New Student

Not What You'd Think

Joshua's POV

I arrived at first period to find everyone was talking about some new student entering our class yeah, like that's never happened before. Seconds later the door flew open to reveal a girl with a huge smile on her face. Just by looking at her I could see how soft her face must be. She stepped through the door with a spring in her step, and an adorable ponytail swinging behind her. She had a neat color coded binder with posit notes sticking out of it, a matching water bottle, and rose tinted lip balm. I was falling hopelessly in love. 

"Hello, class I'd like you to meet our new student Jeonghan." Huh, that's kind of a weird name for a girl.

"Jeonghan, would you like to tell us anything about yourself?" I kinda just drifted off into my thoughts, about that girl.

I felt something brush against my arm snapping me out of my thoughts. My heart skipped a beat when I saw her sitting in the seat next to me. Why am I blushing!? It's just a girl. You've dated plenty of those before. But there's something different about her. Something I've never seen in a girl before. She doesn't wear a pound of makeup on her face. Instead of a skirt and heals, she wore jeans, a large sweatshirt and converse. She has a tomboyish charm to her from her ponytail, to the dirt marks on her shoes.

Class was boring an I couldn't help my self but to look at the masterpiece of a women beside me. I just stared, and stared, and stared and st- 

"Hey I need you to come with me in another class room, can you come over here real quick?" Another teacher peaked into our class. 

"Uh, yeah. Just give me a sec." He nodded and closed the door.

"Umm let me see.... Suho. I need you to be in charge for a few minutes." Another student in our class nodded and came to the front of the class to watch everyone. As soon as miss left everyone broke out into chatter. I took this chance to tap Jeonghan on the shoulder. 

"Hun?" She looked over face expressionless. 

"Hi, um.. My name is Jisoo, but you can call me Joshua if you'd like." 

She gave me a warm smile "Can I ask you something?" I nodded.

"Can I just call you J-J? For Joshua and Jisoo." I giggled a little and nodded 

"Well then now I'm going to have to give you a nickname." I looked at him up and down and notice her angelic like features.

"Cheonsa" (Angel) I mumbled unaware that she could actually hear me.

"Cheonsa?" I looked up.

"uh, yes cheonsa. You have very angelic like features so why not?" I saw a slight blush on her face before she looked away. When she looked back I could tell she wanted to say something, but the teacher came back before she had a chance. 

"Alight, alright, stop talking. Suho you may go back to your seat now." 

Jeonghan's POV

Aish, people are staring. I arrived at my new school exactly twenty minutes before first period started. I sat in the cafeteria and saw people looking at me up and down. Different school, same life. People constantly staring, am I really that ugly, that people would stare with unreadable expressions. I bit my bottom lip hoping that I would actually have friends this year.


I walked into first period an just as I expected, people stared. I tried not to let it get to me and I put a bright smile on. 

"Hello," the teacher gave me a warm smile. 

"class I'd like you to meet our new student Jeonghan." She turned her attention to the class, then back at me. 

"Jeonghan, would you like to tell us anything about yourself?" I thought about it for a second. 

"Ah, um well I'm Chinese, but I was born here in Seoul and my full name is Yoon Jeonghan.." I paused to think of something else.

"The meaning behind my name is that Jeong means clean and Han means Country. It has the meaning that I will be like a clean milky way. Or at least that's what my mom told me." I scratched the back of my neck. The teacher cleared . 

"Do you have any hobbies?" 

"Well I enjoy singing, soccer, basketball, and my personal favorite, sleeping." I got a giggle out of a couple of people an I mentally fist pumped. 

"Well that's very nice. Feel free to choose any empty seat in this class," she said gesturing towards the seats infront of us. 

I scanned the room, my eyes stopping at a seat next to a boy who seamed lost in his thoughts. I trotted over to the seat and sat down, almost tripping. I met a really cute boy and I wanted to thank him for being the only person who would talk to me, but our teacher who had left for a few minutes, came back in the room. The rest of class was pretty ok, except for the stares.


Finally, lunch. I slowly made my saw across from the cafeteria looking for an empty table to sit at. I locked eyes with the boy Joshua I met in first period. He gave me a smile and made a movement with his hand telling me to come over to him. 

"Hey J-J." I took a seat next next to him

"Hellooo cheonsa." Joshua said as he took a bite out of his sandwich.

"Hey, what was it that u wanted to tell me before out teacher interrupted?" My cheeks got a little red thinking about it

"Uh, n-nothing" 

"You're a horrible liar."

"Why thank you." I said sticking my tongue out. I tied my hair back in a bun to keep it out of my face while I eat. I pulled out my favorite stew, accompanied by fried chicken.

Joshua cleared his throat "Well I'd like you to meat my friends" he gestured to three other guys.

A boy with jet black hair and circle glasses spoke first. "I'm Wonwoo. Jeon Wonwoo."

Next a small boy spoke. "I'm Lee Jihoon, but if prefer to be called Woozi"

I looked at J-J with a confused face "are you sure he's a high schooler?" Joshua laughed. 

"I mean he must be, but he looks 12." My face turned a little red with my stupid question.

"Yah! I'm a sophomore like you guys!" Everyone giggled at Woozi. 

Finally the last boy spoke up. He was wearing a bike and white striped cap. His hair was a beautiful shade of brown and his side bangs covered both of his eyebrows. He also had a slightly large nose, not in a bad way though.

"I am Wen Junhui. Since everyone forgets my name I just have them call me Jun." he shrugged and at the same time ate a gummy worm.














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Chapter 4: I hope you cross post it here hehe since some users don't use wattpad
TofuTurtleHime2468 #2
Chapter 3: Wait, so did Joshua hear what Jeonghan screamed in frustration or...?
Jihan4ever #3
Chapter 2: Oooooh.........what happens next?
I'm excited for the next chapter!!!

Jihan is Life!!!!!