Chapter 20

Am I Alive?

For once, everyone was silent. It’s funny how something so small and simple could change day into night, winter into spring, happiness into sorrow. Yet, no one felt like laughing.

“So…” Eunnie spoke quietly, “You’re leaving.”

Nodding, Rose could only stare at her feet. It wasn’t her fault, not really, but she could help but feel… ashamed. It felt so wrong to leave her friends- her family behind. She wasn’t betraying them, she was betraying herself. But there was nothing to be done. The money was already exchanged, and her papers filed into a different box. She would be gone in less than an hour.

“We- I’ll miss you,” Frida managed to get out through a shaking voice.

“Don’t forget us,” JHope sniffed, “Otherwise I’ll be very offended. I’m not that ugly enough to forget-”

Tears streamed down her cheeks, and they stung and burned her skin like ice, “You’re beautiful Hoseok; don’t let anyone say differently.”

“Rose, you can die,” Tae added sincerely, “Because none of have enough money to go to your funeral, and it’s not like we’d be able to go to it anyway-”

“She’s not dying, idiot,” Namjoon scoffed behind his own tears, “She’s just leaving.”

“But that’s like worse than death-”

“Stay safe, okay?” Jin smiled sadly, “I hope we meet again in better circumstances.”

Nodding, she brushed away her tears on the sleeve of her blazer, “I will.”

“Take this to remember me by,” Eunnie pressed a hairpin in her friend’s hand.

“Seriously? A hair pin?” Namjoon rolled his eyes.

“It’s all I’ve got, okay?” frowning, Eunnie turned back to the brunette, “And don’t forget to eat. You keep losing weight and-”

“Thank you,” Rose wrapped her arms around her friend’s waist, holding back the sobs strangling .

Clearing his throat, Jungkook looked up, “Um… yeah.”

She drew back, casting him a tiny, sad smile, and he was only able to smile back. He couldn’t save her now, and that’s what hurt most.

“Every… every time you see the stars,” his voice was hoarse and choked, “Think of me… because we’ll be seeing the same ones. A-and… if there really is a god, then maybe… maybe we’ll get to see them together again-”

The cry she had been holding back so desperately could no longer be contained. It all came out at once, and she had no control to stop it. Her eyes burned from so much pain, and her heart ached under her desperation. In that very moment, she didn’t feel brave, or strong, or smart, or beautiful. She was scared, and weak, and blind, and broken. She was human.

“I’m going to miss you,” she could barely breath under her tears, “All of you. I’m going to miss you very much.”

“We’ll see each other again,” Yoongi spoke softly, and to everyone’s surprise, even he had tears in his eyes.

“We will,” Rose nodded.

The door swung open, and it was over. The president led her out of the building and to the car parked out front. With one last look at the building that nearly destroyed her, she turned around and didn’t look back.



Jimin spun around angrily, glaring at the man he once knew as his father, “Why?!”

The president frowned, “What do you mean?”

“Why her?!”

Taken aback, a smile crossed the president’s face, “You care for her.”

Jimin clamped his mouth shut, but his gaze still continued to burn holes through his father’s glasses.

“Son,” the president continued in a weary voice, “Please.”

“Why did you have to bring her into this,” Jimin spoke quietly.

“I didn’t know,” stuffing his hands in his pockets, the president leaned back, “I was very impressed by her performance. She doesn’t belong here.”

“No. She doesn’t.”

“Neither do you, Son,” his father continued.

Jimin looked away.

“Come home,” taking a step foreword, the president’s face came into the light. He could see the lines of worry and sadness marking his father’s face, and he saw how grey his hair had become. He… was so much older than before, “Your mother has been so worried. I haven’t been able to sleep well since you left. Please, come home.”

Jimin remained silent.


After a long pause, Jimin looked up, “Fine.”

A bright smile crossed the president’s face, “Oh, my son-”

“I’m not doing it for you,” he spat, “I’m doing it for her. She doesn’t deserve to be alone. Not anymore.” Brushing past his father, he stormed out the door.


Rose’s eyes widened as she settled down into the leather car seat, “Jimin?!”

He offered her a weak smile, “Hey.”

“What are you doing here?”

“Going home,” he managed to get out through gritted teeth.

“Jimin,” she leaned forward, “Don’t lie to me. I know you hated it there-”

Taking her hand, he held it close to his lips, “I couldn’t let you be alone. Not like I was.”

A smile tugged at the corners of , “You’re not alone.”

“I know,” casting one last look at the building, he nodded, “I’m not alone.”

“We’ll be back.”

“We will.”

“We’ll save them.”

“We will.”

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Chapter 21: I used to keep up with this fic long ago and I've only recently now found you were able to continue it so I was very happy ^^ I always remembered it and was sad that it hadn't continued so thanks for coming back. I'll be reading the sequel and good luck on publication, you better be telling us what its called if you do publish, I may support you :D
Chapter 21: Great job authornim!!
It was really unique and new...
I loved the way u connected nature Wid feelings..and stars.. Rain... Snow etc
I'll b waiting for the sequel!!
Chapter 17: I really hope that she chooses Jungkook; he's always there to support her and doesn't push her away like a little emo boy
Mamm012 #4
Chapter 14: I've never read a story like this on AFF, so I was super excited to find that you are actually a great writer grammatically and with the plot. I hope Rose chooses Jungkook and PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!
Chapter 8: UGH this story is so good! I will cry real tears if you ever stop writing this fic. \[°-°]/
shshshsharina #6
Chapter 6: Your story has so much potential! Great plot line, interesting and dynamic characters, acceptable suspense with skillful pacing... So good!

But the thing that really slows me down is the alternate names. Really great story, but I wish you would take the time to change all those Jem/Minki/Minna issues. Especially considering your spelling and grammar are exceptional!
jamjam728 #7
Chapter 4: Ahh, I really like your story so far and it has a very interesting and unique storyline!

Oh, but just wanted to know..
What happened to chapter 2? And how come Jungkook is called Jem/Yoongi called Minki?
If they are supposed to be nicknames, I feel that they are a bit odd at this stage of the story. Jungkook's nickname came out of nowhere and I feel that giving Yoongi a nickname was too early, seeing as Jungkook and Taehyung just met him.

Ahh, I hope this didn't come across as a negative comment.. I just wanted to let you know how I felt about these details..
Anyways, I'll be looking forward to your next updates!
Izzalee #8
Chapter 6: Okay, I'm so damn curious now about where is everybody going! And who will be paired with who! Seeing an update to your story always makes my day brighter, like I said before, I love your story and you are very talented! Fighting! <3 \(^.^)/
Izzalee #9
Chapter 5: Yey! I'm so happy you updated so fast, I'm getting more and more into this story, the subject is really fascinating and I love your writing style! I'm really curious what'll happen next. Keep it up! Fighting! <3
Izzalee #10
Your writing style is really neat and clear, which I find really pleasant. I like the way you describe the things that are happening, and how the story goes so smoothly. I hope I'll see more updates from now one, the idea is really captivating and I can't wait to see what'll happen next. Keep it up! Your story is great! <3