul Indernational Dance Competition. So Jeongguk's on stage, wowing the crowd with soliloquy and mannerism, when all of the sudden I get violently yanked on stage. When I say violently, I mean my neck almost snapped and I lost my footing, but Jeongguk gave me a subtle wink and we played it up. I crawled away, I pushed him off, yelled in fear and agony, the whole kit and kaboodle. We ended with Jeongguk tightly holding my head (seriously, it felt like my head was going to get crushed), dangerously close to my neck, and an uproar of applause from almost everyone seemingly withing a five mile radius. I say almost everyone because the clown girl was a hop, skip and jump away from a mental breakdown.

All in all we won about 22,000 won and a wine voucher, and we also had a lot of comments on our costumes, particularly on how Jeongguk's fangs looked real.

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