Like The Ticking Crocodile

The Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up

It had been about four months since Seungkwan started spending more time with Vernon and his Lost Boys. According to DK and Hoshi, he hadn't quite been accepted among their ranks yet, though he was already one-third of their comedic routine. The8 And Jun, who didn't speak often (he heard them speaking Chinese to one another in private, so he assumed they just preferred to keep to themselves), would always greet him warmly when he visited, and they would join in on any games the group would play. Even Woozi, who had been known best for his blunt and unforgiving demeanor, began to warm up to Seungkwan's presence.

"It's fine, Seungkwan, it's not like that seat has my name on it."

In truth, though Seungkwan would not be taking time out of his precious life to correct the older-but-shorter boy, the name 'Woozi' was scribbled on the back in permanent marker, which Seungkwan had only seen upon rising with a quickness he did not know himself to be capable of. Behind him, familiar chuckling could be heard.

Jeonghan, who along with Chan had started following Seungkwan after school on free days, became a regular just as he himself had. Even Chan, who seemed indifferent at first to being surrounded by even more older teenagers who would remind him of his youth, found himself at-ease around Vernon and the Lost Boys.

Sitting in Jeonghan's lap, he teased Seungkwan for his oversight.

"You should send him off to war for disrespecting a higher-ranked officer!"

At the idea of a new game to play, DK and Hoshi quickly took to reenacting a battle between two soldiers, catching the attention of all but two, who, in accordance to Seungkwan's new routine, snuck off into the forests alone--A star, and a second star to his right.

Vernon climbed atop a log, steadily traipsing along as he thought aloud about the topic they had been discussing since Kwan began opening up to him about his troubles, though the high schooler didn't think he'd actually get the level of serious insight which he'd been gaining from the Leader of the Lost Boys. "So do you still feel that empty feeling?"

"Sometimes," Seungkwan frowned in earnest, the most sincere expression he'd revealed for some time now, though this sort of thing occurred frequently around Vernon at this point in their friendship. "I stopped trying to distract myself when I feel that way, though, like you suggested. It's easier now to just talk about it when it happens."

"Of course!" Vernon grinned cheekily toward Seungkwan, who sheepishly returned his own smile, though there was still hesitation behind it. At this, Vernon leapt down from his perch, slowly approaching Boo with curiosity dotting his face. "What about the other feeling?"

"Oh. That lightweight warmness? I haven't thought much about it."

Seungkwan's smile took form once again as Vernon pouted and folded his arms, scrunching up his nose and closing his eyes, furrowing his brow. "You should pay attention to all of your feelings! How else will you know how you really feel?"

That logic, while simple, wasn't necessarily arguable. Even if he tried, it would have been futile anyway. Vernon won at everything--especially arguments. His gaze cast downward, Seungkwan responded demurely. "Maybe I'm just happy with myself again and don't recognize it? You said you rekindle the fires within 'fallen stars' once upon a time, right?"

"True, bu~t," Vernon drawled, mesmerizing Seungkwan into a stillness he wasn't quite used to as the self-proclaimed star followed his train of thought. "I don't recognize this type of fire. It acts more like a wildfire than anything else, and it gets even hotter for no reason sometimes."

And just like that, Seungkwan's eyes dilated the moment he realized Vernon's palm was now resting on his chest, just over his heart, which was now beating faster than he could handle. His breathing stilled, and the heat from Vernon's bare hand was soon overcome with the blaze radiating from Seungkwan's own body.

Vernon grimaced, looking up into Seungkwan's shocked eyes, adding to his point. "See? I can tell I'm in there somewhere, but I don't know what all of that means. What do you feel about it, Boo?"

Kwan's eyes snapped shut, and his hand quickly placed itself over Vernon's as he collected his thoughts. "I--"

The snap of a branch caught both of them off-guard as three figures appeared through the shadows of the woods, which grew darker as the evening approached.

Vernon bared his teeth as he looked toward the small group, growling with a ferocity Seungkwan was not used to seeing in him. "Captain S'Coups.. I see you brought your stooges with you this time."

Seungkwan found himself stepping backward slowly as what looked like three 20-something men, the one at the front grinning as his name was spoken, interrupted. "Are you done playing pretend, Vernon? It's not too late for you to grow up."


S.Coups' laugh was eerie to Kwan's ears. It almost bordered a shade of grief he had almost become unaccustomed to.

"Never is an awfully long time."


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