How do I face you?

Not What You'd Think

Joshua's POV


What the hell did u just do.... I stepped onto the bus eyes widened. I looked down at my hand. Her face was so soft... Her breath smelled like cinnamon. The way her cheeks were stained with a light pink. I sat down in the empty seat closest to the front. I Texted Jeonghan

To: Cheonsa 
From: Joshie

Cheonsa, I want to talk to you.

No response. 
I tried again.

To: Cheonsa 
From: Joshie

I'm sorry for almost kissing you.

I set down my phone on the seat next to me. The bus came to its third stop aka my stop. Me and a few other students piled out of the door. Instead of going home, I decided to go for a walk. I really need to think about what just happened. I arrived at a small park near my home, there was a girl crying on a swing. As I get closer I could see her silky smooth hair. Her hands covered her face, but I knew who she was.

Jeonghan's POV

How am I supposed to talk to Joshua after what happened? I almost KISSED him. A million thoughts at one flowed through my mind while I walked home. Well, it was more of a sprint, I wanted to get home as soon as possible. I ran inside and eminently took off my jacket. I checked my phone real quick,

2 unread messages

I already knew who they were from. Joshua wants to talk probably.

"Jeonggie!" The sound of foot steps drew closer until a small body was thrown on top of me. A grunt escaped my mouth as I fell backwards. 

"Why did you come home late?! Did something happen? Tell me!" 

"Seokmin your just too much," I tried to escape his grip, but he held on to my waist to tight. 

"I'm not letting you go until you tell me!" My younger brother Seokmin is such a child, but I love him. He's better known as DK. I'm not sure why but he loves that name. "I'm being tutored jeez. It's not that big of a deal," DK finally let me go. 

"How the heck are you an eighth grader? You act like such a child." A warm smile flashed across my face. 

"DK listen I need to clear my head. Mom should be home soon, so I'm going to the park." 

"Uh. Ok."

"CALL ME IF YOU NEED ANYTHING!" I yelled as I walked out the door.


Damn you Jisoo. How can I face you? I sat on a swing lost in my thoughts. I thought about the way he caressed my cheek, the way his eyes fluttered close when he almost kissed me. The was his entire face relaxed and his plump lips puckered slightly. "UGH!" I screamed. A single tear slid down my widened eyes, followed by another one, and another one. Until soon, a steady stream of salty tears flowed it's way down my pale cheek, releasing the confusion that has been held inside of me after I realized my feelings. Tears soon bombarded my face. Tears filled with pain and misery.


I cried, and cried like there was no tomorrow. I cupped my hands over my face.

"Joshua wh-y d-does it have to b-be you." 

A pair of warm arms crept around my waist and hugged me tightly from behind. 

"Cheonsa it's ok." One of his hands left my waist and leld under my legs. He lifted me up bridal style and carried me to a near by bench. My hands no longer covered my face, I stared at Joshua. It was freezing cold outside but my face became hot. He sat me down and hugged me. Not knowing what to do, I hugged back. Joshua pulled away and looked into my eyes, his hand rested on my thigh.

"I'm sorry." His eyes teared up and he looked down. 

"I-I caught in the moment, and if I hadn't been, you wouldn't have been crying." 

"It's ok, to be honest I-" I was cut off my by phone ringing. 

Joshua's POV 

I watched Jeonghan's face as he talked on the phone 



"Oh my god."


"Ok, I'll get there as fast as I can don't worry." 

She turned to me and I nodded as if I was giving permission for her to leave. He ran off, who is DK? Is he her boyfriend? Why was he calling her? I don't know why I'm so worried about it. There's probably just a small problem. Jeonghan will be fine.



I write this really differently from what it's like now, but it's shorter :(((. Eh I like how this turned out. But WAIT why was DK calling??? Why do Jeonghan sound so worried?? FIND OUT NEXT CHAPTER BUM BUM BUMMM. (Word count: 812)


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Chapter 4: I hope you cross post it here hehe since some users don't use wattpad
TofuTurtleHime2468 #2
Chapter 3: Wait, so did Joshua hear what Jeonghan screamed in frustration or...?
Jihan4ever #3
Chapter 2: Oooooh.........what happens next?
I'm excited for the next chapter!!!

Jihan is Life!!!!!